I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 4 004, double return of ammunition

Chapter 4 004, double return of ammunition


Worth mentioning.Melee is melee.

The combat effectiveness of the troops is all played out.How to form combat power without fighting?

The corner of his mouth sneered.

Hold up the binoculars and observe.

The Japanese invaders swarmed up.

A lot.

It is estimated that there are thousands of people.

No wonder Qian Bojun wanted to call for help.


Hold on!

Don't panic!
Anyway, I have 5000 people.And fortifications.

Even if everyone's fighting will is not high, relying on fortifications, they can always resist one or two.

It shouldn't collapse at the touch of a button...


We still need to organize a supervising team!

Except for the army of our party, the armies of other factions cannot do without a supervisory team.

Otherwise, once the front line is defeated, it will immediately become a mess, and then it will be out of control. What is 5000 people?Not as good as five thousand pigs...

it is good!
do my best.

fuck him!


"Hit hard!"

"Sun Ming, go and tell everyone that if you kill a Japanese invader, you will be rewarded with ten oceans!"

"Catch a Japanese invader alive, and reward him with a hundred oceans! A promotion!"

"Without my order, no one is allowed to abandon the position! Otherwise, the military law will proceed!"

"Organize a supervising team! Anyone who dares to retreat without authorization will be killed without mercy!"

Chu Yunfei tensed his face.

Eat porridge and eat, just look at this one.

If you want to forge the strongest infantry regiment, this battle must be a good start.

When the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu come, they must fight.

Sun Ming: ...

A little stunned.

The group today is...

Why are you suddenly so murderous?
It didn't seem like this before.

Even the supervisor team was sent out?Want to supervise the battle yourself?

"What are you doing standing still?"

"go with!"

Chu Yunfei drank coldly.

He himself also grabbed an official rifle.

In war, the rifle is still powerful.


Sun Ming stood at attention and saluted, then turned around and left.

I didn't say anything, I went all out.

"Ding dong!"

"You activate the double ammo return privilege."

"In the battle just now, you consumed a total of 116 shells. You will be supplemented by 232 shells."

The system sound came suddenly.

This time, it's not words.It's a hard mechanical sound.

There seems to be a little bit of reluctance in the vague meaning.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Double ammo return?
Send out a hundred rounds, return two hundred rounds?

Wouldn't that mean that there are endless descendants?Isn't the ammunition getting more and more?


Suddenly remembered something.

"Are there any restrictions on this privilege?"

"Bind yourself."

"Is it a binding person, or a binding position?"

"Bind yourself. No matter where you serve, this privilege is valid."


Chu Yunfei was relieved now.

As long as it is bound to me.That way you won't be afraid of dismissal.

Lao Tzu killed the Japanese invaders in an open and aboveboard way, which was what the people wanted.

Anyone who stands in the way is blocking the progress of the wheel of history and will be abandoned by history.

If Laozi is dismissed, Laozi will vote for the Eighth Route.

It might be even more refreshing to play on the Eighth Route.

"Note, only the ammunition consumed in the battle can be doubled. Normal training, accidents, and gifts are not counted."

"This system will release tasks from time to time. By completing the tasks, you can get merit points and silver rewards. Merit points can be exchanged for attribute points and skill points. There are other functions."

"This system encourages you to take the lead. The reward you get for killing the enemy with your own hands will be the most lucrative."

The system prompts again.

Chu Yunfei: ...

It seems very powerful.

But, without further ado.

You send the ammunition first.

The artillery battalion just needs a lot of shells right now.

To counter the devil's attack, it is inseparable from the support of shells.It is best to have ten times the return...

"The ammunition supply has been delivered."

"Please connect to the rear of the position."

system hint.

Chu Yunfei frowned secretly.

so fast?Immediately?

good cow...

So he turned around and came to the rear of the position.This is the warehouse of the 358 regiment.

From a distance, I saw a transport team with dozens of mules and horses.Each mule and horse carried three boxes.Four shells per box.There are more than 100 boxes in total. More than 500 rounds.

Two hundred of them were double-returned.Three hundred rounds were given away by the system.

In addition, there were three 75mm Italian guns.

Fang Ligong, who was following behind, asked suspiciously, "Tuan Zuo, this is..."

"It's okay. Someone brought me some shells." Chu Longfei replied casually.

Fang Ligong hesitated to speak.

Secretly surprised.

Someone actually sent cannonballs to Chu Yunfei?
Send so much at once?Five hundred rounds?

Moreover, there are three 75mm mountain guns!

Not only send shells!
Also send mountain cannons!
Who is so generous?

No wonder Chu Yunfei spoke so loudly just now.

Dare to be emboldened!
Strange, which Shangfeng made Chu Yunfei fight the Japanese invaders?
Otherwise, where do these weapons and ammunition supplies come from?

Chu Yunfei's top leader is Yang Aiyuan, commander of the Sixth Army.He is Chief Yan's confidant.

Could it be that……

Was this arranged by Chief Yan?

"Send the things to the artillery camp!" Chu Yunfei said.

He took a fancy to the strong men of the transport team.All of them are 1.8 meters tall, with strong backs.

Good guy, if only you had soldiers like this in your army.Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

Others are just sent by the system to "send" supplies.

Items are delivered and disappear.

"Who are these people?"

"Where the hell did they come from?"

