I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 5 005, things seem to be turning around?

Chapter 5 005, things seem to be turning around?


Sakata Nobuzhe is still very confident about the Japanese army's own artillery.

Whether it is the performance of the artillery or the quality of the artillery, the Jinsui Army is not an opponent of the Japanese army.

Doing so, although it will delay the attack on Cangyun Ridge.However, he had to.Otherwise, his loss will be even more serious.

The mountain artillery of the Japanese invaders began to move rapidly.

Only infantry artillery was left to continue to deal with Tuba Road on the front line of Cangyunling.

The frontline observation post of the Jinsui Army immediately caught it.

"Report to the group, the devil's mountain cannon has been transferred!"

"Cheng Lei, with the shells, do you dare to engage in an artillery battle with the Japanese invaders?"

"Of course I dare!"

Cheng Lei answered loudly.

He couldn't wish for it!

With shells, what else is he afraid of?
To be honest, the Devil may not have as many shells as he does.

What's more, he has nine mountain cannons.

Devils only have six doors at most.

Cangyun Ridge is surrounded by mountainous areas, and the devils cannot use cars to transport shells.Greatly limited the devil's logistical supply capability.

How many shells can be transported by mules and horses alone?If you hit it, it will be worn out.

The devil's mountain artillery quickly entered the position.

The two sides immediately launched an artillery battle.

"Tuanza, it's dangerous here!"

"Let's go into the bunker!"

Fang Ligong shouted loudly.

Chu Yunfei nodded.

Gun battles are no fun.

The shells from both sides are coming and going, maybe one of them will land near us...

He can't go out and die before he wins.

You have to keep your useful body and continue to kill the Japanese invaders!



Sure enough, shells from both sides came and went.

The shells of the 358th regiment continued to shoot out.

The devil's shells also kept falling.

The positions of both sides are full of flames, and the sound of artillery is rumbling.

Except for the artillery, all other irrelevant personnel have already hidden.



I have to say that the taste of being shot is very uncomfortable.

Even though it was only a 75mm shell, when it exploded nearby, it was shocking and stuffy in the chest.

want to vomit.But I couldn't spit it out.

Want to go to the toilet.But when I got to the toilet, I couldn't pull anything out.

Fortunately, it was only a 75mm mountain gun.Power is limited.If it is a larger caliber artillery, the consequences will be disastrous.The more I think about it, the more nervous I feel.

The Japanese invaders had 105mm heavy cannons.Equipped with divisions.

There is also a 150mm howitzer.Equipped with the Field Heavy Artillery Wing.The power is quite large.

If the Japanese invaders brought up the 150mm heavy artillery, the current fortifications of the 358th regiment would definitely be unstoppable.The air-raid shelter will be opened with one shot.

Made, the Japanese invaders are still too strong.

Even if I have the help of the system, I can't withstand the bombardment of the 150mm heavy artillery.

Look at Zhou Qiang beside him.

Well, this guy, his face is as pale as a dead man.

If he was the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, he would probably be finished by this time.Certainly not dare to fight tenaciously with the devils.

Suddenly his eyes drooped.

Instead, Zhou Qiang's pants were wet.


Too much!

I was so scared that I peed my pants!

After all, you are also the battalion commander of the artillery battalion!Scared like this!
I'm not even exaggerating.

look at others.

Ha ha.

Remember a word.

Do not misunderstand.I am not targeting you.I mean everyone in this room is rubbish!


Zhou Qiang must be replaced as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the artillery battalion will not be able to fight tough battles at all in the future!There is no way to exert the maximum combat effectiveness.

Forging the strongest infantry regiment is simply a joke.


Suddenly, a shell fell from the Devil, hitting a mountain cannon just in time.

The seven or eight artillerymen of the Jinsui Army next to the mountain artillery were killed and injured immediately.The mountain cannon was also blown up.

Chu Yunfei frowned secretly.

It's over, my artillery battalion doesn't seem to be an opponent!

A mountain cannon was blown up so quickly.

I have to admit that the devil's artillery is still relatively powerful.

In his own artillery battalion, there are still too few regular training.The quasi-head is far inferior to the Japanese invaders.

The devil's mountain artillery is so powerful, what if the devil brings up the heavy artillery?Directly washed away by artillery fire?
Hey system, what can you do?

Can you send me dozens of Katyushas and the like?
Not much either.

99 doors will do. 36 tubes of that kind.


The system remains silent.

It seems to be saying, sorry, there is nothing I can do.

Chu Yunfei: ...


That's it?

Still so loud?Strongest infantry regiment?

Without even a 150mm heavy artillery, how can the strongest infantry regiment come from?nonsense...

"Ding dong!"

"You have to find out, is there any regiment-level unit equipped with 150mm heavy artillery?"

The system responded coldly.

Chu Yunfei: ...

All right.no.

Even the US imperialists and Germany have only 105mm howitzers at the regiment level.

However, others have tanks!
I don't want a 150mm heavy gun.

