Chapter 819 Made Two Mistakes At Once

"***", the Japanese army's questioning voice sounded in the darkness, and then the Japanese army's answering voice.

God knows what the Japanese army is talking about, but I think it should be the password of the Japanese army.

At the same time, Shang Zhen felt fortunate again.

Although it is impossible for the ammunition storage point of the Japanese army to be a large ammunition depot at this time, the Japanese army has put a secret whistle.

If you really want to kill others, you may not be able to touch their sentries.

As a veteran, Shang Zhen certainly knew that not every sentry in the army would smoke, nap, fart, or grind their teeth when they were on duty.

They stayed quietly in the dark, as silent as the diamond rubble. It is a myth that they can hear the breathing of the same kind in such a night of battle.

Since there are Japanese sentries ahead, it is conceivable that the place where the Japanese army hides ammunition will never be far away.

But Shang Zhen still couldn't figure out exactly where it was, because there was no fire here.

Forget it, he was still obediently ambushing and killing the Japanese army carrying the ammunition, so he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

So what should I do next?

As a veteran, especially a leader who led a team to fight, he has now formed his own set of thinking patterns that are in line with actual combat. What should he do next?That is not decided by patting your head, but by observing the terrain first.

There is still a faint light in the distance, which is the fire pile that was ignited by the Japanese army and is now almost extinguished, and under the influence of that light, there are relatively tall ruins tens of meters ahead, showing a faint grayish white.

And under the ruins, it is naturally darker, not to mention pitch black, but it is almost the same. Shang Zhen can also feel that the secret post of the Japanese army should be in the ruins in front, and the place where the Japanese army hid ammunition should be. Behind that dark whistle.

However, since this is where the Japanese army placed ammunition, the darkness in front of the ruins must be an open space.

No matter how small the ammunition depot is, it is also an ammunition depot, and the surrounding area is open to help the Japanese army inside shoot from the opposite side in case of emergency, or there may be Japanese machine guns pointing at it in the ruins.

Feeling that he had figured out the situation, Shang Zhen thought for a while, then took off the bayonet of the [-]-style rifle in his hand and gently placed it on the ground, then he made an extraordinarily bold move, He actually walked forward cautiously with a rifle in his hand!

It is impossible for Shang Zhen to let these Japanese soldiers who carried grenades and ammunition go back this time.

Even thinking about the lack of ammunition for the Japanese army is a process.

First, the Japanese army found that the grenade was almost hit, so they sent people back to pick it up. Those who hit the grenade almost had enough money in their hands.

But the people who came back next were wiped out by themselves, so the grenade in the hands of the Japanese army should be gone at this time.

So as long as he blocked the Japanese army who was transporting grenades, the Japanese army was doomed to have no grenades to use. This kind of battle in the ruins, which is similar to street fighting, would not be able to hold on without grenades.

But now that Shang Zhen stepped forward, of course he still hoped to give the Japanese army a sudden blow. He still hoped that he could kill the Japanese sentry. There will always be regrets if you don't try your best.

At this time, Shang Zhen himself didn't realize that his psychology was always full of contradictions in the process of confronting the enemy, so let's continue to take one step at a time.

Shang Zhen walked very carefully, keeping his waist extremely low, and he even just glanced at the dark ruins opposite him from time to time, but his attention was more focused on his feet.

He himself couldn't see anything within a few meters, and he didn't believe that the Japanese sentry could see him.

The sentries of the Japanese army can only listen to the sound, so you must be careful not to make any noise!

It cannot be said that Shang Zhen's thinking is wrong, but as the saying goes, "a wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it", and then Shang Zhen found out that he made two mistakes.

He carefully lifted his foot high and lightly to avoid kicking the brick, but when he raised his leg again and fell down, he felt his foot landed on a tile.

No matter how thick the sole of a person's shoes is, he still feels something when he steps on tiles or bricks.

With Shang Zhen’s weight, it’s okay to step on bricks without making a sound, but when stepping on tiles, it’s very likely that the tiles will break with a “crack” sound!

Don’t ask how Shang Zhen knew about this kind of thing, anyone who was naughty when he was a child, would have known it.

Shocked in Shang Zhen's heart, he put his foot back which was about to become solid again and changed to another place to land. This time it was fine, the ground below was the ground and he stepped on it firmly.

So hanging!Shang Zhen secretly let out a sigh of relief.

But the two mistakes he made were not because he stepped on a tile or kicked a brick away, but because first, he saw that he was less than twenty meters away from the ruins in front of him, he bent down and touched the ruins. The brick was thrown lightly to the right.

This is still China's oldest trick of "throwing stones and asking for directions".

There was a sound when it was thrown out, and when the sound sounded, Shang Zhen heard the low voice of a Japanese sentry.

Still the same sentence, what the Japanese sentinel said is not important, what is important is that Shang Zhen heard at least three Japanese soldiers in the ruins in front of him speak out at the same time!
How can this be the secret whistle of the little devil, this is clearly the Japanese army waiting in line!
Shang Zhen suddenly became nervous, the little devil doesn't have any lighting tools, if there is such a glimmer of light, he will become a living target!
Then what a ridiculous scene this would be.

They were waiting there, and I was like a thief, holding a so-called fairy grass in my hand that I thought would make me invisible, and I walked up to them step by step, And muttering "you can't see wow, you can't see wow"

Maybe only if someone gives me a big slap in the face can I wake myself up!
And at this moment, I realized that what I was holding in my hand was a shitty fairy grass that could make me invisible, and that f*ck was the most common dog leaning (tail) grass!

Shang Zhen, who realized something was wrong, was just about to make a move, but at this moment the second mistake he made appeared again, and the sound of Japanese soldiers' hurried footsteps came from ahead!

As soon as he heard the voice, Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese soldiers who had gone to carry the grenade boxes had returned.

Originally, the Japanese soldiers would "plop" and "plop" when they ran in big-toed shoes, and the grenade box was not light, so the running sound was naturally more dull.

Oh, why did the little devil come back so quickly?
In Shang Zhen's original understanding, the place where the Japanese army hid ammunition was always some distance away from the sentinels, but who would have thought that those Japanese soldiers would return as soon as they entered.

It seems that the ammunition depot of the Japanese army is very close to me!Besides, people are going to carry boxes, so they run back before picking them up?

Now that you have made a mistake, come on, you have to work hard again!In the darkness, Shang Zhen gritted his teeth.

As soon as he pulled out the bayonet at his waist, he put it directly on the point of the gun. At the same time, he heard a Japanese sentry shouting again, but fortunately, he threw the brick. It must be twenty meters away from me.

Including the bayonet on the gun, Shang Zhen originally had two bayonets, one of which was always inserted in the sheath around his waist.

The reason why he took off the bayonet from the gun and threw it away was because he was afraid that the bayonet would flash.

Perhaps it was to reflect the so-called majesty of the Japanese Imperial Army. The early bayonets of the Japanese Army at the beginning of the War of Resistance were all shiny.

But although mighty might be mighty, it is easy to reflect light. Shang Zhen and the others once judged the position of the Japanese army based on the reflection of the bayonet.

Life and death matter more than might, and Shang Zhen will not make such common-sense mistakes.

But at this moment, the footsteps of the Japanese army approached.

Shang Zhen, who had lowered his body a lot, straightened up a little, pointed the rifle obliquely at the ground, and began to gather strength.

Come on, little devil, let's see how many I can stab to death this time?

Shang Zhen felt ruthless in his heart, he didn't know that at this time, he was like an iron-blooded general who also defended his family and country on the battlefield in ancient China!

(End of this chapter)

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