The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 697 The Training of a Gunner

Chapter 697 The Training of Gunners ([-])

Yes, the little devil is here, Old Mao Wang and the others retreated.

Wang Laomao really couldn't figure out how to break the Japanese attack without any or very small casualties on his own side, so he had to retreat.

And it is impossible for them to retreat along that dirt road. In that way, both the enemy and the enemy will be exposed to each other's vision. As the pursued party, turning around and shooting must have an advantage for the party that is not pursuing, and the Chinese soldiers are not good at marksmanship opponent of the Japanese army.

Therefore, Wang Laomao had no choice but to take the soldiers to retreat into the field under the cover of the terrain, but the Japanese army sent a small number of soldiers to chase them out, so it is impossible for Wang Laomao and the others to return to help Shang Zhen in a while. up.

Shang Zhen didn't know why Wang Laomao and the others persisted for a short time, and he didn't have time to think about it. It was his turn to block the attack step by step.

"Are you still following me?" When Shang Zhen hid behind a rock, set up his rifle and started aiming at the Japanese soldiers in the distance, he realized that Bai Zhan was still lying on the spot and looking at him. Woolen cloth.

Shang Zhen's words made Bai Zhan speechless.

He suddenly felt a little pathetic, he was like a little girl who offered to throw herself into her arms, but Shang Zhen just happened to be a ignorant master who didn't lie to him, and he didn't even leave him a Opportunity to sit still!
"Either you retreat now, or hide away and cover me, but don't touch my gun!" Shang Zhen said firmly.

Shang Zhen has already decided not to talk nonsense with Bai Zhan anymore, the Japanese army will arrive soon, he has no time to chatter with Bai Zhan, a talkative bitch, about the feelings of those men who are really hard for him to understand.

Bai Zhan couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment, he stopped watching Shang Zhen get up, holding the rifle he had been gesticulating for a long time, and ran to the side with a bow under the cover of the rocks.

Shang Zhen's world finally calmed down, and then Shang Zhen raised the scope of the rifle and began to aim at the Japanese soldiers coming from a distance.

After they came out of Nanjing City, they fought the Japanese army from time to time, and now that the ammunition they originally carried was almost exhausted, the use of captured weapons was on the agenda, and Shang Zhen decided to practice rifles.

There are ordinary soldiers and excellent soldiers. Shang Zhen doesn't know whether he is an excellent soldier, but he just wants to be a better soldier.

Veterans like Shang Zhen and the others all use the same Japanese-style rifles, and they all use the same shooting posture. If they shoot within [-] meters, the hit rate is almost the same. Some marksmanship around [-] meters is weak. When hitting a target at a distance of four or five hundred meters, it is normal for veterans to miss the target.

Shang Zhen knew that the ability to hit the target at that time depended on a feeling. Perhaps at the moment of firing, the hand holding the gun should be as high as a hair's thickness, and the bullet might be fired high.

The reason why Shang Zhen had to face the Japanese army alone was because he wanted to find this feeling.

The Japanese army was still advancing, but they had been blocked twice before and after. This time they really didn't dare to go too fast, and even sent out scouts when they had already seen the town.

Bai Zhan, who was disgusted by Shang Zhen, finally raised his rifle again.

The reason why Bai Zhan wanted to be with Shang Zhen was that he was not expressing his meaning. He just wanted to experience what it was like to fight with the Japanese army on the battlefield. Only after experiencing it would he know what it was like.

It's just that when he left Shang Zhen now, he suddenly felt unsafe.

"Standing is worse than squatting, squatting is worse than lying down, the smaller the better." He began to repeat the "secret" of life-saving that the veterans taught him.

Relying on the fact that he was still far away from the Japanese army, he kept adjusting his shooting posture, and finally he chose to place the gun between two big rocks.

This time with his body backed up, he also thought that his exposed parts had become the smallest, but because he held the gun for too long before, now he felt that his arm holding the gun had become a little sore.

But at this time, Shang Zhen was already looking for a feeling.

He aimed his rifle at a little khaki dot in the front, and the gun was trembling at a frequency invisible to the naked eye.

As a veteran, Shang Zhen certainly understands that if he holds the gun with both hands for a long time, the gun will tremble to some extent. He only needs to keep the gun in a dynamic balance, and the stability of the moment when the bullet is fired is enough.

As a veteran soldier, Shang Zhen certainly knows that after the bullet is fired, it will be a parabola, but the trajectory of the bullet is relatively straight when the target is near, and the arc can seem to be nothing, but the arc of the trajectory becomes larger when the target is far away. If no adjustments are made, deviations will definitely occur.

So the so-called hitting the target means that the straight line of sight coincides with the arc-shaped ballistic line on the target.

This principle seems simple, but Shang Zhen didn't know it at first.

He only once asked Wang Laomao how to shoot the gun on time, and Wang Laomao said that Wang Laomao also heard a sentence from a veteran, saying that when hitting a distant target, the bullet will fall down. It is curved.

Inspired by this sentence, Shang Zhen thought of throwing stones, and finally he figured out that the trajectory of the bullet and the shooter's aiming line are not the same thing.

And later, when he was with the students of Leng Xiaozhi and Zhang Xiaoyan, he asked those students for advice, and he understood what a "parabola" is.

It's just one thing to understand the truth, but another thing to be able to do it.

The present Shang Zhen is still somewhat confident in shooting targets within [-] meters. Ten shots can hit six or seven. Not sure anymore.

And now is a good opportunity for him to practice his gun.

The little devil is about [-] meters away from him. The muzzle of the gun is slightly higher than the little devil. The bullet will fall when it flies far away. Huang Ying kept thinking about the essentials of shooting and the details that needed attention.

He was so focused, at this moment he felt that his whole body and mind seemed to be slowly merging with the rifle, but at this moment, the gunshot suddenly sounded, and Shang was slightly shocked by the gunshot. He was distracted, and at this moment his feeling was gone.

Of course, this shot was not fired by Shang Zhen, nor by Bai Zhan, but it was fired by the Japanese army.

And the gun hit more than [-] meters to the left of Shang Zhen, and the bullet made a "dang" sound when it hit the stone.

Shang Zhen didn't know that at this time, Bai Zhan, who was also aiming in a decent manner, sat back instinctively at the "Dang" sound that happened in front of him, and then the back of his head It collided with a rock on the side.

"Oh my god, it's not good for Little Japan to find out!" Bai Zhan muttered, and he hurriedly hid his body regardless of the pain in the back of his head.

But at this moment, the Japanese army fired a second shot.

However, this shot has already been fired in a different place, but it has already missed tens of meters.

"This is a bluff to scare the snake!" At this moment, Bai Zhan came to his senses.

This is because the Japanese army was afraid that there would be an ambush, so they fired a few shots indiscriminately.

"Why the hell am I hiding? If I don't hide, ouch, the back of my head hurts!" Bai Zhan regretted, and then he said harshly, "Japanese, this time the two of us You have a grudge, how dare you shoot me to scare me!"

(End of this chapter)

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