For now, I don't want tanks either.

Give me dozens of 105mm howitzers first...

"Ding dong!"

"You get the privilege of double return of weapons and equipment."

"All weapons and equipment damaged in the battle will be returned double! But training, gifts, and accidents are not included."

"Special reminder, intentionally damaged equipment does not count! It will also be deducted!"

The system prompt came again.

Chu Yunfei: ...

my day!

I want a 105mm howitzer!What did you give me?
Oh, it's all right...

Ammo returns are doubled.

Return of weapons and equipment.

Does it work a lot?so so.Not much use.

Because you must first have the corresponding weapons before you can return them.You don't have a 150mm heavy gun at all, how do you return it?

It's almost the same as giving away weapons and equipment directly!
Explosive equipment is also OK.

Double return, no more than no less.

Even if you have ten 75mm mountain guns, you can't beat the Japanese invaders with a 105mm heavy gun!
The two sides are not fighting at the same level at all.

Garbage system.

"When will it be delivered?"

"almost there!"

Chu Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief.


Shipping speed is ok.

But, are you really not going to send a few 105mm heavy guns?
"Sorry. This system can only provide common weapons and ammunition."

"For everything else, you still need to figure out your own way. After all, you are the head of the 358 regiment. You also have to work. Otherwise, what use are you?"

The system responded unabashedly.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Well, I'm trying!

Work hard to kill the Japanese devils!

Go to the warehouse behind.

Another convoy was found.

Another strong man with a height of nearly two meters, and dozens of mules and horses.

Sure enough, it was pulling two 75mm mountain cannons.

In addition, there are more than 500 shells.

Well, Cheng Lei can spend as much as he wants.

He now has 10 mountain cannons.

Ten doors!
That's it.

And so many shells!

Thinking of so many shells falling on the devil's head, I couldn't help being excited.

"The group seats..."

"This is……"

Fang Ligong was puzzled again.

Why did someone send two 75mm mountain guns?Also sent so many shells?
Three mountain cannons and five hundred shells have just been delivered.

Send again now?
Less than two hours apart?
Who arranged it?
In such a short period of time, five mountain cannons and thousands of shells were sent in succession!

so rich?

so generous?

"It's nothing."

"It's a war, you must ask someone to support you."


Chu Yunfei answered lightly.

Pretending to be mysterious.

Pretending to be profound.


Fang Ligong replied hastily.

Chu Yunfei felt more and more unfathomable.

I feel more and more that there may be a big conspiracy behind this incident.

Not only sent so many shells, but also sent five mountain cannons, which is not something ordinary people can do.Teachers can't do it.

At least he must be the commander of the group army.Even the Supreme Commander of World War II.

Who is this supreme officer?His surname is Yan...

People who want to secretly ask about transportation.

However, the strong man in the transport team did not speak at all.They handed over the mountain cannon, then turned and left.

No one knows who they are.

No one knew where they came from.

No one knows where they are going.

In short, don't ask.

The question is the system arrangement...

The mountain artillery was successfully sent to the artillery position.

The artillery battle between the enemy and us is in full swing.

"Cheng Lei!"

"You have ten mountain cannons now!"

"Fuck you!"

Chu Yunfei said in a deep voice.

Are the devil's artillery very arrogant?We are more arrogant!
Who is the strongest?
My [-] group is the strongest!

Cheng Lei's blood surged immediately.

Added a large number of shells.Two more mountain cannons were added.If he can't beat the devil's artillery, he will be ashamed to face others.



The two sides continued to confront each other.

Suddenly, a mountain cannon of the Japanese invaders was blown up.

The parts of the mountain cannon were blown up and flew into the air, which can be seen clearly from the telescope.

Well, it's a one-to-one tie now.

"Ding dong!"

"Your troops have successfully destroyed one of the Japanese mountain cannons."

"You get 5000 ocean rewards."

"Please use the reward funds properly and work hard to eliminate the Red Party."

The system prompt comes.

Chu Yunfei only saw silver dollars.Others are ignored directly.

Five thousand silver dollars!

Come on, little devil!

Let's keep fighting!

The more I lost, the more I replenished!
silently observe...

Suddenly feel some changes.

Name: Cheng Lei

Position: Deputy Battalion Commander of the Artillery Battalion of the 358th Regiment

Military rank: Major

Loyalty: 50+35
Fighting Will: 90+2
Cohesion: 70+10
Potential: 65+10
Tendency: 90
Secretly suspicious.

Cheng Lei's loyalty actually increased?
The will to fight has also improved?

Look at the others.

Name: Fang Ligong
Position: Chief of Staff of the 358th Regiment
Military rank: lieutenant colonel

Loyalty: 75+20
Fighting Will: 40+5
Potential: 35
Tendency: -63
The changes have also been quite large, and loyalty has also improved.

It seems that things seem to be turning around?

As the regiment leader, is he becoming more and more prestigious?

Perhaps, I can really become the strongest team leader!

(End of this chapter)

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