All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 118 Book of Life and Death and Judge's Pen?

Chapter 118 Book of Life and Death and Judge's Pen?
[You have put in the Bible of the Undead, the Golden Sutra of the Sun, and the Spear of Judgment... Are you sure you want to start casting? 】


[Consuming reincarnation points and casting the power of territorial luck...]

On the altar of reincarnation, accompanied by raging flames, three extraordinary items from the Republic of Ghosts gradually melted.

"I didn't expect that this 'Spear of Judgment' would also be compatible with the "Bible of the Dead" and the "Golden Sun Scripture."

There is some surprise and surprise on Xia Tian's face.

Before, when he killed Arthur and harvested the Spear of Judgment, he discovered that Skynet had given him a hint.

This item can be forged together with the "Bible of the Dead" and "The Golden Sutra of the Sun" as an accessory item of "Reincarnation Pool".

For this reason, he even consumed another 30 spiritual crystal sacrifices to convert them into reincarnation points, and finally combined the three items together.

It was melted and cast into a golden half like the sun, half black of death, and a silver pointed spear hard pen in the middle, making the whole thing look half god, half ghost, half fairy.

【Book of Life and Death·The Pen of Heaven】

Rating: 20
Grade: Extraordinary Qizhen (Legendary Potential)

【Book of Life and Death】

1. Record the experience and process of people in the entire plane, which can be recorded and monitored at any time.

2. Record the "good and evil value (merit, karma)" of the target, and through the baptism of the reincarnation pool, the merit and karma can be extracted to create "treasures"!
【The Pen of Heaven】

1. You can set "rules" in the territory (rules are different from characteristics, and are invalid for non-territory residents).

2. When you have obtained enough power of luck in a certain plane, you can write down the name of a dead creature in that plane on the golden pages of the "Book of Life and Death", consuming a certain power of luck and a chance of reincarnation Its "reincarnation and resurrection"!
"Well, record people's life. This function seems familiar!"

There is no doubt that this forum has created an item, both in appearance and attributes, which are quite similar to the legendary "Book of Life and Death".

The situation of people in the whole territory can be recorded.

However, is the function of recording and monitoring at any time a bit too much?

If it falls into the hands of some dishonest lords, maybe it will...

cough cough.

An honest gentleman like Xia Tian would definitely not check other people's privacy at will.

Moreover, it has to be said that this item can be of some use to him.

In fact, in order to master the Da Ming martial arts plane as soon as possible, many of the heroes he recruited were not positive people.

For example, the little old man Wu Ming, the honest monk, Mu Taoist, Shangguan Jinhong...

These people belong to the role of "villain" in the original book. Joining Sky City inevitably has the purpose of doing things in the original plane after obtaining "longevity".

And with the "Book of Life and Death", he can monitor the behavior of these people in real time and at any time, and avoid making outrageous behaviors that cause the will of the plane to target.

Of course compared to "Book of Life and Death".

What surprised Xia Tian was the characteristic of the Spear of Judgment being transformed into a "pen of heaven".

"You can 'resurrect' the target person by directly writing their name? This ability seems to be a bit 'defying'!"

"This doesn't mean that I can directly recruit past heroes in the plane, for example... if I write 'Bai Qi'!"

There is a strong curiosity in Xia Tian's heart.

Pick up the "pen of heaven" and write the word "Bai Qi" on the golden page.

A golden light bloomed, and then...

Well, Bai Qi didn't appear, but a line of writing appeared.

[Please describe the specific information more accurately...]

There are countless Bai Qis in the heavens and myriad worlds, even in the same plane, there must be many names of people named Bai Qi.

Therefore, it is not enough to just white up the word.

"Familiar with the art of war, good at using troops, the Battle of Yique, defeated the 24 allied forces of Wei and Han, and completely wiped out the way for the Great Qin to advance eastward. The Battle of Chu, captured the city of Ying, the capital of Chu. The Battle of Changping severely damaged the main force of Zhao State, and killed 40. Served as the Great Qin general for more than 30 years, attacked more than 70 cities, killed millions of enemies, and was conferred the title of Wu'an Lord of our Great Qin!"

