Spy War 1929

Chapter 104 Hector McQueen

Chapter 104 Hector McQueen

Holding the letter of dismissal in both hands, Fang Shan clenched his hands and shook them slightly.The material is too thick to make the rustling sound of paper shaking.

Looking at the name on the home page, Fang Shan turned his head and looked down.Everyone stared at him motionlessly, his eyes paused for two seconds in the direction of the street patrol team, he coughed twice and cleared his throat.

Seeing that Fang Shan didn't look at him, many people breathed a sigh of relief, their tense bodies relaxed a little, and their hands were sweating unconsciously.

Even if there is no extra money to be earned in the job of patrolling, the monthly salary is twelve or thirty oceans.Good work and monthly bonuses.Still good work.

No one wants to lose a good job, let alone a relatively easy job like patrolling, which is dignified and can help the family.

Everyone in the street patrol team clenched their hands tightly, for fear that Fang Shan would call his name.The mood is anxious and unbearable, it is autumn and winter, but there are still a few drops of sweat on the forehead.

Fang Shan didn't do anything exciting at this time. He took a deep breath and read out the first person's name.As the name was pronounced, Fang Shan knew that this person was finished.At the same time, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It wasn't sympathy, nor was it gloating, but it was worth it. He suddenly felt that meeting an inspector like Chen Ledao seemed pretty good.He has stuck to his bottom line in the past few years, and his hard work has not been in vain.

"Street Patrol Team, Sun Hui." The first name was read out.

Hearing this name, many people breathed a sigh of relief visibly.At this moment, they are like gamblers playing roulette, pulling the trigger in a panic, and fortunately they did not hear the sound of the gunshot.They are excited about taking back an opportunity for themselves.

The face of the person standing in the front row below suddenly changed. This is the position of the street patrol team. There is only one Sun Hui in the street patrol team, and that is him.

Although she also felt that most of the information contained her own name, but now that she actually heard this familiar name, she still couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, panic, panic, confusion, and bewilderment.
It was like a pressure pump was installed in the heart, and all kinds of emotions rushed into the head with the fast-flowing blood, exploding, mixing into a mess, and it was impossible to distinguish them.

His face turned pale in an instant, and he deliberately yelled out the word "dissatisfaction", but what Chen Ledao said just now suddenly popped out from the depths of his mind, instantly suppressing his anger.

Is it enough to be imprisoned for the things I have done for three years?If you really want to care about it, you won't be locked up for ten years, right?Or the death penalty?
Sun Hui didn't dare to think about it anymore. Although he refused to accept it, he didn't have the courage to speak out.

Fang Shan didn't stop, and continued to read:

"Street Patrol Team: Liu Fei, Street Patrol Team: Yang Peng, Group One: Wang Chenghua."

Three in a row were all the names of the Street Patrol Group, and the atmosphere at the location of the Street Patrol Group suddenly became a little strange.

When there is only one person, he will accept his fate; when there are two people, he will feel happy, thankful that he is not the only one who is unlucky; but when there are three people, he will start to think about conspiracy theories.

Those whose names were not read were afraid that they would be called later. Those whose names were read saw a few acquaintances who had the same experience as themselves, and immediately felt organized and courageous.

The place where the street patrol team was located began to whisper, and the content was nothing more than words like "how could there be me, I obviously didn't do anything, it's not fair."

Fang Shan read the names of the three street patrol teams in a row, and his eyes also changed.He also thought that Chen Ledao was going to focus on rectifying the street patrol team, and wanted to kill chickens to warn monkeys.

But at this moment, the names read below changed, and a group of names appeared.

Hear the group change.Now it was the street patrol team's turn to breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that there were only these three people in the street patrol team, and they were safe.A group of people are very nervous.

The first to change expression was a group of headhunters, Huang An.

A group of investigation reports were written by him himself, and no one knew better than him what was inside.Everyone's crimes he wrote are avoiding the most serious.

According to what he wrote, some people may be deducted from wages and fined, or they may be asked to write a review letter, publicly criticized, or even more seriously suspended for a period of time, but it is definitely not serious enough to be dismissed from the arrest room .