"I don't feel like an ordinary person..."

Fang Ligong next to him was also thinking secretly.

Looking at the strong men in the transport team, he felt more and more that they were soldiers.

And very likely those well-trained troops.Even without weapons, I feel that the combat power is quite powerful.

If one person is equipped with a light machine gun, that would be incredible.


The more I think about it, the more I feel that this matter is not simple.

There may be a bottomless conspiracy behind it.He still doesn't want to interfere.

Regarding Chu Yunfei's arrangement, he obediently obeyed the order.Even if you are wrong, you have no big responsibility.But if you disobey, I'm afraid...

I couldn't help feeling a little more afraid of Chu Yunfei.He no longer dared to speak out easily.



The transport team quickly delivered the shells to the artillery battalion position.

At this time, the Japanese invaders on the front line were rushing forward in large groups without fear of death.The bayonet of Sanba Dagai was shining brightly.

Cheng Lei shortened the distance of the mountain cannon and blasted at the devils who rushed up.



The shells kept falling on the devil's assault team.

From time to time, devils were blown to pieces.The devil's assault team quickly became disorganized.

No matter who it is, no matter how brave it is, it is impossible to organize an attack in the face of intensive artillery fire.Even the Japanese who take death lightly.

Originally, Cheng Lei was worried that if the shells ran out, there would be no way to stop the Japanese invaders from attacking.Unexpectedly, a transport team suddenly came and sent more than 500 rounds of shells.

Well, that's nothing to worry about.

Stabilize the rhythm a little bit, enough to blow the devil to pieces.

Sure enough, he slowed down the bombing speed, specifically dealing with the Japanese infantry.The Japanese infantry immediately suffered heavy casualties.Finally had to defeat and return.

A major Japanese invader stood up brandishing a Toyo sword, wanting to yell at the troops to continue the attack.As a result, a shell fell and disappeared immediately.

The same is true for other Japanese army officers.

Anyone who dared to stand up was crushed by shells.

Chu Longfei made a rough estimate.The Japanese invaders were killed and wounded at least 300 people.It is estimated that no fewer than 150 people died.

Sure enough, the gunfire is the most powerful.

Even if it's just a 75mm mountain gun.


A good start.

Keep playing!
Hit hard!

Shoot all the shells out!

Anyway, there are plenty of shells!It is worthwhile to exchange a hundred shells for one Japanese invader!
Since there is a system responsible for the unlimited supply of ammunition, how can he be polite!
"Report to the battalion commander!"

"Three mountain cannons were sent from the rear."

Amidst the fierce gunfire, Cheng Lei suddenly heard someone calling.

At first, he thought he had heard it wrong.

Mountain cannon?

Are there mountain cannons coming from behind?

how is this possible.

Who will send the mountain cannon at this time.

However, he was quick to believe it was true.

Someone really sent him three 75mm mountain guns.

It looks almost the same as the mountain cannon made by Jin.But a closer look reveals that the workmanship is much higher.

Feel like an original import?
"This is……"

"It was sent by the order of the group seat."


Cheng Lei was overjoyed.

The team is awesome!

Not only so many shells were sent, but three mountain cannons were also sent!

Now he has nine mountain cannons.

This is great.

If you don't blow up the little devil, how can you be worthy of the trust of the group?

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

He immediately arranged manpower to join the battle with these three mountain cannons.

As a result, the shells became denser.

The devils in the distance, those who were bombed cried for their fathers and mothers, and there were constant casualties.

"Ding dong!"

"Your troops wiped out a Japanese invader!"

"As the leader, you get 10 merit points and 100 ocean points."

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

Similar information keeps passing by.

Chu Yunfei was in a good mood.

Eliminate one Japanese invader and there will be 100 oceans?

it is good!
it is good!
Oh, it's not about the money.

It is to eliminate the Japanese devils!

The arrogant Japanese devils also have today!

Everyone was bombed crying for their fathers and mothers!deserve it!

This is how the invaders end up!

"What exactly does the Jin Sui army want to do?"

"Are they going to fight us hard?"


Sakata Shintetsu saw the frustration of the attack from the telescope, and his face became more and more ugly.

A brigade of Japanese troops was beaten back by fierce artillery fire before they even got close to the forward positions of the Jinsui Army?

Even seeing it with your own eyes is incredible.

This is the cruel reality.One of his brigade was indeed almost disabled by the opponent's artillery fire.

The captain was also killed.

The three squadron leaders were also all casualties.

The more fearless the Japanese army died, the faster they died.

It's not that the Jinsui Army's combat effectiveness is strong.But the artillery fire of the Jinsui Army was too fierce.Shells are quite rich.For a time, it fell densely, like raindrops.

"I can't even figure out a humble job..."

Chief of Staff Uratomo Shinzo shook his head.

Jinsui Army's reaction was completely beyond his expectation.

At present, it seems that the shelling of the Jinsui Army has seriously affected the strategy of Bantian United.

If the Sakata Alliance wants to start normal combat operations, it must first destroy the Shanxi Army's mountain artillery.


"Order artillery, strike back!"


"Be sure to suppress the artillery fire of the Chinese!"


Sakata Shintetsu was aggressive.

He wants Chu Yunfei to pay the price!

Those who dare to provoke the imperial army will definitely end badly!
 In order to avoid 404, the system content has been modified a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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