Xia Tian recalled the Bai Qi in Dragon Emperor's memory, and said in a deep voice.

【Target locked】

[Bai Qi (extraordinary top level · 20 · hero), reincarnation needs the luck points of the corresponding plane: 100000! (Because there is a lot of karma on the target, more luck is needed)! 】

Soon, a piece of information surfaced.

It makes Xia Tian happy, but also a little regretful.

I am happy that "Bai Qi" can indeed be reincarnated, but it is a pity that 10 plane luck points are needed.

You know, even the combination of Uncle Jiu and Chen Zhen only provided him with less than 2 luck points!

"However, from the perspective of the world, the first world war on this plane has already started immediately."

"It's also time for Wang Jian to lead the terracotta warriors and horses to participate in the battle with the newly obtained 'Death Army'. At that time, he can plunder a lot of luck, and it won't take long to get it done. For Wang Jian, he can resurrect Bai Qi and recast the Great Qin together." Rong Guang should also be very happy."

Xia Tian thought about it and made arrangements.

During these two days, Wang Jian was not idle.

In fact, Xia Tian bought a lot of knowledge skills through Skynet, allowing Wang Jian to learn and look up them in the arena "custom room" where the time flow rate was adjusted to hundreds of times.

This famous Qin general is not ignorant of all kinds of hot weapons and modern warfare.


"This fairy world is really different from the human world, but after a while of practice, it is worth the hard work of the past few months!"

"It's unbelievable that I have broken through the bottleneck of more than ten years!"

And when offering sacrifices in summer.

A bunch of heroes from the Ming Dynasty's martial arts plane had surprised expressions on their faces.

Because, under the strong spiritual power and characteristics of the territory, many people found that there were faint signs of breakthrough in the martial arts that had been difficult to advance!

Two more people entered the state of epiphany, almost reaching the extraordinary level.

"Quiet, now the city lord has something to announce!"

At this time, Lian Xing came out and called everyone to gather together.

"I'll announce the names of the top ten kills in previous battles."

Xia Tian stepped on the white clouds and stood in the air, and the "Book of Life and Death" beside him was opened, replaying the scene of everyone's previous battle with the Death Army.

"Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue, Wu Ming, Yan Nantian, Jellyfish Yinji, Mu Daoren, Shangguan Jinhong, Xie Xiaofeng, Gongziyu, Dahuanxi Bodhisattva, you have won the top 10 and are eligible to enter the 'Arena' to practice, temporarily obtain eligibility to reside in the Territory."

"Among them, the top three will each receive a drop of 'Sun and Moon Essence' worth 1000 luck points, which can be used to cultivate internal strength for 10 years!"

"No.2, get an additional custom-made extraordinary quality weapon."

"No.1, get any one of your own characteristics to upgrade to the extraordinary level!"

Said in Xia Tian mouth.

Lifting his hand, three drops of "Sun and Moon Essence" exuding strong spiritual power fell into the hands of Ye Gucheng and others, making a group of martial arts practitioners short of breath.

Especially those who are a little short of the top ten are even more annoyed.

Because, even if you can't get the essence of the sun and the moon, you can definitely break through just by living in the territory!
"In addition, Lin Jiu and Chen Zhen have contributed to finding the treasure."

"Lin Jiu, I entrust you with the "Five Thunders and the Law", which will allow you to master the yin and yang and five thunders, the innate qi."

"Chen Zhen, this extraordinary-level dragon element is given to you, allowing you to directly break through to the extraordinary realm and gain the power of the dragon clan."

Xia Tian handed two skill light spheres to Uncle Jiu and Chen Zhen.

Well, "Five Thunders" is the skill he drew out from the world of "Under One" during the round of sacrifice just now, and Long Yuan is the skill condensed after killing several extraordinary dragon creatures before. made.

