Chapter 683

The five Japanese cavalrymen left, and they couldn't figure out why they were so mad when they had a horse. They went after the horse and never came back.

After the Japanese army left, Shang Zhen and the others naturally waited for a while, but when the Japanese army didn't come back when it was almost dark, then nothing happened.

So except for the sentinel who was guarding on the way into the village, the rest finally relaxed.

Ma Erhu and a few people had already begun to skin the wild dogs that had been beaten to death, and they definitely wanted to eat the dog meat.

As for the fact that these wild dogs should have eaten human flesh, they also discussed it, and the result of the discussion was that out of sight, at least they didn’t eat people in front of them, and no one brought up this topic again after that. If you mention it again, they will be disgusting!
It didn't take a lot of people to clean up those dogs. Today, because of the appearance of the Japanese army, the soldiers' originally suppressed mood finally eased, so they talked more.

"I said Bai Zhanji, how did you hairy that horse?" Hou Wangshan asked Bai Zhan.

Let alone Hou Wangshan, even the other soldiers gave Bai Zhan a high look.

Not every recruit can be calm and calm after joining the battle. There are those who are scared to pee their pants, but according to Hou Wangshan's description, Bai Zhanna has become the hero in this battle that is not really a battle. .

"Hey, why should I tell you?" Bai Zhan's face was more embarrassing than blissful.

"I've seen it even if you don't tell me." How could Hou Wangshan make Bai Zhan hold himself.

"Then tell me about it." Bai Zhan said.

"You, tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" Some soldiers chimed in.

"I just saw that kid sneaked out of that crappy house and touched the crotch of the horse when it was over. Then the horse became hairy. I guess this kid gave the horse something. It hurts!" Hou Kanshan said.

Hou Wangshan imitated Bai Zhan's movements at that time, and learned them vividly.

If it hadn't been for Hou Wangshan's unfortunate temperament change later, his original character that he owed to Baden was actually similar to Bai Zhan, and even more annoying than Bai Zhan.

Bai Zhan was just talking nonsense, while Hou Wangshan was the one who saw that there was an advantage to take advantage of and sharpened his head, so he drilled into it.

In Hou Kanshan's vivid description, the queen soldiers burst into laughter.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me touch the crotch of the horse's crotch. The horse has a crotch, but have you ever seen a horse wearing trousers?" Bai Zhan laughed.

What Bai Zhan said made the soldiers laugh again.

"What am I talking nonsense about? At that time, Shang Zhenke and I were watching, and the two of us said, why did this kid touch the horse and rattled it, and why did the horse get hairy? Does this kid know how to order something?" ?” Hou Wangshan insisted on his opinion.

Hou Wangshan had indeed seen how Bai Zhan had frightened the horse back then.

Originally, he was monitoring the Japanese army team coming from behind, but at that time the Japanese army team was still far away, so he also looked back, and just saw the process of Bai Zhan tampering with the horse, but because the hill where he was located was far away from the village. It's a little far away, and he and Shang Zhen only took a rough look.

With a sound of "coaxing", the soldiers laughed even louder this time, and Hu Zhuzi laughed and said, "It must be that guy Bai Zhanji pulled hard on that horse somewhere, or he gave him a knife, or How can a horse be hairy?"

The soldiers burst out laughing, but Bai Zhan was still smiling but refused to talk about how he messed up the horse.

After arguing for a while, Bai Zhan just kept silent, and the soldiers couldn't figure out why, so they changed the subject again.

But at this time, it was getting dark, Chu Tian stood up and walked outside the house.

Because of the appearance of the Japanese army, the soldiers prepared for the battle for a long time, but Chu Tian hadn't met the female student yet.

Shang Zhen and the others hid themselves in this village. This time, Shang Zhen did not allow Old Mao Chutian to live with his own women.

This is because the soldiers are full-blooded little bastards. If they spend two nights with their own women, wouldn't it irritate others?
Besides, if those two girls went to find their own gentlemen, then Gao Yuyan would have to live by herself.

Now that the village is surrounded by dead people, it is not an exaggeration for them to say that they live in a ghost village.

The soldiers who came out of the battlefield were naturally not afraid, but what if Gao Yuyan was left alone in an empty room?
Seeing Chutian go out, some soldiers said: "Go, it's like three autumns if I don't see you for a day, I miss you so much!"

Those words were said with a squeeze of the throat on purpose, imitating the movement of that female student, the soldiers laughed again, but there was no lack of envy in the eyes of the imitator or the booing person.

It's just that not everyone is envious, but there are still some who don't. At this time, Bai Zhan suddenly sang in a weird voice: "It rained non-stop in the first half of the night, and the two of us chatted in the second half of the night." .

Eyebrow to eyebrow, mouth to mouth, hug my sister and just doze off. "

No one knew that Bai Zhan could sing such a ditty, and the ditty wasn't too obscene, but the tone was more like a folk ditty.

It’s just that the soldiers don’t care about this, if it rains, it’s called Ha Yu, if it’s raining, it’s called Lala, if it’s not, it sounds like a special sentiment, and the soldiers laughed again.

Chu Tian, ​​who was already pulling his legs up and walking out, was not happy.

The same thing can be divided into who said it, and the same is true for singing folk tunes.

If a veteran like the little dustpan Ma Erhuzi Qiu Bo laughed at him, then he would definitely have no farts. Chu Tian had definitely lost his temper after being dealt with by these Qiu Ba.

But what kind of fun is it if you chop a chicken for nothing?A thief who steals everything except people, how dare you laugh at me after joining for a few days?

So Chu Tian's little white face turned into a little red face amidst the laughter of the crowd, and he asked Bai Zhan fiercely, "Who is your mother's joke?"

"Hey, you've learned how to swear!" Bai Zhan saw that Chu Tian was in a hurry and laughed instead.

In fact, Bai Zhan didn't know that he had already made a mistake at this time.

The so-called "good people are bullied by others, and good horses are ridden by others".

Although Bai Zhan hadn't been in Shang Zhen's group for a long time, he could tell that the veterans were doing nothing but "bullying" Chu Tian.

What's more, today he successfully groomed the horse of the Japanese cavalry. He felt that he had made a meritorious service anyway, so he felt a little smug.

In fact, up to now, even if he was a little smug, it wouldn't be a big mistake, but if it is said that people can't make a big effort, then Bai Zhan made an even bigger mistake.

"Ha", Bai Zhan then sneered again, and sneered, but he said again: "You can control the world, but you can still control my mouth? I forgot about you, you have already slept the female student, you You are awesome if you sleep with a female student!"

 Writing a novel is like a poor man begging for food. After one meal, one has to weigh the next one. Everyone wants to make something better, but it becomes more and more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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