I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 169 Chapter 169, Ding Wei's 28th regiment again?

Chapter 169 Chapter 169, Ding Wei's 28th regiment again?
The infantry artillery blew up all the Japanese invaders in the gun tower.

They never thought that the incoming Chinese army had artillery!

What's more terrible is that the other party is still wearing the uniform of the Security Force.

Obviously, it couldn't be the security forces.

How could the security forces in North China attack the Japanese?They dare not even give them a water tank.

Therefore, it must be a fake Tubalu.

"It's Tuba Road!"

"It's Tuba Road!"

The Japanese invaders shouted one after another.

They determined that the one who attacked the airport was Tuba Road.

As for where the gunfire from Tuba Road came from.Not sure.But it must be the dirt road.

Except for Jizhong Tuba Road, no one has such courage.

Too old to break ground, impatient to live?
They hurriedly reported to their superiors.

The first to receive the information was the headquarters of the 35th Division stationed in Anseong.


"Earth Road?"

"There are still guns?"

"Could it be Ding Wei?"

The intelligence and staff of the Japanese invaders combined, and felt that the possibility was extremely high.

What is active near Ancheng is a tuba road unit with the designation 28 regiment.The commander is called Ding Wei.He fought the Japanese army many times.

Before, when the airport was just beginning to be built, the 28th Regiment also launched raids.

The force at that time was about one company.

Although, the harassment was unsuccessful.But it also made the Japanese invaders aware of the danger.

In order to ensure safety, the Japanese invaders worked hard to build five strong gun towers.

Unexpectedly, the 28th regiment came back again?

"Eliminate Ding Wei's work!"


The Japanese invaders immediately ordered reinforcements to dispatch.

This damn 28 regiment!
This damn Ding Wei!
Today must be to settle accounts with him!


Tens of miles away from the battlefield, Ding Wei sneezed a few times unexpectedly.

Secretly puzzled.Who is cursing himself behind his back?

He was in a bad mood.

Because I received a notice to study in Yan'an.

Captain Ding is very good at everything.When fighting wars and doing business, grasp with both hands, both hands are very hard.

I just don't like studying.

Learn, learn what a fart!

However, it was an order from the headquarters, and he did not dare to disobey it.

Every day I had to put on a sad face, hoping for a miracle to happen.Do not allow yourself to learn.Let yourself continue to lead troops to fight.

"chief of staff!"


"Have all the scouts been released?"

"Report! The reconnaissance companies are all out. If there is a fighting chance, they will definitely come back and report."

"Tell them to be smart!"


The chief of staff turned away.

Ding Wei felt so bored.

want to fight.

But there is no suitable opponent for the time being.

The big pile of Japanese invaders couldn't move.Even a small group of Japanese invaders couldn't move.Because the Japanese invaders are all in the stronghold.

If there is no direct-firing gun, if you want to attack the devil's gun tower, you will suffer too many casualties.Very bad value for money.

Therefore, Ding Wei searched for fighters all day long, hoping to catch the devil's transport team or something, and lay an ambush.Unfortunately, such opportunities do not come often.He can only do nothing.

Little did they know, at this very moment, tens of miles away, a great battle was slowly kicking off.

Outside the battlefield, six scouts from the 28th Regiment were working hard to gather relevant information.

"How could it be a puppet army?"

"It's definitely not a puppet army."

"Could it be our troops in disguise?"

"It must be! Besides our troops, who else would dare to confront the devils like this?"

"Then do you want to go back and report to the head?"

"Nonsense! You still have to ask! How can our regiment leader miss such a big battle? Hurry up, we won't be able to catch up if it's too late!"

"Yes! Yes! Hurry up!"

A few people discussed briefly, and immediately sent three people to report to the head of the group, Ding Wei.

Three more people were left at the scene to continue monitoring.understand situation.



Another two shots.

All hits.

However, the devil's turret still did not collapse.

The Japanese invaders inside were all stunned by the shock.Either death or injury.However, the turret still stands.

Chu Yunfei: ...


Is the devil's gun tower so strong?

Can't even chew on infantry guns?

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

Chu Yunfei gave the order to the old stalker.