Because there is more spiritual power in the territory, and there is a chance of epiphany, both of them used it on the spot.

Immediately, the breath in both bodies increased greatly.

Especially Chen Zhen, who suddenly broke through from the ordinary gold level to the extraordinary level.

It made a bunch of martial arts people even more moved.

You must know that as the top masters in the world of martial arts, they clearly saw in the previous battles that Chen Zhen only knew some simple and basic boxing techniques, and he was not even a third-rate master in the Jianghu.

Now, it has surpassed their years of painstaking practice, reaching the sky in one step!

It turns out that the "broken void" that I have been pursuing all my life is really just a matter of rewarding a little thing for the gods.

"In addition, as your first mission, the three 'Golden Boy, Jade Girl, and Great Joyful Bodhisattva' who died heroically in battle can be resurrected for free."

Then, Xia Tian unfolded the "Book of Life and Death" in his hand, picked up the brush of heaven and ticked off a name.

"Come out, Great Joyful Bodhisattva!"

"Yes, City Lord!"

Soon, a beautiful woman in her 20s who looked like she was in her [-]s walked out from the direction of Samsara Pond, with a white dress like snow, a high bun, a charming face, and a stunning posture. Her brows and eyes were full of joy.

"What, is this the Great Joyful Bodhisattva?"

"Don't lie to me, I have seen the Great Joyful Bodhisattva, it is definitely not like this!"

But a bunch of martial arts heroes were stunned.

You know, the "Great Joyful Bodhisattva" is well-known in the entire Da Ming martial arts plane.

No, because she is as beautiful as a Bodhisattva, or she practices Buddhist alchemy.

It's because her appearance is too special, she is extremely fat and strong, her body is filled with piles of fat, like a rolling mountain of meat, the ground shakes when she walks.

Even Li Xunhuan's little Li Feidao couldn't pierce the layer of fat on her body, instead she directly chewed it up in her mouth.

But now, the woman in white looks no more than eighteen years old.

She is even more graceful, her skin is as crystal clear as snow, can be broken with a blow, and her fingers are green.

Obviously the first-class stunning beauty, the color of the city!

"Well, this is also a 'resurrection treatment' provided by Sky City for you. During resurrection, you can choose to modify your own body!"

Xia Tian was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and said with a faint smile.

It turned out that during the resurrection, Xia Tian discovered an option, that is, the reincarnation pool can modify the appearance and form of the physical body!

To put it in a game term, it is possible to "pinch the face" when rebuilding a character.

Because of this, it took a lot of time to revive the Great Joyful Bodhisattva this time.

Of course, Xia Tian needs to make a serious statement.

The face and body of Great Joyful Bodhisattva were really not "pinched" by him, but the result of him delegating authority and letting her complete the effect.

After all, even if he is well-informed, he really can't transform this super version of Qiao Biluo who can run with a carriage into what he is today.

"Resurrection, can you change your appearance and repair defects?"

Among the crowd, Gong Ziyu, Jellyfish Yinji and the others showed agitated expressions.

"Well, Lian Xing, remember to sell it before the resurrected people in the future, and charge according to the time it takes to pinch your face!"

Xia Tian smiled and said to Lian Xing who was specially arranged by him to run the "Reincarnation Pool".

Well, you can't charge by the number of times.

The function of "pinching face" has to be charged according to the time.

Moreover, in theory, after each death and resurrection, it will automatically change into the form that best fits the true spirit.

So as long as you die, you have to pinch your face again!
Well, it's not just this resurrection feature that costs money.

In the next summer, I plan to buy some residential territory buildings from Skynet for renting out.

These "Jinyiwei" want to stay in the territory and use the spiritual power of the territory to practice.

You have to spend money to rent a house every day. If you don’t have luck points, you can go back to the original plane or go to another plane to participate in the battle and plunder. Anyway, the next two planes will enter a full-scale war. These people are definitely the best. Good "renewable" labor resources!

(End of this chapter)

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