Spy War 1929

Chapter 103 List

Chapter 103 List
The training ground of Xiafei Road Hunting House is just behind the hunting house building, and the area is not too big, about two to three basketball courts.But in this place where every inch of land is very precious, it is not too small.

The first, second and third groups, the field service group and the street patrol group each have 20 people, a total of [-] people stand on the training ground.Everyone is wearing a patrol uniform, which looks black from a distance, with dots of white mixed in.This is the collar badge on the clothes.

Everyone's minds were confused as to why they and others were gathered here. They only knew that this was an instruction from the inspector, but they didn't say what they were doing.Everyone was muttering and discussing with the people next to them, expressing their guesses and opinions.

But don't talk about them, even their leaders are confused, and don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the inspector's gourd.Thinking of the report that was handed in yesterday, a little uneasiness lingered in the hearts of several people.The only one who is still calm is Fang Shan.

The third group did not conduct self-examination, and his brothers tried their best to investigate the gang of people in the street patrol group. No one would go out of their way to help those people hide something.Even if something happened, it probably had nothing to do with him.

Several headhunters looked at each other quietly, except for Fang Shan, everyone else had a little anxiety in their eyes.This posture doesn't always feel like a good thing.

The small sounds in the training ground were like a swarm of bees flying, buzzing non-stop, and everyone was talking softly.

Without making them wait for too long, Chen Ledao quickly walked to the high platform in front of the crowd with thick documents, and looked down at the more than a hundred patrolmen below the stage.In his hand, he held the document bag that Chen Hanlin brought back from the police station, which contained dozens of dismissal letters.

This time, the targets were mainly the five Chinese arrest teams who often performed tasks outside. Apart from these groups, there were also Hua arresters working in civilian positions in the arrest room.There are also quite a few of these people, but they are not within the scope of Chen Ledao's rectification this time.

Seeing Chen Ledao appearing on the high platform, the noisy sound of the training ground gradually quieted down, and everyone looked at the people on the stage.They were all curious and worried about what Chen Ledao would say next.

This is the first time Chen Ledao has gathered them here since he took office as inspector.Although Chen Ledao has been in office for almost two weeks, many people have not even spoken to him.

Although we talk about things related to the new inspector every day, some people say that he is good, and some people say that he is a shit stirrer in the house, and they can say anything.But in fact, most of the people here are out-and-out strangers to Chen Ledao.

Looking at the people below, Chen Ledao coughed a few times.This dry cough seems to have become part of the opening remarks of many people's speeches.

"Today is my first formal face-to-face speech with everyone since I took office. Let me introduce myself first."

Chen Ledao's opening remarks were unremarkable, like the old-fashioned speeches of those people with Mediterranean and beer bellies deep in my memory.The people below listened quietly, looking at the stage with their eyes.

Everyone knew that what the inspector said was empty words, but they were still listening quietly and pretending to be serious.They are experienced in this.

After the useless talk, the main course was served.Chen Ledao looked around at the crowd below.Everyone's expressions were clearly reflected in his eyes.Curious, worried, plain, all kinds of expressions

"Before I became the inspector, I worked as a consultant in the police department. When I joined the police department, there was one and only one reason - I wanted to contribute to the security of the concession." Chen Ledao looked at the police with a serious expression. people below.Think of a president sworn in.

"In my heart, the patrol room has always been to fight against evil, to fight against all dark forces, to uphold justice, and to protect weak existences. She is sacred and inviolable!"

His voice became high and full of power, and it seemed that his deep affection and love for the profession of patrolling were poured into these words.Everyone looked at Chen Ledao and seemed to feel the sincere emotion in his words.

Chen Hanlin couldn't help but blinked his eyelids, his eyes quietly revealing the color of thinking.Does this man have such a passion for patrolling?He didn't seem to feel much!

Chen Hanlin didn't believe 99 of Chen Ledao's words, and the rest was to give Chen Ledao's superb acting skills a face.If he didn't know what Chen Ledao was like in the police department before, he might really believe it.

