Chapter 684

Bai Zhan didn't know that he had made a big mistake after his stinky mouth finished speaking, and then he continued to say: "Tsk tsk, that's right.

This embrace of the female student, warm and fragrant, not only the soft body of the female student, but also the combination of spirit and body (flesh)! "

Bai Zhan felt that he had thoroughly understood Chutian's character, but in fact Chutian was not that kind of aggressive character, so Bai Zhan looked at Chutian provocatively while talking.

It's just that at this moment, he was unaware that someone next to him slapped him, and this hit him in the face, and he was hit "Oh my god" with a "slap".

Bai Zhan covered his face and raised his head, but what he saw in his eyes was Hou Wangshan's disfigured face flushed with anger!

That face looked so ferocious and terrifying!Bai Zhan was so frightened that he forgot the pain in his face for the time being, and just shivered!

No matter what, Bai Zhan never imagined that he was just provoking Chu Tian, ​​a little boy, but Hou Wangshan slapped himself first.

If you encounter a bloody man who is suddenly slapped like this, you will definitely rush up.

However, Bai Zhan has always called himself an "elegant thief". What he is good at is doing things like chicken crowing and dog robbery, but how can he be good at fighting?

When he saw Hou Wangshan, he was angry, although he didn't know why Hou Wangshan was angry, but he subconsciously backed away, and asked puzzledly, "Brother Monkey, why did you hit me?"

Bai Zhan is really confused!
Just now Hou Wangshan was still talking to himself in a pleasant manner, asking himself how he made such a contribution, how could he turn his face faster than turning the book now!
"It's your bad mouth that hit you!" Hou Kanshan scolded and then stepped forward to grab him.

But how could Hou Wangshan tell Bai Zhan that his daughter-in-law who was killed by the Japanese was also a female student!

There is a famous saying that character determines destiny, but character can also determine physique.

Hou Wangshan's temperament is quite different from the original one after experiencing the upheaval in his life, he became taciturn and hardworking.

And when a person becomes hard-working, his body will naturally become stronger.

But Baiwei County is more dexterous, would you believe that the thief is not dexterous?

It's just that Bai Zhan didn't think about it, no matter how dexterous he is, what's the use?
Hou Wangshan made a move, but is Hou Wangshan really just himself?Besides, Bai Zhan didn't know why Hou Kanshan beat Bai Zhan, but Shang Zhen and his group of old people knew it best.

If I call you a white-headed chicken, you will get beaten if you owe it!
Hou Wangshan strode forward, while Bai Zhan stepped back.

Just as Bai Zhan hid behind Ma Erhuzi, he even pushed Ma Erhuzi, which was like using Ma Erhuzi as a shield.

"Are you so stupid?" Ma Erhu was anxious at that time.

Although his body is still a boy's body so far, it is not as precious as a woman's body from a certain point of view, but as far as his shoulder is, it is not something that Bai Zhan, who can't even look down on him, can touch. ?
Ma Erhuzi stretched out his hand to catch Bai Zhan but missed, if you say that Bai Zhan's reaction was really fast, he backed away again.

But then he felt that someone tripped his heel unexpectedly, and he sat down on the ground, and at this moment Hou Wangshan rushed over like the wind, threw him to the ground at once, and then rode on He stretched out his hand and put a big mouth on his face again.

And this time, the calculation is over, the right hand hits the left hand and it's here again.

Just as Hou Wangshan slapped Bai Zhan's mouth with his bow left and right, it really slapped Bai Zhan to cry for his father and mother.

But, veterans, who will come to fight?Who is likely to fight?It's really that Bai Zhan's stinking meal has violated other people's taboo!
"This is Gaha, do you still have some military discipline?" It was Bai Zhan who should have died, the door rang, and it was Wang Laomao and Qian Chuan'er who walked in.

Wang Laomao heard the chattering in the room from a long distance away, and saw the soldiers fighting, so he had to pull away first before talking.

Hou Wangshan, who was riding on Bai Zhan's body, was finally torn off by the old hat Wang, and looking at Bai Zhan's face was swollen, which means that Hou Wangshan's actions were measured and he didn't kill him, otherwise Bai Zhan's back molars could be blown away by him!
"Old, old Uncle Wang, he hit me indiscriminately!" Bai Zhan, who got up from the ground, saw that someone was finally fighting, and it was Old Mao Wang, so he immediately regarded Old Mao Wang as his life-saving straw.

"Why did the dead monkey beat him?" Old Mao Wang asked.

Old Mao Wang is also strange.

He knew Hou Wangshan best.

It turned out that before Hou Wangshan's temperament did not change, he was also like Bai Zhan, but he owed Baden, and it was not that he had never fought with other soldiers.

But what kind of fight was Hou Wangshan fighting at that time?The fights were all cheap fights, and Hou Wangshan would only rush forward and kick someone who was knocked down by his side.

And after Hou Kanshan's temperament became taciturn, he never fought with others again. Besides, everyone is a good brother who knows everything. Fight him again.

But now Hou Wangshan beat Bai Zhan up, but he still didn't want to finish it. He didn't make a sound, just stood there panting heavily.

"I don't understand why he said that sleeping with female students is awesome, and why it smells warm. It's his own fault that he was beaten." At this moment, Hu Zhuzi explained.

"Fuck!" Wang Laomao knew what was going on as soon as he heard Ma Erhuzi's explanation, and when he was about to say "good beating", it was Qian Chuan'er who answered first.

"Bai Zhanji, did you say that?" Qian Chuan'er asked Bai Zhan.

"Yes, what's the matter." Bai Zhan replied.

Now he is still full of grievances, how could he know the origin of his beating.

"What's the matter?" Qian Chuan'er sneered, but then Qian Chuan suddenly raised his foot and kicked Bai Zhan's thigh.

Poor Bai Zhan originally thought that Old Mao Wang would uphold justice for him when he came back, but who would have thought that Qian Chuan'er would be violent again now?
Qian Chuan'er's kick kicked him back two more steps.

He lost his balance, and logically he was going to fall to the ground, but now he was in the room, there were already many people, so it was his bad luck, but when he stepped back, he bumped into Ma Erhuzi again.

"You bastard, it's not over yet to take advantage of me!" Ma Erhuzi cursed, stretching out his hand to grab Bai Zhan who bumped into him, pulling and shaking again and again.

So Bai Zhan was thrown flying, and this time he hit the wall again. Although he hastily supported the wall with his hand, his face was still stuck to the wall in the end, and two streams of nosebleeds flowed down directly. .

In the midst of the commotion, someone at the door asked again: "Is this Gaha? Why are you still in the mood to fight in this situation?"

During this question, the room was silent first, and then Bai Zhan's complaint sounded: "Boss, you are finally back, and they beat me indiscriminately!"

Hearing the news of Bai Zhan, he was about to cry, because the person who could save him in danger finally came back, and that was Shang Zhen who had already stood at the door.

"Bai Zhan has made meritorious service today, even if Bai Zhan is wrong, you can just say a few words about him. They are brothers who share weal and woe, so how can they just hit him?" Shang Zhen looked at Bai Zhan That pitiful look was funny and angry, and his mouth was naturally blaming the beating person.

It's just that at this time, none of the veterans answered Shang Zhen's question, and some veterans even winked at each other.

What they were thinking in their hearts was, if they parroted what Bai Zhan said about the sleeping female student to Shang Zhen again, would Shang Zhen have to beat Bai Zhan too?Whoever told Shang Zhen to sleep was also a female student!
(End of this chapter)

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