The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 846 A Brand New Way to Set Up an Ambush

Chapter 846 A Brand New Way to Set Up an Ambush

"Look, that rag shirt is moving!" Chang Wei said, pointing to the forest in front left.

"It's drawing a circle." Ding Shuyuan also said.

After killing the four Japanese soldiers who came out to check the telephone lines, Shang Zhen sent out to lookout posts.

The guns were all fired, and it was impossible for the Japanese army in Liuji Town not to send people out.

And now the shaking clothes in the woods ahead that Chang Wei pointed to was the signal for instructions, which was similar to the semaphore used by the command, and Shang Zhen set up a lookout there.

The so-called circle drawing is to hang around with a rag shirt, and this is just to remind the fighters behind that the Japanese army has appeared, and the real situation is behind.

"One, two, three!" Chang Wei and Ding Shuyuan counted together, and then the rag shirt shook up and down three times, which meant that more than thirty Japanese troops had arrived.

"Get ready, this time we have to go too." Chang Wei said.

Ding Shuyuan gave a "hmm", and the two of them put their rifles on fire this time and started to prepare.

"Do you think that kid surnamed Shang can command?" Chang Wei was still a little worried.

"You'll know when you fight." Ding Shuyuan replied like this.

"Nonsense." Chang Wei said angrily.

After that, the two stopped talking and all stared at the house in front of them.

Chang Wei's worry is justified.

They're veterans but they've never fought a battle like this.

According to Shang Zhen's plan, after the Japanese army discovered the two corpses of the Japanese soldiers who had been smashed beyond recognition, they must search the family seventy or eighty meters away.

It's just that there is no terrain suitable for dozens of people to hide together, so under Shang Zhen's order, their group of fifty or so people were all scattered and hid in various hiding places.

Don't mention any bunkers at this time, the place where the battle is fought is the battlefield. Where did the bunker come from?

If there is no bunker, it means that the family can be counted as a bunker, but don't the Japanese army know about this?That place would also become the focus of the Japanese army, so Shang Zhen took a few soldiers and hid directly in that yard, which seemed to be the safest place but was actually the most dangerous place.

According to Chang Wei and Ding Yuan's observations, other people really hide everywhere, behind the ridge of the field, in the woods, they hide far away, and hide close, behind the pigsty, in the chicken rack , There is even a person hiding in the middle of the firewood stack in this house.

Yes, the middle, not the back!
Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu saw with their own eyes that a soldier got into the straw stack, and the soldiers next to him used the straw to cover them up.

Shang Zhen and his gang are too courageous, or they are just gambling their lives!

More than [-] people came from the Japanese army, and there were more than [-] of them, and more than [-] people beat more than [-] people. You can't "make dumplings" at once, as long as the people hiding in the straw stack shoot Also exposed.

But don't say that the Japanese soldiers with loaded rifles were walking forward, and suddenly the straw stack was shot, and when the people in the straw flew out, the Japanese soldiers were taken aback.

On the battlefield, unless there is a particularly big movement, such as an explosion, that person will be stunned. Otherwise, under the full vigilance of the enemy, as soon as there is any movement in the straw stack, the Japanese guns will point at it. , and at the same time, the other's gun rang.

Fighting is based on instinctive reactions, veterans are not in a daze, and the Japanese army is also a veteran.

And has anyone ever heard that straw stacks can stop bullets?Of course, the soldier hiding in the straw stack would give the Japanese army a surprise blow, but then, and then his fate can be imagined.

Moreover, as veterans, Chang Wei and Ding Shuyuan also understood that Shang Zhen's style of play required extra courage from the soldiers.

Why do the soldiers keep the position in the same trench? Although it has the advantage of concentrated firepower, it doesn't want the soldiers to flee in fear of the enemy!

When everyone is together, half of the people shout to kill the enemy, and the rest of the people will be excited and do not think about retreating.

But you separate the people. When there is only one person or only two or three people somewhere, are you sure that the soldier will shoot?Wouldn't he just hide in the same spot without even daring to raise his gun, or even turn around and run away when he saw the cruelty of the battlefield?

Because of this, the two of them were worried about Shang Zhen's new tactics, at least in Chang Wei's and Ding Yuanshu's eyes.

There are no natural fighters, sometimes some fighters rush up with enthusiasm, and sometimes the soldiers are also bald, and there are supervisors watching with machine guns behind them, and then those soldiers I was driven to the front by being driven to the shelves!
It's just that the Japanese army in the town had already appeared in their sight at this time, and it was useless for them to think again.

The two of them watched the running Japanese soldiers disperse with a whimper, and stopped at the place where the four line-checking soldiers were killed.

At this time, Chang Wei and Ding Shuyuan completely hid their bodies behind the field ridge.

The field ridge is not high or low, and it was originally used to enclose the paddy field, but it can cover the figures of the two of them, but it can only cover their figures.

After a while, Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu, who were clinging to the ground, exchanged glances, and the two of them finally poked their heads up from behind the ridge carefully.

It would be nonsense to say that they are not nervous, and they are now only seventy or eighty meters away from the Japanese army.

Who can guarantee that what they faced when they each poked their heads out of the field would not be the black muzzle that the Japanese army pointed at them?

Therefore, don't underestimate the strength of a person's neck, sometimes it has to withstand enormous pressure!
As veterans, both Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu knew that the more pressure they had, the less they could lose their balance.

What is this like?Their company commander once gave them a metaphor.

Said, the more stress you have, the less you need to worry. It’s like a young man’s consummation with his bride for the first time on a wedding night. Don’t be nervous. In fact, your wife is more nervous than you. As long as you dare to do something, good things will happen. Yes, it's the same in war, those bastards on the other side are more nervous than you!
When Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu finally exposed their heads and saw the situation ahead, they were slightly relieved.

The development of the battle was exactly as Shang Zhen predicted. There were several Japanese soldiers left beside the two Japanese corpses, including riflemen and machine gunners, but what they both saw was the back of the Japanese soldiers. .

The rifleman is kneeling on one knee, while the machine gunner is already lying down and pointing his machine gun at the house in front of him, and right in front of those Japanese soldiers, many Japanese soldiers are bowing their heads. With a rifle in hand, he walked towards the family in a half-surrounded shape.

Chang Wei and Ding Yuanshu are at least temporarily safe, because they are now in the rear of the Japanese army.

But then, as the Japanese army got closer and closer to the family in front, the hearts of the two of them tugged.

At this moment, the two of them even felt that Shang Zhen's style of play was playing with fire!

Is it dangerous to play with fire?Of course, there is an idiom that says, "Whoever plays with fire must set himself on fire"!
"I don't know if those boys' hearts are beating so fast now? Anyway, my heart is beating so fast now, I will be suffocated to death if I don't say anything!" Chang Wei finally whispered.

Perhaps for those Japanese soldiers who didn't know they were in danger, they just wanted to avenge their comrades, but for Chinese soldiers like Yu Changwei hiding in the dark, the fighting atmosphere was enough to make him feel To suffocation.

"Why are you nervous?" Ding Yuanshu was aiming at the Japanese army with his old rifle, which was his response to Chang Wei's words.

However, he said why Chang Wei was nervous, but Chang Wei could hear a slight tremor in his voice, and he knew without asking that Ding Yuanshu was also nervous.

"It's okay, it'll be fine as soon as you shoot, and you won't be afraid of anything." At this time, Ding Yuanshu added another sentence, and this time there was no vibrato in his voice.

But at this moment, gunshots rang out ahead.
(End of this chapter)

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