For a person who is late for work and leaves early, Chen Hanlin really can't believe how much he loves his work.

In my heart, I admire Chen Ledao's seasoned acting skills and his thick skin.If it were him on stage, he would definitely not be able to sway freely like Chen Ledao, with a natural and flawless expression.

"I think many people are wondering why Director Fabre appointed me as the inspector. Obviously, there are so many outstanding people in the police department, no matter whether it is seniority or credit, it is not up to me, but why can I become the inspector?" How long! Today I can give you the answer.

The reason why the director values ​​me is not because I am handsome, nor because I have talent, those are just secondary, what he values ​​me most is - I love the profession of patrolling deeply! "

Everyone waited for a long time, thinking that they would know the secret of the inspector's success immediately, which dispelled a lot of their original worries, but they didn't expect to be here.

This sounded like the truth, and the inspector looked decent, not like someone who would lie to them.But this is a bit vague!
Chen Ledao didn't know what these people were thinking. After talking about this, the quotation was finished.What he really wanted to say could finally be said.

Chen Ledao has always considered himself a reasonable person, and he doesn't want to leave an image of being rough and unreasonable in the eyes of these people.

Now that the foreshadowing is enough, the turning point can come out.

"I have a deep love for the profession of police, so I don't allow anyone to tarnish the profession of police, and I don't allow anyone to discredit our police room!"

Chen Ledao's voice suddenly changed from full of enthusiasm to blunt and cold, looking at the people below, he said loudly.

"There was Zhu Wan, your former inspector. He took bribes and took advantage of the inspector's power to harm civilians in the concession. He used public equipment for private purposes and used his power for personal gain, which greatly damaged the image of the arresting house in the eyes of the tenants. He committed a heinous crime!" There was anger in his words, and this anger actually spread to everyone's hearts with the spread of his voice.

Everyone felt Chen Ledao's deep hatred for Zhu Wan, as if he was a scum and should be hacked into pieces.Feeling his emotions, many people feel sad in their hearts, and worries and fears emerge from the bottom of their hearts again.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.But it just so happens that most of them have done something bad, and finally became a police officer. Who has never used the black skin on their bodies to seek benefits for themselves!

"After I took office, another street patrol team arrested Liu Hai. They openly used the name of patrol to collect money from ordinary street vendors. It was for protection fees. If they didn't pay protection fees, they would detain the street vendors for food.

This kind of person is simply disgraceful, and I am deeply ashamed to have him as my predecessor.This should be placed in the previous feudal society, and the head can be beheaded directly!I don't have the right to cut off his head, so I can only send him to the police station and let him accept legal sanctions! "

"The arresting house where I work absolutely does not allow such black sheep to exist. Police arrests are for protecting the residents and protecting the people, not for exploiting the people.

I regret, and it is a pity, that the result of this self-examination inside the arresting room made me very angry.All of you, in my eyes, no one is a qualified police officer, and even among you, there are quite a few of the black sheep I just mentioned! "

Chen Ledao's voice suddenly became severe, his frown and narrowed eyes made his gaze oppressive.

Everyone's heart sank. Surprisingly, no one felt any opposition or dissatisfaction with Chen Ledao's words.Chen Ledao's previous foreshadowing made everyone immediately think of some bad things they had done after hearing his words.

Regardless of whether it is a big event or a small matter, there is one characteristic, and it is not a very glorious thing.

Confucian moral concepts are deeply rooted in people's hearts, even if they have no education, have not read books, and can't even write.But the basic concepts of good and evil are there.They all know whether the things they have done are good or bad.

Unable to object, many people with conscience in their hearts quietly lowered their heads, feeling ashamed in their hearts.I remembered the dream I had when I first entered the hunting room.

No one is inherently bad, they are just assimilated by environmental changes, compromised with life, and became the person they hated the most.

"As I said, the house where I work does not allow black sheep to exist, so I can tell you very clearly that those who have committed serious violations of a police code of ethics cannot continue to stay in the house, Joffre This kind of person is not allowed to exist in the road trap house."