The people under him represent his rights in the arrest room.A group of people are his subordinates, and every time one leaves, it is a loss to him.It is impossible for him to write those things that hurt others and himself.

The matter of Wang Chenghua he wrote on it was not the most serious. Since Wang Chenghua was all dismissed, there must be more than one dismissed in that group.Who else?
For a moment, Huang An was shocked and frightened.

He couldn't figure out what the basis for Chen Ledao's dismissal was.He knew that Wang Chenghua had done some outrageous things, but he asked Wang Chenghua to do those things.Naturally, it was impossible for him to write these things down in the self-inspection report.

Wang Chenghua was dismissed, because Chen Ledao simply disliked him? ——No, Wang Chenghua had no contact with him at all, and he didn't even have a chance to offend him.Wang Chenghua was dismissed for no reason at all!

Besides the self-examination report, does Chen Ledao have other sources of information?
Huang An's mind turned quickly, and Wang Chenghua was also among those who were eliminated, which was beyond his expectation.The feeling that this kind of thing is out of control made him feel a little uneasy.

If he knows something, if he does, does he know what I've done?

Huang An's face gradually darkened, no one knew better than him what he had done.If Chen Ledao is really what he said, if he really knows something.That being cleared from the police station may be the lightest punishment and the best ending.

His mind gradually became confused, Huang An couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, his brows were tightly frowned, his breathing became heavy, his gaze gradually changed, and he was no longer calm.

The word worry gradually climbed up his insteps, climbed up his thighs, climbed up his chest, got into his heart, got into his eyes, got into his breath.Surround him tightly.

Fang Shan was still reciting his name, and the first group, the second group, the street patrol group, and the field work group all had their names read one after another.

Not all of Chen Ledao's news came from those reports, and those reports were just a proper process.If he wants to use those things to clean up the house, he can already resign.

His sources of information are mainly Ye Weiyang. Ye Weiyang now has more than 100 people. Before entering Ye Weiyang, these people did everything, pulling carts, carrying bags, apprentices, accountants, and waiters. , and even students whose life is not satisfactory.There are all kinds of things.Sources of information are wide-ranging.

Chen Ledao didn't tell Wei Zhengyun to stop recruiting buddies, so this matter has been going on all the time, and when he meets suitable ones, he will be recruited.After Fang Yanyun came to Ye Weiyang, rumors began to circulate in Shanghai that Chen Ledao had a relationship with Feng Jingyao.

It is no secret in Shanghai that Feng Jingyao has no children and only one daughter.Chen Ledao became the inspector of Xiafei Road, and Ye Weiyang under him also became an upstart in the French Concession, gradually becoming a new force.

The relationship between him and Feng Jingyao has already been associated with Weng and his son-in-law by many people.

Ye Weiyang is no longer a simple song and dance hall, a serious corporate company as Chen Ledao said at the beginning.Showing off Ye Weiyang's name, and throwing out a few elders, it is not difficult to inquire about some ordinary police arrests.

Chen Ledao was standing by the side at the moment, watching Fang Shan read his name, whoever dared to stand up and yell at him, dared to bluff at him.Then he doesn't just reason with others.

Before Mr. Lu Xun made a pen, he also learned how to use a knife for a while! —Although it’s just a scalpel.

After reading the letter of dismissal in his hand, Fang Shan picked up another copy, looking at the name on it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

After he started to say his name, he didn't stop. When he stopped suddenly at this moment, everyone on the training ground became nervous. Of course, this would exclude those whose names had already been said.

Everyone stared at Fang Shan on the stage, wondering why he stopped.

Looking at the name of the dismissal letter in his hand, Fang Shan looked up at Huang An's seat in the audience, with a look of shock and sympathy in his eyes.

The shock was because I saw Huang An's name here, and the sympathy was also because I saw Huang An's name here.

It seems that Chen Xun is really determined to clean up the arresting room this time. He knows almost all the people in the arresting room. He doesn't know some of the names he read just now, but some of the owners of the names, they It is absolutely not wronged to be cleared from the arrest room.

As for Huang An, naturally he was not wronged.However, even the headhunters are eliminated together, which is quite courageous.Although the position of headhunting is small, it is a very important position in the hunting room.

