I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 170 170, a student

Chapter 170 Chapter 170

The Japanese invaders stationed at the airport are all elite.

They have fought against the Eighth Route Army many times.In a frontal battle, you always have the absolute upper hand.

Last time, they rushed out like this and broke up the attacking Eighth Route Army.Before the two sides met, the Eighth Route Army of that company quickly retreated.

Totally not an opponent.

However, this time...

The bullets that hit the head and covered the face knocked half of the Japanese invaders.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Bullets rained down.Accurate and ruthless.

The Japanese invaders had never encountered such brutal firepower.Immediately he was stunned.

Even the surviving Japanese invaders reacted very quickly, and there were many casualties.

Han Dali secretly groaned.


How many troops does this Chu Yunfei have?
No, how much firepower does it have!Not only cannons!And so many submachine guns!
The Japanese army suffered from this submachine gun.

Shooting at close range, the submachine gun is indeed invincible.

In addition to submachine guns, there are many Czech light machine guns.

At a glance, there are more than a dozen of them.

Let's fire together, the firepower is brutal.

Can't say.

No matter how fierce the Japanese invaders are, it is useless.

Some Japanese invaders were directly pierced by bullets.Even his head was blown off.

A Japanese invader Cao Chang raised his command knife...

Then it rained.

The whole person was riddled with holes.

It is estimated that there are at least thirty warheads on his body.

that misery...



Chu Yunfei shot.

The two Japanese invaders fell silently.

"Ding dong!"

"You killed a Japanese invader with your own hands."

"You get 1000 merit points."

"You get 10000 oceans."

"You get a Czech light machine gun. Five magazines. One box of bullets."

The information prompt arrives.

A mediocre reward.Too lazy to pay attention.

If you want infantry artillery, you still have to destroy the Japanese strongholds.



While shooting, he observed Duan Peng and others.

It's the first time these spirited guys are on the battlefield, and they obviously haven't gotten used to it yet.

They just learned to operate submachine guns, and they basically shot all the bullets into the sky.But it does not matter.Get used to it slowly!
For things like war, you can do it if you hit it.

The premise is to be alive.



Finally, the second blockhouse collapsed.

Exactly the same as the previous turret, the upper half of this rather strong turret was finally destroyed.

Alas, there is only one infantry gun, which is always weak!

"Ding dong!"

"You successfully destroyed one of the Japanese artillery towers."

"You get 5000 merit points."

"You get 50000 oceans."

"You get a domestically produced 75mm mountain gun. 100 rounds of shells."

The information suddenly prompts.

Chu Yunfei immediately lifted his spirits.Italian cannon?
Finally there is an Italian cannon!
The destructive ability of this thing is much stronger than that of infantry artillery.

Up to three shells can destroy a gun tower.Even if it is a concrete structure.The gun towers built by the devils are definitely not as strong as those built by the Germans.


It took an hour for the Italian cannon to arrive.

Right now, we still have to rely on infantry artillery.



The infantry artillery continued to attack the third turret.

In the end, it was another concrete building.It is unclear whether there are steel bars.It's pretty solid anyway.

When the shell hits it, it just blows a small gap.

All right, keep going.

If one shell doesn't work, then a hundred, a thousand...



Two more Japanese invaders were killed.

The surviving Japanese invaders all lay on the ground and returned fire with their guns raised.

They were called by Chu Yunfei one by one.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

It was Sun Ming who led the troops to successfully go around to the back of the labor camp.

They successfully blasted the walls of the labor camps.Release the laborers inside.Although the Japanese invaders saw it.But there is no way.They can't take care of themselves.



Sun Ming yelled loudly.

The rescued workers scattered and fled in a hurry.

"Everyone, don't run around!"

"Running around is waiting to die!"

Suddenly, someone shouted from among the workers.

Sun Ming looked over and found that it was a young man. 20s.Feel like an officer.

But he was wearing the uniform of an ordinary soldier.Seems to be a good fit too.

"Who are you?" Sun Ming asked.

"Report! My name is Luo Zhenghao! So it's from the 25th Division!" The young officer replied.

"We belong to the 358th group! Our group seat is called Chu Yunfei!"

"Is it Whampoa Phase Five?"


"Ah, that's my senior!"

"is it?"

Sun Ming was also a little surprised.

Then he brought the young man to Chu Yunfei's side.

Chu Yunfei glanced back, with a surprised expression, "You are Luo Zhenghao?"

"Yes, yes, senior, it's me!" The young man hurriedly stood at attention, and then saluted, "Luo Zhenghao, battalion commander of the 25nd Regiment of the 162th Division, reports to you!"

"It's really you!" Chu Yunfei raised his hand in return, and then asked the other party to squat down.

There are also sporadic bullets flying around.

Unexpected joy.

Actually met a student.

Still an acquaintance.There has been an intersection before.

"what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, stop talking, the troops were scattered. I was too hungry to walk. Then I was captured."

"Didn't the devil discover your identity?"

