Chapter 818 The Alert Enemy
Since Shang Zhen had made up his mind that he would not blow up the Japanese army's arsenal but only rob and kill the Japanese army who were carrying the ammunition, he got busy again.

But he hid the two Japanese soldiers who were stabbed to death in a more concealed place, then opened a box of grenades, and hid some of them in the darkness beside the two Japanese soldiers' marching route .

But in the end, when he finished his busy work, he only put a grenade on himself.

It's not that he doesn't want to take more grenades, it's just that the egg-shaped grenade is too hard to take too much, and he wants to plot against the Japanese army who is carrying the ammunition, but he doesn't want to make a sound, and if there are too many grenades on his body, it will be inevitable If there is a collision, it is very likely to be discovered by the Japanese army.

After finishing all this work, Shang Zhen blinked around again, this time he spotted a half-collapsed broken wall, and stepped on the pile of collapsed bricks to hide behind the wall.

But this time, he not only brought a bayonet that he originally used, but even a [-]-style rifle.

However, he didn't prepare this rifle for shooting. What he thought was that the Japanese army came back to carry ammunition. It is unlikely that there will be two people every time. If there are three or four people, as long as he has With this rifle that is also equipped with a bayonet, as long as you strike fast enough, you might be able to kill three or four!

Of course, this is just Shang Zhen's idea.

But he understands, how can there be certain rules in war?But it's always good to be prepared.

The gunshots and explosions in the north were still the same, but judging from Shang Zhen's experience, the gunshots and explosions were closer.

In this way, a smile appeared on Shang Zhen's face hiding in the darkness.

With regard to this kind of battle in the ruins, one can imagine how many more people would die of these damn little devils if the Japanese grenades could not be sent to the front line in time!
The more intense the fight ahead, the more the little devil will be short of grenades, so he has to send someone back to get them.

Originally, before the town was in ruins, there were alleys and streets, but this time the house collapsed, God knows if the Japanese army at the front will run back along the original path, so I have to keep an eye on it!

And sure enough, Shang Zhen only waited for about ten minutes, and he saw a Japanese soldier in the gap of the ruins in front of him running towards him with a rifle bent down.

Seeing this situation, Shang Zhen was of course overjoyed.

It's like playing chess, it's easier to manage when there are fewer people, and the fewer devils come, the more confident he can make a move.

He can pinch one Japanese soldier with his hands, and he is sure of two Japanese soldiers, but it is more difficult to assassinate three or more Japanese soldiers.

Maybe this devil was sent by the devil officer in front to urge the ammunition, Shang Zhen guessed in his heart and predicted the Japanese soldier's marching route, and then he retreated from the wall into the darkness.

And only a moment later, when the Japanese soldier ran past a ruin, he was hit on the back of the head by the butt of a gun!

The butt of this gun was of course cut by Shang Zhen, and Shang Zhen's attack was so ruthless that the Japanese soldier was knocked to the ground by Shang Zhen before he could even groan.

But Shang Zhen turned the gun around to be on the safe side and gave the guy a bayonet, and then he hid the Japanese soldier again, but he ran back to the original high point and continued to "wait for the rabbit" .

If this little devil came back to urge the ammunition, then the little devil on the front line would have to be impatient, Shang Zhen thought to himself.

And the subsequent development of the situation was really as he expected, and after only seven or eight minutes, he saw the figure of the Japanese army appearing in the gap of the ruins in front of him.

This time, one, two, three, four, four came back together!

The four Japanese soldiers ran very quickly. There was indeed a shortage of grenades at their front, but the soldiers sent back to fetch the grenades never came back, and the soldiers sent back to remind them didn't even come back.

As a result, the Japanese army in front finally couldn't stand it anymore, but this time they sent four soldiers back together.

It's just that Shang Zhen only took a glance and realized that it would be too difficult to kill the opponent without shooting or grenade this time.

It's just because despite the rush of the four Japanese soldiers running this time, they ran back with a fighting posture.

The rifles of the four Japanese soldiers were shoulder-to-shoulder, and different people pointed their guns in different directions.

It is obvious that the bullet was loaded, and if the situation is not right, the bullet will be fired as soon as the trigger is pulled.

It should be that I used the grenade earlier to alert the Japanese army.

There are no idiots in this world, especially in this life-and-death battle, if anyone thinks that everyone else is idiots and only oneself is the best, then whoever is the biggest idiot!

But no matter what, Shang Zhen couldn't give up no matter how difficult it was.

My group didn't want to fight positional warfare, and the brigade commander Liu Chengyi also acquiesced in their way of attacking and choosing the time and place of the battle independently.

The other brothers of the Northeast Army are risking their lives to kill the enemy, and they themselves have to do somersaults like Sun Monkey in the "belly" of Princess Iron Fan!

After judging the route of the four Japanese soldiers, Shang Zhen shrank back and threw himself into the darkness again.

The facts were exactly as Shang Zhen had expected. The Japanese commander at the front saw that the ammunition had not been brought up from the rear, and when he heard the explosion of the grenade behind him, it would be natural for him to send someone back to fetch the ammunition. He will tell his soldiers to be careful.

At this time, the last of the four Japanese soldiers looked ahead but listened carefully to what was going on behind him, and made sharp turns from time to time while advancing.

He looked like he was afraid of someone sneaking up behind him.

Thinking about it, there are three people in front of him, and there are people staring at the front and the left and right, so he naturally has to look at the back. At this moment, he can't wait to have eyes on the back of his head!
There is nothing that one does not worry about when walking at night.

If it's just the kind of black that can't see your fingers, it's fine. Anyway, the enemy is also black and I am black. Everyone's eyes are black, and whoever lives and who dies depends on luck.

However, when it was just dark, the fires lit by the Japanese army no longer had time to add wood, but they were still somewhat bright. If there was light, they could not fully see things, so when the Japanese soldier saw some dark shadows when he glanced behind him, it was inevitable that he would die. Get suspicious.

The three Japanese soldiers in front ran very fast just to retrieve the grenade needed at the front, and he who followed behind could only look at flowers on a horse, but he couldn't see why.

While running, the Japanese soldier suddenly felt movement behind him. He turned sharply, and when he turned around, he pointed his rifle at it.

What he was pointing at with his gun was a dark mound in the rear right, and he didn't know whether it was a pile of bricks or a pile of earth.

When the Japanese soldier moved his right hand, his index finger was on the trigger of the Type [-] rifle, but he hesitated for a moment before he dared to shoot.

He felt sure that he heard something moving just now, such as the sound of bricks falling.

But he didn't see anyone, if he shot rashly, the three companions in front would have to turn around and fight, then they couldn't get grenades, and the front was in a hurry!
The Japanese prisoner thought about it, but his three companions ran away.

In the end, he still decided not to shoot, so he backed away while maintaining his shooting position. Seeing that he had reached another ruin, he turned around and ran away.

At this time, Shang Zhen was already cursing his mother secretly behind the pile of bricks, this little devil is really a mother-in-law!

Just now he touched a brick and made such a small sound that people could really hear it.

And his box cannon could kill the Japanese soldier immediately with just one pull of the trigger, but Shang Zhen didn't want the Japanese soldier to realize that he was waiting for them halfway.

Seeing that the Japanese soldier at the back disappeared, Shang Zhen's thoughts changed, and he also turned off the safety of the box cannon, but changed the direction and went in the direction that the Japanese army detoured.

Anyway, the Japanese army has to come back, so I can follow up first, first to see where the Japanese army's ammunition depot is, and secondly, I can wait for the Japanese army to come back before doing anything, it's a big deal, and then shoot!
(End of this chapter)

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