Damn it, I don't believe I can't chew you.

If ten rounds are not enough, I can shoot a hundred or a thousand rounds!

Until you collapse!
"Commander Chu, we can't be reckless..." Han Dali took the opportunity to say.

He analyzed to Chu Yunfei in an orderly manner, "The airport is very close to Ancheng. There are a large number of Japanese troops stationed in Ancheng, and reinforcements will arrive soon."

"Besides, the Japanese aircraft..." Han Dali looked up at the sky.

Suddenly I feel bad.

It's about five o'clock in the evening.

Even if the Japanese planes took off immediately, it was too late.

Because the planes of the Japanese Army Aviation Corps cannot fly at night.Not to mention fighting at night.

The nearest airport is Baoding.It takes an hour to fly here from Baoding.By the time the plane arrived at the battlefield, it was already dark.Can't go into battle at all.

The most frightening thing is that it is impossible to return in the dark.Very prone to accidents.

and so……

It is impossible for the Japanese air force to dispatch.

Suddenly he understood that Chu Yunfei wanted to choose this time to launch an attack, so he was right.

It is to make the Japanese aircraft unable to play a role.



There were bursts of gunfire.

The old stalk also became ruthless, and the shells were fired one after another.

Anyway, after the shells were fired, Chu Yunfei would call the transport team to bring them over immediately.No need to save at all.

at last……



The outermost turret collapsed.

However, only the upper half collapsed.The second half is still almost intact.

Chu Yunfei frowned.

Such a result is indeed somewhat unexpected.

The reason is that the infantry artillery is too powerful.

To deal with such a gun tower, it took a full twenty rounds of shells.The effect is not as good as 40 rocket launchers.

If it is a 40 rocket launcher, maybe it can be shot into the soul.

Unfortunately no...

"Ding dong!"

"Your troops have successfully destroyed one of the Japanese strongholds."

"You get 5000 merit points."

"You get 50000 oceans."

"You get a Type 100 infantry gun. [-] rounds of shells."

The information prompt arrives.

If I had obtained an infantry cannon before, it would definitely be a great sense of accomplishment.

But now, it feels more and more that the infantry artillery is not powerful.75mm Italian guns must be mounted.It is more destructive.However, neither does this one!
Helpless, had to call the transport team.

If one infantry gun is not enough, then add a few more.

Ants kill elephants.

Old Geng and the others dragged the infantry guns to aim at the second gun tower.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

At this time, the Japanese invaders began to fight back.

All kinds of machine guns and rifles are fired crazily.Bullets flew everywhere.



The grenadiers of the Japanese invaders also began to bomb.

One by one, the grenades fell at the maximum range.But none of them hit the target.

Chu Yunfei and the others have not entered within 300 meters.


"Kill Haw!"

A small group of Japanese invaders rushed out.

They are also really brave.Actually tried to counterattack with a small team.


Quietly no response.

The Japanese invaders were relieved.Desperate to kill out.


At this moment, the infantry artillery opened fire.

Accurately hit the second turret.

A group of violent flames exploded, and the gun tower also suffered no major damage.It just got blasted a small hole.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Damn.The devil's gun tower is really strong!

Is it the use of reinforced concrete?
This is very luxurious.

But considering this is an airport, it's not surprising.

The defense at the airport must be much stricter.

I miss the Italian cannon...

For cement and concrete fortifications, the destructive power of infantry artillery is indeed limited.Far inferior to the 75mm mountain gun.

After all, the muzzle velocity of the 75mm mountain gun is much higher than that of the infantry gun.The gun barrel also has to grow so much.As long as there is an Italian gun, it can easily blow up these gun towers.



Lao Geng and others continued to launch.

Bit by bit, bit by bit the gun tower.


"Kill Haw!"

"Kill Haw!"

The rushing Japanese squad rushed towards the infantry artillery with shouts.

They were clearly eyeing the infantry gun.

300 meters...

200 meters...

100 meters...

The vanguard of the Japanese invaders is getting closer and closer.

at last……

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Various firepower intensive shooting.

The Japanese invaders who rushed to the front immediately fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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