I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 174 174, not a thorn.is 1.

Chapter 174 174, not a thorn.is two.

, deep in the Taihang Mountains.

Eighth Route Army Frontline Headquarters.

A communications staff officer hastily sent a telegram.

After reading it, the deputy chief of staff raised his eyebrows, obviously feeling very surprised.Then pass the telegram to the deputy commander.

"What happened?"

"Insider information, a fierce battle broke out near Anseong. The Japanese invaders determined that our army attacked Anseong Airport."

"Ancheng? The devil's airport has been built?"

"Not yet. Currently under heavy attack."

"Is it our troops?"


"What kind of troops do we have in the vicinity? It can't be Li Yunlong, the stunned species, right?"

"Of course not. Li Yunlong can't run that far. There are only troops from the Jizhong Military Region over there."

"Then ask the Jizhong Military Region."

"I have already asked. The Jizhong Military Region has no combat operations."

"Then hell. Who is the god who dared to attack the devil's airport and pretended to be us. How is the battle going?"

"The Japanese invaders can't stand it anymore. They are urgently asking for help."

"It's interesting!"

The deputy commander looked at the map.

The place of Ancheng is important if it is important, and it is not important if it is not important.

Before, the Eighth Route Army didn't pay much attention to this place.

After it was occupied by the Japanese invaders, it seems that nothing major happened.

The headquarters of the 35th Division of the Japanese invaders was stationed in Ancheng, and the nearby anti-Japanese armed forces did not dare to approach easily.

Be puzzled.

Who is it that broke ground on top of the devil?

Certainly not the Eighth Route Army troops.

He hoped so.Unfortunately, the odds are slim.

The devil's airport is heavily defended, and the Eighth Route Army has no heavy weapons, so it is difficult for them to move.

Even barely gnawed down, will pay a great sacrifice.Such a war of attrition is very taboo to the Eighth Route Army.Commanders at all levels will not do this.

Unless the Japanese invaders went deep into the depths of the Taihang Mountains, it would be impossible not to fight...


Another communications officer sent information.

After the deputy chief of staff finished watching, the expression on his face became more and more strange.

"what happened?"

"The internal report of the Japanese invaders was done by Chu Yunfei."

"It's that kid? How did he go so far away? He also attacked the devil's airport?"

"I don't know. After the battle at Tongluoling, he went after the devils. We didn't get in touch with him afterwards. I didn't expect to run so far."

"This Chu Yunfei..."

The deputy commander knocked on the table thoughtfully.

If it was Li Yunlong, maybe he would scold a few words.It doesn't matter if you scold your own people.

To fight is to kiss, to scold is to love.

Especially for Li Yunlong.If you don't scold for three days, you have to go to the house to expose the tiles.

That is to say, the brigade commander of the [-]th brigade can cure that guy.

If it was someone else, it would probably be enough.

But this Chu Yunfei's identity is a bit special.Can't scold.

He is the head of the Jinsui Army.

He is also a graduate of Whampoa Military Academy.It is also related to the Central Army.

Although, Chu Yunfei tended to our party and our army, and gave our party and our army a lot of help.However, he is not an official party member.

Right now, his status as the commander of the Jinsui Army and the Central Army can play a greater role.

This is how the Beishan detachment came.It's a collaboration.

"Where are Li Yunlong and Kong Jie?"

"The New First Regiment is in Makou Village, and the Independent Regiment is in Yangcun. Both are resting. At the same time, the troops will be reorganized."

"These two guys are strong now! The guys in their hands are very good! After a period of training, they will be our two fists in the future."

"Yes! The brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade has already gone down to sit in charge in person, just because he is afraid that Li Yunlong will poke his hooves after victory and cause trouble."

"Then tell the brigade commander the news about Chu Yunfei. His junior is getting more and more aggressive. If you have time, please pay more attention to him. He will also be a member of our party and army in the future. As a senior, It’s just right to lead the juniors!”

"I guess the brigade commander is unwilling."


"One Li Yunlong has already cost him his life, and another Chu Yunfei who can also cause trouble, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on."

"Haha! It's okay. Tell him, we are all his strong backing! If you can hold it, you have to hold it! If you can't hold it, you have to hold it!"


The Deputy Chief of Staff went away with a smile.

Everyone else is laughing.

This great brigade commander may really have a headache in the future.


Makou Village.The new regiment is stationed.

After the battle of Causeway Ridge, the Xinyi Regiment moved here to rest.

Because the Japanese Matsui unit ran too fast, the overall casualties of the new regiment were not large.This battle can basically be said to be a total victory.

However, there must be some casualties.In particular, the bombing by Japanese invaders caused dozens of casualties.Weapons were also partially blown up.

Fortunately, when cleaning the battlefield, I got a lot of Japanese equipment.

After supplementing some soldiers, the new regiment now has more than 1500 people.It is the highest point in history.

The weapons and equipment are also the best since the establishment of the regiment.

Even Zhou Wancan, the political commissar who has always been serious, often smiles.

As for the Battalion Commander Zhang Dabiao and the like, the only thing that is missing is that the tail is not up to the sky.

Li Yunlong>Zhang Dabiao>God...

