I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 173 Chapter 173, this is too much, dare to fight back?

Chapter 173 Chapter 173, this is too much, dare to fight back?

"Tuba Road gathered near Ancheng? There are a lot of them? Maybe it's the main force?"


"What exactly is Tubalu trying to do?"

Major General Miyano was puzzled.

As the chief of staff of the North China Front Army, he couldn't figure out what strategic value Ancheng had.

Is it just because of the airport?
Is Tuba Road firmly opposed to the construction of this airport?

In this way, the Japanese army needs to build even more.

The more fierce the opposition from Tuba Road, the greater the threat this airport poses to them.

... far away.

The most urgent task now is to take the opportunity to surround the Tuba Road and then eliminate it.

This is a good opportunity to hit Tubalu hard.

The 35th Division of the Japanese Army was stationed in Ancheng, Muye, and Yecheng.Under the jurisdiction of three wing.The total strength is about 7000 people.

Right now, it can only rely on the 35th Division's own battle.

In fact, it is enough to use a division to deal with Tuba Road.There is no need to mobilize other troops.

Call back immediately.

Order the 35th Division to wipe out the main force of Tuba Road as much as possible.

"Your Excellency, Commander..."

The chief of staff was a little worried.

But Ancheng has insufficient troops.The main force of the 35th Division is not in Ancheng.

If you want to mobilize more troops, you must mobilize troops from nearby Muye, Yecheng and other places.This will take a while.It will take about two days at the earliest.

Maeda didn't care about that.

Where does it take two days.It can be done in a day.

The infantry brigade he sent could defeat the Tuba Road in at most one day.

You must know that it is an infantry brigade!
The vicinity of the airport is a plain area, and the Tuba Road has no terrain advantage. How can we fight against the Japanese army?

So, victory is at your fingertips!


In the dark, Chu Yunfei looked at the time.

It is about eight o'clock in the evening.There are still ten hours until dawn.

The Japanese invaders will definitely take off after dawn, and the flight time will take about an hour.

In other words, it was full of plans, and after eleven hours, they would be targeted by Japanese planes.Then it was hit hard by Japanese invaders.

Therefore, it is necessary to retreat before the Japanese invaders arrive.

After all the calculations, the time he can use is only nine hours.

I don't know if Ding Wei can make it in nine hours.



Cannonballs continued to explode.

The offensive of the Japanese brigade was gradually contained.

Luo Zhenghao successfully blocked the attack of the Japanese invaders and began to formulate a counterattack plan.

This guy actually tried to surround and annihilate the Japanese invaders.

It has to be said that he is quite courageous.

That is a brigade of Japanese invaders!Nearly a thousand people!

However, in terms of current strength, the Japanese invaders are completely at a disadvantage.

The Japanese brigade had only two infantry artillery.

On Chu Yunfei's side, there were three infantry cannons.

There is also an Italy that has not been used yet.Prepare to keep it as a secret weapon.

In terms of machine guns, the Chinese army also won the overall victory.

The anti-Japanese vanguard has dozens of Czech light machine guns and thirty MG34 machine guns.

There's also plenty of ammunition.

These machine guns were output just now, and the Japanese invaders suffered more than 200 casualties.

A squadron was easily wiped out.

It was the super firepower that gave Luo Zhenghao the confidence to encircle the Japanese invaders.


"You organize it!"

Chu Yunfei fully authorized it.

He's really at his wits end.

The chaos on the battlefield also gave Chu Yunfei more opportunities to kill the enemy.

A Japanese invader is worth 10000 oceans, how could he miss it?


Raised his hand twice.

In the darkness, a Japanese invader Cao Chang fell limply.

Instead, he poked his head out to observe the situation.In the end, he was caught by Chu Yunfei.Send him directly to see God Amaterasu.

"Ding dong!"

"You killed a Japanese invader with your own hands."

"You get 1000 merit points."

"You get 10000 oceans."

"You get a domestic high-quality 60mm mortar. 100 rounds of shells."

The information prompts keep coming.

The mortar was immediately added to the transport queue.



Another corporal commander of the Japanese invaders was killed.

Another 60mm mortar was acquired.Also join the transport queue.

Continue to search for the target.

Not found yet.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Duan Peng and others quietly disappearing.

Can't help being curious.

What are these guys sneaking around for?
If you don't shoot and kill the enemy well, what's your idea of ​​being mysterious?But don't be killed by devils...

After a while, there was a scream from over there.


It seems that Japanese invaders are cursing people.

