Chapter 696
"Why do you have to follow me?" Shang Zhen was asking Bai Zhan on the rocky beach when Wang Laomao and his men were forced to retreat.

Shang Zhen felt very surprised.

Shang Zhen's battle plan was to hold back the Japanese army, and he didn't want to cause any more casualties among his own people, so he adopted the method of blocking and shooting and then running away.

And he himself is the last level. Recently, Shang Zhen felt that he seemed to have touched some kind of bottleneck in marksmanship. If he played more rifles, he felt that his marksmanship would be improved, so he let the soldiers stand in front of him. check.

But what Shang Zhen didn't expect was that Bai Zhan refused to act with others but said that he should follow him. Even if Old Mao and the others said, "Don't be afraid that we won't beat you like the military police", Bai Zhan would never go with him. Old Mao Wang and the others are together.

There were so many people at that time that Shang Zhen didn't ask in detail, but now that he finally finished arranging the guns on the rocky beach according to his own ideas, he began to ask Bai Zhan the reason why he must follow him.

At this time, Bai Zhan was practicing aiming into the distance with a [-]-style rifle. He heard Shang Zhen ask himself, and after a while he put down the gun and replied: "I am a person. Actually, I don't have any friends. I and you The gang can't get a piece of it, but I think you're okay."

Bai Zhan's answer made Shang Zhen even more surprised.

Just Bai Zhan's answer gave Shang Zhen a strange feeling of heart-to-heart between two men.

None of Shang Zhen and the others are very good at expressing their emotions, not to mention that the emotions of soldiers are by no means so complicated. If you like it, you like it. If you like the woman you like, if you don’t like it, you hate it.

Of course, it's not uncommon for men to express themselves like Bai Zhan now, but that's definitely after drinking too much at the wine table. In this era, who would talk like Bai Zhan among serious men.

If Shang Zhen hadn't had that kind of relationship between young men and women with Leng Xiaozhi, he really didn't know how to describe Bai Zhan's way of expression.

What do you mean I can't get along with you guys, but I think you're okay, what does this kid mean by treating himself as a friend?Why does this kid have so much shit, he sounds more intelligent and hypocritical than a half-talented talent like Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen.

Shang Zhen really thought so in his heart, but the question he blurted out was: "Why do you think I can do it?"

"Actually, I've always been alone. I've been alone since I was a child. I don't know how my parents got me out." Bai Zhan began to aim his gun again, but what about his expression?But it was still the only seriousness Shang Zhen had seen since he met him.

Shang Zhen turned his gaze to Bai Zhan and quickly shifted his gaze to the road ahead. He was waiting for the Japanese army to appear, and he was just listening to Bai Zhan's words, that's all.

It turned out that he was an orphan, but Shang Zhen didn't see Bai Zhan's feeling of being helpless because he was an orphan since he was a child.

"As for me, my little thief has always been alone, and I don't need friends." Bai Zhan continued, "But, since I met you, I feel pretty good.

At least when I'm doing something, I don't have to worry about someone stabbing me in the back. "

Shang Zhen no longer looked at Bai Zhan, but the answer he blurted out may not be able to move Bai Zhan. What Shang Zhen said was: "I don't have the time to be a thief with you."

"Oh." Bai Zhan smiled, "I didn't let you be a thief, so I decided to hang out with you. Because you never bully or betray anyone, I feel relieved to follow you."

It seems that this is the so-called trust, Shang Zhen felt that he had touched Bai Zhan's true thoughts.

However, he is still not used to the heart-to-heart relationship between two big men, so Shang Zhen's answer became: "But I don't worry about taking you with me!"

The implication is, who cares if you are a lone thief or a lone thief, but I am also a lonely soldier now, I want to practice marksmanship, if I can't beat the little devil, I turn around and run away, who can take care of you?

From the point of view of ordinary people in Bai Zhan, if he said so, Shang Zhen's answer was a bit ruthless and even showed some kind of disgust, at least Shang Zhen himself thought so.

However, Bai Zhan is not an ordinary person after all. At this time, Shang Zhen heard Bai Zhan say: "So if you want to fight the Japanese alone, I will come with you. I also have to practice my skills!"

Just Bai Zhan's words made Shang Zhen turn his nose up again, what is this called?

Even if he wants to fight with the Japanese army, he can only use the [-]-type rifle that was seized in the morning. If he wants to shoot coldly, he will never get closer to within [-] meters of the Japanese army, otherwise, he will be courting death.

Shang Zhen knew that Bai Zhan's ability to use a rifle was only good at shooting, so you came here to practice your skills with me?But don't you know that you are actually a burden to me?

At this time, Bai Zhan put down the rifle in his hand again.

Shang Zhen doesn't have time to point him out now, even though a rifle weighs only six or seven kilograms, his arm will also be sore after holding it for a long time, at least now how long the soldiers have been fighting in front, Bai Zhan's rifle is also I have been carrying it.

Bai Zhan looked at Shang Zhen again, and this time he finally saw some kind of disgust from Shang Zhen's expression, so he smiled: "You haven't done my job before, have you?"

Shang Zhen cast a sideways glance at Bai Zhan and said nothing.

Although Shang Zhen didn't say a word, the expression on his face clearly meant, who would do that to a good person?
"Actually, there are various situations when stealing things." Bai Zhan laughed, "There are those who carry bags, those who scratch bags, those who sneak through doors and pick locks, and those who pretend to be guests to enter the house grandly.

The tools used include blades, foreign wires, hammers, self-provided keys, hammers, and even a small toothpick.

In short, you have to use various tools and methods to steal all kinds of fat sheep. "

Just when Shang Zhen felt that Bai Zhan was about to start his chattering mode that would definitely give him a headache, Bai Zhan turned to the main topic again: "Actually, this is similar to your war.

You see, sometimes you have to charge, sometimes you have to retreat, sometimes you have to fight positional warfare, and sometimes you have to fight hand-to-hand.There are all kinds of weapons, so I won’t go into details, you know a lot more than I do.

Now that I have decided to hang out with you, I must practice my skills to the fullest.

Actually, I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to die. "

Just Bai Zhan's words made Shang Zhen squint at him again.

"Yeah, just pretend I didn't say it! I just don't think it's worth dying for.

Then again, since I decided to hang out with you, I have to practice my skills.Too many skills don’t overwhelm one’s body, more practice is one skill, many skills can be used but must be mastered, don’t you think? "Bai Zhan continued.

But at this time Shang Zhen finally interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

Just when Bai Zhan thought that Shang Zhen was getting impatient, Shang Zhen had already said: "You don't have to follow me, how about this, you just take this gun, you don't allow the gun I put in other places verb: move!

After I shoot, you can shoot at the devils in another place and cover for me, but if you have to shoot once, you have to change the place.

If the little devil comes close, then the two of us will have to run away.

Now stop bluffing for nothing, because the little devil is here.

(End of this chapter)

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