"No. I'm using a false name. I'm wearing the uniform of ordinary soldiers, too."

"It's fine!"

Chu Yunfei nodded.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.

"Senior, I can organize the laborers and help you fight!"

"Are they willing?"

"Why don't you want to? There are Japanese invaders everywhere here. They can only be safe if they follow us."

"Okay. You go!"

"it is good!"

Luo Zhenghao went.

Before long, he really organized the laborers.

A total of more than 300 laborers, only more than 20 people escaped quietly.Everyone else is willing to follow the main force.

Just like them, they are not familiar with the place, where can they go?
To meet the Japanese invaders is to die.

If you meet the second devil, you will die.

The only way to survive is to follow the big army.

"It's a pity that there are no weapons..." Luo Zhenghao said regretfully.

"There will be." Chu Yunfei comforted.

Then handed him a Garand semi-automatic rifle.

Of course it was bought with krypton gold.

He remembered that this Luo Zhenghao had good marksmanship.

When the military cadets were training, they had Luo Zhenghao's name on them.

In fact, they also met on the shooting range.Although Luo Zhenghao is not the best.Basic skills are not bad either.

"What kind of gun is this?"

"Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle. American. Eight grains big. Eight rounds. Self-loading."

"Let me try!"

Luo Zhenghao raised his gun.Fumble operation.

Soon, he mastered the basic operating skills.



Two shots in a row.

Kill a rising Japanese invader.

"nice one!"

He was instantly excited.

Chu Yunfei patted him on the shoulder to show encouragement.

"Report to the group seat!"

"The transportation team is coming!"

At this time, Shi Genshan came to report.

Chu Yunfei nodded.

It came just fine.

Immediately asked Luo Zhenghao to take the laborers to help carry the ammunition.

"Transportation team?"

"come here?"

Luo Zhenghao felt incredible.

This is the battlefield!How could the convoy appear here?
However, he soon saw the convoy.

There were fifteen mules and horses in all.Five carts.All of them are weapons and ammunition.

Oh, and the number of weapons is not much.Just over 100 rifles.But the number of light machine guns is relatively large.There are thirty of them.

Everything else is ammunition.Most are 7.92mm Mauser rifle rounds.

However, this is not the most striking.

The most striking thing was the delivery of two infantry guns.

There are actually two infantry guns!
There are still a lot of shells behind!
No wonder they dared to attack the airport of the Japanese invaders!Dare to have such a strong confidence.

Senior is amazing!
He actually brought infantry artillery to sneak attack on the devil's airport!
"Move things!"


Hurriedly took the laborers to work.

First send the two infantry artillery to the front.

"Old stalker!"


The old terrier was overjoyed.

There are three infantry guns!Then you can bombard as much as you like.

Immediately concentrated three infantry cannons and blasted them at the devil's artillery tower.

This time, the devil's gun tower was a tragedy.



The shells hit one after another, and then exploded.

Even if it is cement concrete, it will not last long.The Japanese invaders inside basically lost all casualties.

However, before they died, they still sent out a message for help.

"Encountered heavy artillery fire from Tuba Road!"

"Encountered heavy artillery fire from Tuba Road!"

"It is judged that Tuba Road has at least five infantry artillery!"

"A request for urgent tactical guidance..."

Finally, the third blockhouse collapsed.

All the Japanese invaders inside were buried in the ruins.

"Ding dong!"

"Your troops have successfully destroyed one of the Japanese artillery towers."

"You get 5000 merit points."

"You get 50000 oceans."

"You get a Type 100 infantry gun. [-] rounds of shells."

The information prompt arrives.

Chu Yunfei's heart was like still water.

Temporarily unavailable.

Wait until the devil fights back.



At this time, the devil's fourth gun tower was blown up.

The three infantry guns bombed intensively, and the speed of dismantling the gun tower was greatly accelerated.No matter how the devil calls for help, it is already a dead end.


"Damn Ding Wei!"

"Order the reinforcements to run forward!"


The 35th Division of the Japanese Army was anxious and angry.

Unfortunately, even if there is a plane, it is too late to rescue.

However, at this time, gunshots came from the west.



It is estimated that the Japanese cavalry arrived.

Two cavalry companies, Shi Fengshan and Sun Dade, were in charge of guarding the perimeter.

"Luo Zhenghao!"


"Command instead of me! Take down the airport!"


Luo Zhenghao replied excitedly.

Han Dali:? ? ?

Shouldn't I be in charge?

how is...

But he didn't dare to say anything more.For fear that Chu Yunfei would doubt himself.

Chu Yunfei got on his horse.

Sure enough, I saw a large group of Japanese cavalry from a distance.

Well, it really hit a hornet's nest.

Enemy road is narrow!

It's actually the Black Island Cavalry Regiment!

"Chu Yunfei!"


Kuroshima Morita also recognized Chu Yunfei instantly.

His depression and melancholy were swept away in an instant!

Chu Yunfei!
Got him again!
(End of this chapter)

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