The sound stopped abruptly.Obviously gagged.

Not long after, I saw Duan Peng and another person coming back with a Japanese invader sandwiched between the left and the right.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Khan, these guys.

He actually went to capture the Japanese invaders alive.

He actually caught a living Japanese invader back.

Really do not die.

Capture prisoners directly on such a battlefield!
Fortunately, they did it!
It is true that ignorant people are fearless, and newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.



Duan Peng let go of the Japanese invaders a little proudly.

It turned out to be wrong.

The Japanese bandit's head drooped limply, unable to stand still at all.

He hastily stretched out his hand to probe the Japanese invader's nostrils, only to find that he was no longer breathing.

Yes, strangled to death by them.

"Just now I told you not to strike so hard..." a spirited boy complained in a low voice.

"I didn't even use my strength..." Another spirited boy was unconvinced.

Duan Peng said resentfully: "Don't make noise. Let's catch another one!"

He felt a little uncomfortable on his face.

Failed the first time you tried something?


Shooting and killing the Japanese invaders from a long distance does not seem to show their strength.

They're not used to guns yet.

They want to catch a few living Japanese invaders and bring them back, so that they can earn 10 oceans a month.

"no need!"

"no need!"

Chu Yunfei hastily stretched out his hand to stop it.

For the Japanese invaders, just kill them with bullets.No need to capture alive.

But Duan Peng and others were obviously not very happy.

Mainly because I am not used to using guns.

The bullets hit the Japanese invaders without the pleasure of punching the flesh.

Chu Yunfei: ...

These guys!

I give you guns, you don't use them.Still want to keep using fists?
You have strength and no place to vent, right?

I have a way!

"I'll teach you how to use grenades!"

He rolled his eyes.

Grenades are handy.real.Especially wooden handle grenades.

As long as the arm is strong enough, throwing it 50 meters is not a problem at all.Especially those who practice martial arts like Duan Peng, 50 meters is not a problem at all.

Use it well, it will be a small steel cannon one by one!

Didn't the Germans have grenadier divisions?Let's also form a grenadier regiment...



Smiling proudly...

Immediately teach them how to use a grenade.

"Just two steps."

"First, unscrew the cap."

'Second, pull the strings! "

"Then just throw it out!"

"Remember, after pulling the string, you must throw it out. Otherwise, you will blow yourself up!"

Chu Yunfei made a special reminder.

It is estimated that none of the spirited guys brought by Duan Peng are so stupid.But it is also necessary to forewarn.

It would be a shame if he died due to his own misoperation.

"We will!"


"Go and try!"

Duan Peng and others quickly learned.

Sure enough, they are quite good at throwing grenades.

Several people touched it quietly.



In the darkness, grenades were thrown.

Chu Yunfei's eyes hurriedly followed the grenade.



The grenade exploded.

It exploded directly on top of the devil's head.

The Japanese invaders on the ground were caught off guard and screamed in pain when they were bombed.

Several fell down at once.

A ninety-two heavy machine gun was also dumb.Machine guns are fine.The devil was blown up.



Immediately, more grenades exploded in the air.

But the strength of Duan Peng and others is quite amazing, especially arm strength.

Even the nearest throw is a full 70 meters.The furthest throw is even close to 90 meters.

Then, here comes the problem...

The fuse has only five seconds to burn.

Five seconds is not enough for the grenade to fly a distance of 90 meters.

It often explodes at about 70 meters.At this time, the grenade hadn't landed yet.It can only explode in the air.

Therefore, the lethality of the grenade has become an eternal mystery.

No one knows what it will blow up.

No one knows where it is safe to hide.

From the explosion fragments overhead, there was simply no place to dodge.

What's more terrible is that the number of this grenade is very large.

Twenty spirited guys grabbed the grenade, twisted the cap, pulled the string, and threw it out forcefully.

There seems to be a competition between each other to see who can throw it far enough.



Duan Peng and others threw grenades vigorously.

This speed is faster than a grenade.

The devil's forward position suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.



Chu Yunfei took the opportunity to grab the head.

As long as it is a devil who has not died yet, he will be rewarded if he kills him.



At the same time, various artillery fires were also violently bombed.

Three infantry guns, and many mortars, were all pouring shells.


"Who is our enemy?"

"Why is the firepower so brutal?"


The captain of the Japanese invaders felt a lot of pressure.

Damn Tubalu!

Is it really Tubalu?
So fierce?

I have never seen such a fierce firepower!

"All the jade pieces of the Ida team..."

