All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 119 Class reunion, Mo Yumeihua

Chapter 119 Class reunion, Mo Yumeihua

The next day.

Xia Tian didn't do anything else, just started a few waves of "aquarium call" in the territory.

First let a group of heroes from the Ming Dynasty's martial arts plane kill them, and give them a small amount of luck points and territorial products as rewards.

Then, they made weapons and food from the materials and flesh containing a lot of spiritual power from these aquatic creatures and sold them at a high price. Not only did they take back this part of their luck points, but they also took a lot from them!

It can be said that a bunch of hard-working "ascension" golden heroes were summoned to the extreme by him.

And the key is, everyone is still grateful to him, and the typical one is to help count the money after being sold!

However, on the fourth day, Xia Tian can no longer stay in the territory.

Because today is the graduation party held by "Class 11 of No. [-] Middle School in Shu City", he needs to go to the famous "Hongmen" world to attend the banquet.

"How about this bright yellow one?"

"Not good, I think the texture of white jade is more spiritual."

"Purple, the king should be more mature in purple. After all, this is a formal occasion!"

In the elf palace, Xia Tian looked helpless, standing like a wooden man.

Beside him, Yu Ji, Zhen Mi, Wan Hou, Lian Xing and a group of people were gesticulating and exchanging clothes bought from Tianwang on him, from hats to clothes, even to a pendant and Hairstyles are all about excellence!
"My lord, do you need us to accompany you?"

It was finally done, and after letting him breathe a sigh of relief, several heroines were going to accompany him to the banquet.

"This, I don't need it for now."

Xia Tian shook his head decisively.

Although you bring a bunch of stunning beauties and heroes to the class reunion, you will get a lot of envious eyes without hesitation.

But think about it, this kind of gathering today is really not suitable for the local residents.

So, in the end, he went alone in the "King Wen's car"!

"Huh? That's from 'King Wen'! How could..."

And in Xia Tian, ​​when he was driving the King Wen chariot pulled by eight white horses, he was teleported into the "Hongmen World" through the invitation seal issued by "Concubine Liu Xian".

Almost as soon as he entered, a lazy but majestic consciousness swept over King Wen's car with slight surprise.

"Our lord is here."

Concubine Liu Xian, dressed in sapphire palace attire, was waiting for Xia Tian at the entrance of the palace.

It made him admire this squad leader in his heart, he was really approachable and had no posture.

Because, the nobility and majesty of the imperial palace built on the back of a huge dragon tortoise and occupying an area comparable to a city exceeded his imagination to a certain extent.

The most simple and direct point is that the guard leaders who guard the gate all exude breath fluctuations that belong to the level of gods!
"They're all here, just waiting for you!"

Because of being tossed about in the territory, Xia Tian became the latecomer among the classmates.

"Brother Ma, is your 'Zhutian Taobao Store' still recruiting people? My supernatural characteristic is 'Great Hype'. I can serve as your customer service. One person can be used by a hundred."

"Brother Wang, my dad said that if you join their 'Suppressing Demon Legion', he can give you an epic suit and a contract of up to [-] yuan. How about thinking about it?"

"I'll go, Zhang Qiling, why do you look so haggard? Could it be another ghost?"

When Xia Tian and Concubine Liu walked into a banquet hall that was decorated like a fairyland, covered with clouds and mist, a large number of spiritual food and strange fruits from the heavens and myriad worlds, dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and seafood fairy treasures were placed.

Class 11 students are chatting excitedly in groups.

"Brother Xia, you're here!"

And seeing Xia Tian walk in, Ma Xiaotao who was being complimented by a bunch of classmates.

But he got up immediately and quickly came to Xia Tian's side, his eyes glowing and his expression excited.

He clearly knew that he was able to obtain the title of "Second Businessman on Earth", most of it was because of Xia Tian.

"Hello Brother Xia!"

"Brother Xia."

"Lord Xia!"

Not only Ma Xiaotao, but in fact, apart from the calm reaction caused by the dynasty's character.

The rest of the people gathered around and said hello.

In the final analysis, everyone was still a student in the college entrance examination before, and to a large extent they just felt envious and surprised when facing a lord, but they didn't feel too inferior.

Now the college entrance examination is over.

According to the results of the college entrance examination, all the people were divided into three, six, and nine grades, and officially entered the heavens and ten thousand realms!

Only to realize that although it is nominally an era where everyone has a chance to become a god.

But just having a chance doesn't mean that you can really become a god.

In fact, the proportion of gods in the human race is still relatively small, and it is estimated that only a few parents in the whole class have reached the step of gods!
And more people are in legends, epics, and even "in charge" in some worlds where the upper limit is only extraordinary.

Therefore, many people in the class actually had a "thigh" in their hearts to hug him, the lord.

However, a bunch of classmates are also quite clear.

For True God, most people who choose "followers" will also choose those who are on the leaderboard.

In the entire class, only Wang Chao, Liu Xianfei, and Ma Xiaotao were qualified.

Therefore, no one spoke directly to avoid embarrassment.

"Come on, this is the black jade plum blossom that is a specialty of my territory... I will give this one to the squad leader. Thank you for preparing a rich banquet for us today!"

"The rest of the seeds, everyone has one. Although the level is not high, it is still useful."

And Xia Tian is after greeting everyone with a smile on his face.

From the lord's order, I took out a plum blossom that was as black as pure lacquer, as thin as suet, with fine texture, clean and elegant, and placed it on the table.

In addition, there are a lot of black jade-like plant seeds.

As the only lord in the class.

I thought about it before Xia Tian came, and felt that it was not suitable to be completely empty-handed.

Therefore, I specially brought such a Moyu plum blossom.

This thing was not bought from Skynet, but a kind of "heavenly material and earthly treasure" generated by the territory's "earthly spirit and outstanding person" characteristic after he searched enough luck power from a large number of great Ming martial arts heroes.

[Tianyi Shenshui, Moyu Plum Blossom, Cold Stone Bed, Wannian Wenyu, Yinshan Hantie, Iron Walnut, Peach Blossom Miasma...]

There are quite a few treasures in the Da Ming martial arts plane, many of which belong to the gold level.

And there is no shortage of rare qualities, and this Moyu plum blossom is the best among them!
【Moyu Plum Blossom】

Rating: 10
Grade: Gold Top Rare

Explanation: The treasure of heaven and earth in the Palace of Dreams of Red Mansions in Yihua Palace.Practicing with it can make people understand all things and strengthen their understanding. Long-term exposure can achieve the effect of prolonging life and improving mind.

Remarks: A special product of Sky City.

It is definitely very rare for a treasure of this "rare" quality to appear on a low-level plane, especially a treasure that can enhance the character.

Because as I said before, it is not difficult for Skywalker to learn skills.

But mastering and proficiency in skills depends on individual talent, and obviously not everyone is as savvy as Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

This kind of plum blossom can be said to be very useful, especially for the group of people in the sky who are about to formally step into the heavens and worlds.

"A rare treasure?"

Even Concubine Liu Xian was a little moved.

Don't look at the various rare items obtained in the college entrance examination before summer, it seems that "treasures" are very common.

In fact, he was rewarded for the perfect assessment, and he only got it after opening the altar of reincarnation.

For ordinary Skywalkers, this kind of "rare" item is already something that cannot be bought without channels even if there is a spirit crystal, and it is very valuable.

Of course, as far as Concubine Liu Xian is concerned, there is no shortage of such things.

What she cares about is that it can be stated in the remarks that this is a special product of "City of Heaven".

She had highly suspected that "City of Heaven" was Xia Tian's territory before, and now she is sure of it!
(End of this chapter)

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