They are the executors of orders and the managers of patrols.Without these people, the work of the hunting house will be affected.As for finding someone to replace the head catcher, it's not so easy to be. First of all, you have to convince the people below.

Seeing Fang Shan looking directly at him, Huang An's face instantly became ugly, a star plummeted to the bottom of the valley, and deep anxiety burst out from the bottom of his heart in an instant, squeezing his heart desperately.Even breathing suddenly became rapid. .

"One group, Huang An!" Fang Shan withdrew his gaze, and read aloud the name on the dismissal letter in his hand.

The relationship between Fang Shan and Huang An is just not close, and the usual politeness and enthusiasm between the two is just a formality and superficial.The sympathy for Huang An at this moment is just a little emotion because they are both in the same job.

Old Huang, you can only be considered unlucky this time, who made you meet the inspector Chen Ledao!

In the entire Xiafei road arresting room, apart from Chen Hanlin, the person who knows Chen Ledao best is Fang Shan.He who has been to Ye Weiyang several times, and who has deliberately known Chen Ledao, knows that Chen Ledao is not as ordinary as he appears on the surface.

A dog that bites people is wrong, and powerful characters are often not eager to express themselves.Chen Ledao is such a person.To be cleaned up like this, I can only blame my bad luck.

Hearing Huang An's name, there was an instant uproar on the training ground. No one thought that headhunters like Huang An would be eliminated.

It was the arresters who wrote the investigation report and handed it over to Chen Ledao.Although they all know what kind of person Huang An is in private, it's impossible for Huang An to write things that are not good for them!
He is not a fool!

For a moment, everyone felt concerned and anxious.Even the head-hunters have to be cleared out, can they survive?Everyone with ghosts in their hearts is in danger, and can no longer find any excuses to comfort themselves.

Seeing Fang Shan began to read other people's names, everyone's mood at the moment was like walking a tightrope.Every time I hear a name that is not my own, it means I have taken a step forward, and I am one step closer to the end point.
Zhou Jie, the head catcher of the second group, and the head catcher of the field service group couldn't help but clenched their fists tightly at this moment, their hearts fluttered, as if they were walking on thin ice.

All the people whose names were read were stunned in place at the moment, some were angry and dissatisfied, and some complained and panicked in their hearts. They all had one thing in common—despair.

Some people are hysterical despair, some people are melancholy despair.Some even slumped on the ground and wept regretfully.

They suddenly remembered what their family had paid to join the arresting house, and they all remembered what their family expected of them when they first became a police officer.Now, it's all done for nothing.

Standing on it, Chen Ledao quietly looked at the crowd, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, but he quickly calmed him down.

The police station is not a charity. These poor looking people are actually hateful.It was a great kindness to clear them out of the arrest room like this.

Fang Shan continued to read his name. Outside the training ground, some civil servants poked their heads out quietly to peek at what was going on here.The atmosphere on the training ground is so tense that you can feel it even from afar.No one dared to go up and inquire about it.

Looking at the colleagues on the field who were sullen, sad, happy, or desperate, everyone was guessing what happened.

"Hector is here!" Just as everyone was watching the movement on the training ground, a voice behind suddenly said.

Hector McQueen, a policeman in the police station.Hector doesn't have a high sense of presence in the Xiafei Road arresting house, and he can't find anyone in the arresting house on weekdays.

He is in the arrest room, more of a supervisory role.And when he doesn't want to supervise, there is only a symbolic role left.

At the beginning of the establishment of the police station, there was only Xibu.But if you want to use Xizuo to be responsible for the security of the concession.This is undoubtedly a joke.

With the development and maturity of the house arrest system, the more Chinese arresters there are, the fewer and fewer jobs there are in Western arresters.Until now, except for those important positions.Xizhu has become more and more unscrupulous.

Hector is naturally one of the representative figures.

"Why is Mr. McQueen here?" Seeing that it was Hector, someone asked in confusion.

This person who usually works five days and eight days may not be able to see him once.

"What else can it be? It's probably aimed at our inspector!" Someone said.

(End of this chapter)

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