The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 845 Expecting the enemy to take the lead

Chapter 845 Anticipating the enemy's opportunity ([-])

It's just a pity that they are not the ones who decide this battle, even the platoon leader Zhao Fengwu of the two of them only has the right to make suggestions.

Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu still stared closely at the two carriages on the highway.

They subconsciously clenched the rifles in their hands even tighter, but they still didn't push the bolts to pop into the chambers.

They're really just bystanders in this too-small battle.

As far as they know, there are at least seven or eight Chinese soldiers hiding within [-] meters of the scheduled ambush site.

And now they are still a hundred meters away from there.

Once the gun rang, the battle had begun, and it would take fifteen or sixteen seconds for the two of them to charge forward with all their strength.

And when they rushed there, the battle should be over there, and they didn't even want to catch up with the end of the battle.

Within [-] to [-] seconds, within [-] meters of the battle, if Shang Zhen's people could not cleanly eliminate the four Japanese soldiers, then they would really doubt the combat effectiveness of Shang Zhen and his group.

"It's coming, it's coming!" Chang Wei muttered softly, and although Ding Yuanshu didn't speak, he was also waiting for the moment when the battle would start.

Because it was a little far away from there, they didn't know what kind of game was going on between the enemy and us on the two carriages.

Maybe the Japanese army was rushing towards Shang Zhen on the front carriage and the half-sized son Shi Xiaowan was yelling "Stop" in Japanese, or Shang Zhen was still holding the broken whip and pretending to be calm, still shaking his body on the carriage.

For a real fighter, hiding by the side to watch the scene is not a pleasant choice.

When talking about the battle plan, Shang Zhen was very detailed, so now Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu also understand what will happen next. They are waiting for a point, a point where three points will overlap into one point or three points should be as close as possible. at that point.

Those three points are the Japanese army's carriage, Shang Zhen's carriage, and the telephone line that Shang Zhen sent people to drop from the pole.

On the track and field field, when the referee fires the starting gun, all the athletes on the starting line will shoot out like arrows, and the same is true in the current battle.

Finally, at a certain moment, Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu heard the shouts of the Japanese army, and almost at the same time, figures appeared within tens of meters around the two carriages!

Be it Chang Wei or Ding Yuanshu, both of them forgot to shout "up", but for them who are paying close attention to the front, they don't need to shout, the two of them get up like sprinters. Fei rushed out, and at this moment they heard gunshots in front of them, "pop" and "pop" a total of two shots.

When Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu arrived panting, the battle was really over.

They saw that Shang Zhen was wiping the blood on the bayonet in his hand under the second carriage, and he casually rubbed the bayonet against the corpse of a Japanese soldier who was still bleeding out under the carriage. It's like wiping the dirty table with a rag.

They also saw that half-sized man named Shi Xiaowan was thrusting a pistol into his waist. To their surprise, this half-sized man had already inserted two pistols into his waist, but now he had a third pistol in his waist. shot.

That gun—Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu both recognized it, it was the bastard box used by the Japanese!
Oops, can Japanese guns still be used like this?

They also heard that the bastard box of the Japanese was not willing to use it because it often broke down, but this kid used three of them!
This situation is obvious. This Shi Xiaowan must be afraid that the gun will jam at a critical moment, so he brought three guns at a time. If the gun in his hand works well, he will continue to use it. If a gun suddenly becomes difficult to use Then change it!

When Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu saw Shi Xiaowan's bastard box, they naturally looked at the results of the gun.

They determined that two Japanese soldiers should have been hit by the bastard box, and they had fallen on the carriage at this time, the blood was dripping down the carriage, and there was already a big pool of blood under the wooden wheel up.

This situation reminded Chang Wei of the slaughter of sheep that he had seen before. The slaughter of sheep was also like this, and the blood was also a big puddle.

However, the two of them knew that the two Japanese soldiers did not die immediately after being shot. One Japanese soldier's head had already been smashed into a gourd of blood, which should have been smashed by the butt of a gun.

It seems that the Japanese soldier was just shot and wounded by Shi Xiaowan, and then he was directly killed by the soldiers swarming up.

But at this time they looked for the four Japanese soldiers again, and this Japanese soldier was the worst, but for some reason fell behind the carriage, that is, the wooden wheel of the carriage that the Japanese army came to.

"Throw the two devils on the car, and give me batter for the remaining two devils,
Don't let the little devil see whether he was killed with a bayonet or a gun, so he stays where he is. At this time Shang Zhen gave another order.

Regarding Shang Zhen's order, not to mention that the people of the Northwest Army didn't understand it, even the soldiers under him were a little stunned.

What is batter?That is also the Northeast dialect, which roughly means to mash it into a batter.

Of course, it is impossible for anyone to say that the heads of the Japanese devils were really smashed into batter like garlic, and this is just an exaggerated way of speaking.

The soldiers under Shang Zhen didn't understand what Shang Zhen's intention was.Are the Japanese devils still dead and made into paste?

"It is to let the little devil have the illusion that he was killed by ordinary people." Shang Zhen explained again when he saw that everyone was puzzled.

It was only after he explained this that the veterans roughly understood Shang Zhen's intentions. This still meant showing weakness to the enemy!

It is conceivable that if the Japanese army believed that the soldiers who attacked them to check their phone lines were killed by Chinese people out of righteous indignation, they would despise them, but it would be more conducive for them to surprise the Japanese army.

Shang Zhenyou ordered the soldiers to follow the order naturally, and the two Japanese corpses that were left in place were smashed beyond recognition by the veterans with gun butts, so let's not talk about it.

When a person dies, no matter whether it is an invader or someone else, once a person dies, no one can tell whether there is a soul-separated body, so the body as a biological body is the same.

Let's not say that Shang Zhen is cruel.

Speaking far, in ancient China there was a three-day flogging of corpses. It was said that the corpse was pulled out of the grave and flogged for three days after death!
More recently, during the current war of resistance, after a hero of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War was killed by the Japanese army, the Japanese army took down his head and put lime on it!

The living is the king and the loser is Kou, and it is useless to say anything else!

The two Japanese soldiers who stayed in place seemed to have been beaten to death by ordinary people, but what about the two Japanese soldiers on the carriage?
Next, Shang Zhen ordered the two dead Japanese soldiers to be dragged directly to the courtyard of the common people's house in front.

At this time, the old man was still begging the soldiers who were guarding them not to force them to move, but his son was still young, and he was talking loudly to the old man: "Father, don't beg them, what are you begging them for?"

And at this time, Shang Zhen and the others rushed over.

"Get them out of the house!" Shang Zhen ordered.

And when the whole family, old and young, were put out of the house into the yard, the soldiers directly threw the bodies of the two Japanese soldiers whose blood was still warming to the gate of the yard under Shang Zhen's order.

Where have ordinary people seen this?

what is this?It was like ordinary people seeing a murder scene. The old lady and daughter-in-law were so frightened that they sat on the ground.

Fortunately, the daughter-in-law did not let go of the child in her arms, and the child was still in its infancy and did not know what to be afraid of. Otherwise, the corpses of the two Japanese invaders would definitely become a nightmare that the child would never get rid of for the rest of his life. !
And only then did the soldiers understand what Shang Zhenrang's purpose was for moving those two dead bodies here?
This time, the people of this family have to move or run away for their lives!

Since these two Japanese soldiers died in their yard, they were Shang Zhen's "accomplices" and they had no choice but to run away!
(End of this chapter)

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