A Japanese soldier arrives scarred.As soon as he finished speaking, he fell to the ground.

But he held on to his last breath.After finishing speaking, he died immediately.


The captain of the Japanese invaders was anxious and angry.

Is the Ida team all broken?
How could this be?
How could this be?
Does the Tuba Road have such fierce firepower on the two wings?

All jade pieces?

None of them came back alive?


The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Just now, he sent two teams to try to outflank them.

I thought that such a tactic could defeat the left and right sides of the Chinese army, and then force the Chinese army to retreat.

This tactic has been tried and tested by the Japanese army time and again.

However, I didn't expect...

A team of Japanese invaders encountered Shi Genshan.

Another team of Japanese invaders encountered Sun Ming.

It was immediately covered by brutal firepower.All were killed on the spot.

There is still one soldier in the Jingtian team who can come back alive to report.The other team was completely silent, and didn't even have a chance to report.

Devils are elite.The two guard companies of Chu Yunfei are also first-class and elite.

In terms of weapon equipment, the devils can be said to have fallen behind in an all-round way.

On nights like this, submachine guns are king.Immediately, there was a rain of bullets, and the god Amaterasu had to raise his braids.


The captain of the Japanese invaders was helpless.

He already had a premonition that he was about to lose.

The frontal Chinese army is approaching step by step.

The terrible thing is that the Japanese invaders simply didn't have time to build fortifications.

They are here to attack.

Who would have thought that they would be counterattacked by the enemy?
Not only counterattack, but also trying to surround them and destroy them.

This is overkill.

Under the eyes of the 35th Division of the Japanese invaders, want to eat a brigade of the Japanese invaders?
Report to superiors in a hurry.

"Ask for urgent tactical guidance!"

"Ask for urgent tactical guidance!"

The telegram for help flew all the way to the headquarters of the 35th Division.


Maeda Osamu was completely furious.

The Chinese army is simply not giving face.Slap him in the face in public.

Deceiving too much.

The problem is, it is too late to wait for reinforcements from other places to arrive.

In a fit of anger, he immediately ordered all the Japanese troops in Ancheng, and even some Japanese expatriates, to gather their guns.Gathered 500 people and rushed out angrily.

The Chief of Staff didn't feel right.

This is equivalent to completely evacuating Ancheng's troops!

There are only more than 100 gendarmes in the city. Wouldn't it be too dangerous if Tubalu came to attack Ancheng?

But Maeda Osamu, who was in a rage, couldn't care less.

He concluded that the Eighth Route Army did not have such a big appetite.

Dare to fight Ancheng?

Give you ten courage, you dare not!

In the fierce battle, another transport team arrived.

The laborers without weapons finally got some firearms.But the quantity is not much, only more than 100 pieces.

However, not everyone needs a gun.

Heavy machine guns require two people to operate.

Mortars also require two people to operate.

So, basically the weaponry is enough.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations! There are new weapons and equipment to buy."

Suddenly the system has a prompt.

Chu Yunfei opened the All Nations Arms Exhibition.

Oh, it turns out that the Su Luotong cannon can be purchased.The unit price is 9999 oceans.


Fortunately, no need for now.

On the contrary, a few more M2 heavy machine guns can be added.It just so happens that the price is not expensive.

Thirty M2 heavy machine guns were purchased immediately.

This big killer can hit the tanks of the Japanese invaders.There are also simple fortifications.



Sure enough, when a large number of M2 heavy machine guns were put into the battlefield, the Japanese invaders were completely at a disadvantage.

The remaining Japanese invaders fell into a bitter fight.

They were suppressed by all kinds of firepower.

In fact, they were not surrounded.There is still a way out behind them.

The problem is, the Japanese invaders are so arrogant, how can they be willing to retreat?

Retreat means they lost.

The result is……



The captain of the Japanese invaders suddenly felt something was wrong.

Damn it!My body seems to be torn apart by something?

It was a string of 12.7mm heavy machine gun bullets that swept across his body and shattered him on the spot.

Once the captain of the Japanese invaders died, the remaining Japanese invaders finally couldn't resist, turned around and ran away.



Luo Zhenghao exclaimed excitedly.

Chu Yunfei subconsciously wanted to stop it.Don't chase after the poor.But soon changed his mind.

The devil's army was defeated like a mountain, and he happened to make a big move.It is also very good to deter Ancheng.Lest the Japanese invaders always be so arrogant.

So he waved his hand and ordered the troops to continue advancing.

(End of this chapter)

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