Chen Ledao's words were no less than a thunderstorm on the ground. Everyone on the training ground couldn't hold back anymore. This already involved their interests.Everyone whispered in low voices.

Some were worried and cursed Chen Ledao's stupid decision in a low voice, and some were confident in themselves, thinking that they hadn't done any necrosis, and praised Chen Ledao's decision.

"Quiet!" Chen Ledao shouted loudly, and everyone focused on him again.

Yang Yang raised the information in his hands to everyone in the audience, Chen Ledao said loudly:
"In these investigation reports, many people have done things that seriously violate the professional ethics of patrolling. If you strictly follow the police's regulations, many of you can be directly escorted to the police, or at least you will have to stay in prison. Three years!

There was nothing wrong before, so no one would pursue it, but now, including in the future, such things will never happen again!

I hope you understand that firing some of you from the police force is not hurting you, it's helping you. "

Seeing the expressions of many people below have changed, Chen Ledao was unmoved and continued:

"If I want to, I can send you directly to the police station, but when the time comes, you will no longer be fired, but go to jail. You know what you have done, ask yourself, what did you do? Those things, can you go to prison, and can you stay there for a few years.

After announcing the list in a while, if you are not convinced, you can come to me. When the time comes, it will be business and you can do whatever you want.If you can stay according to the regulations of the arrest house, then you can stay, but if you have to accept any punishment according to the regulations, then of course you must act according to the law! "Chen Ledao's words are decisive, showing his firm determination. There will be no human feelings for this matter.

The autumn and winter wind is cold, blowing across the earth, across the training ground, and into the hearts of everyone.A piece of cold.No one wants to be the one who gets fired, but when everyone thinks about what they have done, they all feel that they will be the one who gets fired.

"Fang Shan!" Chen Ledao shouted loudly.

While Fang Shan was wandering, he was still surprised by Chen Ledao's words.I thought that Chen Ledao would take this opportunity to kill some people, but looking at the current situation, it may not be as simple as some people.

Hearing his name, he suddenly felt a little bad.No matter how you look at it, calling his name at such a critical time will not be a good thing.

With an honest and helpless expression on the corner of his mouth, Fang Shan took a small and difficult step.That's one small step for the police, but one giant leap for him.

"Here!" There was a strong reluctance on his face.

God has already marked the price of all the gifts in destiny, and the three groups did not conduct self-examination. It turns out that this is not because of his good character.

The eyes of the three groups fell on their square heads one after another, thinking about what the inspector was doing by calling his name at this time.

At any rate, his subordinates were in charge of the No. 20 headhunters, but Fang Shan felt like he was sitting on pins and needles at this moment.

"Come on, read this list!" Chen Ledao said.

Without a microphone, you can only shout with your voice.Chen Ledao didn't want to wake up tomorrow with a hoarse voice.This feeling of mastering the fate of others, leave it to Fang Shan.

Fang Shan felt bitter in his heart, and he didn't notice Chen Ledao's little thoughts.It just felt like a chore.Is he too high-profile these days?
He was the one to investigate the Street Patrol Team. Among the five teams, only three of them were not investigated. Now he is asked to read the list in Zhongmu Kuikui.

Looking suspiciously at Chen Ledao on the stage, he even suspected that this was some kind of conspiracy theory.

If it is something else, Fang Shan will be very happy, because it shows that the inspector thinks highly of him.But now, he doesn't really want this honor.This is more like cheating him than respecting him.

When he came to the stage, he received a lot of documents, which were letters of dismissal one after another. The first one was the person from the street patrol team.

He knew this person, the old bastard of the street patrol team, one of the few people who had the most fun running under Liu Hai in the past.

Many expectant eyes fell on him, Fang Shan, who had always been a bold artist, couldn't help swallowing.This serious atmosphere really makes people feel uncomfortable.

Everyone was staring at Fang Shan closely. At this moment, I don't know how many people were thinking in their hearts: no me, no me, no me.
(End of this chapter)

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