It wasn't until the brigade commander arrived that he calmed down a bit.

Brigadier > Li Yunlong...

"Li Yunlong, let me ask you, how many bullets does your regiment have? No ambush!"

"Brigade Commander, there are really not many. Just pick up those three melons and two dates on the battlefield, how many can there be..."

"Do you want to be the director of a quilt factory?"

"Don't! Brigadier, I'm kneeling down for you. Please don't. I, Li Yunlong, am a big bastard, can I do that embroidery job? Don't bury people!"

"Then are you telling the truth? Let me tell you, your punishment hasn't been revoked yet! If you make another mistake during the punishment period, you know the consequences..."

"Report to the brigade commander, my new regiment currently has a total of [-] rounds of ammunition."

"Seventy thousand rounds? Are you sure you're telling the truth?"

"The truth. It is absolutely the truth. When did I, Li Yunlong, lay an ambush? That is nothing..."

"I'll give you one more chance."

"It's [-] rounds, [-] rounds, and there will be no more..."

"Okay, then I will report to the headquarters...

"Don't, don't, I misremembered, I misremembered, it was 17 rounds, 17 rounds!"

"How much?"

"27, 37, 37..."

Seeing the brigade commander's expression was unkind, Li Yunlong finally told the truth.

Right now, the new regiment still has 37 rounds of ammunition.

Mainly based on 7.92 mm Mauser rifle bullets.There are also some 6.5mm Arisaka rifle cartridges.

"37 rounds!"

The brigade commander quietly sucked in a breath of cold air.

This Li Yunlong is really surprising!Hit such a big ambush!
Others erase half at most.He is directly erasing single digits.

This guy is really lawless!

"You. You..." The brigade commander pretended to take a whip.

"I was wrong, I was wrong," Li Yunlong hastily surrendered, "I will hand it in immediately, I will hand it in immediately..."

"Hmph!" The brigade commander took back the whip.

This careless guy.

Fortunately, Li Yunlong is the only one under his command.

Otherwise, I will definitely lose a few years of life.

"How come there are so many?"

"Part of it was sent by Chu Yunfei. Part of it was captured on the battlefield."

"From Chu Yunfei?"

"Yes. Chu Yunfei organized several transportation teams to come here, and they have a lot of bullets. Take as much as you can."

"Anything like that?"

"Yes. Yes. By the way, brigade commander, let me tell you, Kong Er's idiot got more than me. You can't just criticize me, Kong Er's idiot also made mistakes."

"Other independent regiments have already reported the list of weapons and ammunition. Otherwise, what would I do with you?"

"This fool Kong Er, who called me a brother to my face, sold me behind my back! Brigadier, he must have laid an ambush too."

"The Independence Regiment currently has a total of 43 rounds of ammunition."

"What? Really more than my Xinyituan? No way! I'm going to look for Kong Er's idiot, why are there more than me?"

"You stand for me! Are you against you?"

The Brigadier scowled.

Li Yunlong took back his steps resentfully.

He was tricked by Kong Er's idiot!

1 unconvinced!

"Headquarters is calling!"

Suddenly, the operator arrives.

The brigade commander reached out and took the telegram.After reading it, I suddenly felt dizzy again.

Well, he wants to take back what he said earlier.

Not a prick.

is two.

There is another named Chu Yunfei.

It's his younger brother.

Now, this junior is causing trouble everywhere.The headquarters asked him, a senior, to help wipe his ass.

"Anseong Airport..."


All of them had stiff wings.

They all ran to a place as far away as Ancheng to go to Nezha Naohai.

No greetings!


Li Yunlong asked tentatively.

problem occurs?
The look of the brigade commander...

Feeling more exaggerated than causing trouble?

What the hell happened?Is it the Japanese invaders?


The Japanese invaders attack is the best!
He immediately pulled the troops out to fight!
The matter of handing over the ammunition is also over.

"Go about your own business!"

"I will settle accounts with you later!"

After the brigade commander finished speaking, he took the whip and went out.

Li Yunlong:? ? ?

I feel like I have a lot of question marks.

what happened?

Why did the brigade commander run away?

Don't settle accounts with yourself?
Could it be that something extraordinary happened?


Li Yunlong licked his face and shouted from behind.

There was only one line written on his face: Brigadier, can you tell us what happened?
"What else can happen!"

"See for yourself!"

"Chu Yunfei ran to Ancheng to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace."

The brigade commander cursed resentfully.

If he had known earlier, he would not have pulled this relationship.

It's all right now, if Chu Yunfei has anything to do, the headquarters will always look for him as a big brother.

But there is no way.

Who told him that he was in the first phase?It is also one of the three heroes of Whampoa.The ones behind are all his juniors.There is a junior brother with great supernatural powers, he can't do anything about it!

However, how to manage it?

I can only find Ding Wei.

At this moment, only Ding Wei is closest to the battlefield.

The problem is that Ding Wei's 28th regiment does not have a radio station.You must first contact the Jizhong Military Region before you can convey it.

Alas, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time.

Of course, the brigade commander would not have thought that Ding Wei was jumping three feet high at this moment.


"Go to the airport?"

"20 rounds?"

(End of this chapter)

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