All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 120 Fengyun + No. 1 in the world?

Chapter 120 Fengyun + No. [-] in the world?

"Brother Xia, can you sell this treasure?"

"Now is the time when the college entrance examination is over and most people acquire characteristics and start learning skills. If they are sold on the market, the price will at least double compared to before the college entrance examination."

After seeing the attributes, the rest of the people couldn't help but be moved.

Especially Ma Xiaotao smelled a huge business opportunity almost instantly, and his face was a little excited.

"How much can you sell!"

And when Xia Tian heard it, he became interested.

"The finished product can be sold for at least 10000 spirit crystals, and the seeds need to be sold for more than 5000!"

Ma Xiaotao's eyes lit up, and he said confidently.

"Ten thousand is quite a lot."

Xia Tian nodded.

The cost of this thing is actually not high, only 1000 luck points.

According to the "1:1" conversion he set between luck points and spirit crystals, 10 times the price is also worthy of the rare quality. He used up 60 spirit crystals for two consecutive sacrifices before, plus After buying a lot of items from Skynet, I have less than a million spiritual crystals on my body, and I urgently need to open source.

In addition to killing the water tribe to obtain materials, this Moyu plum blossom is indeed a way to make money.

The only problem is that this thing needs the luck of the corresponding plane to be able to condense.

As for the power of luck of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to cultivating geniuses and treasures, it is more important for him to upgrade the two Ming Dynasty territorial buildings of "Jinyiwei·Zhenfusi" and "Shenjiying".

Unless he can find another plane with the power of the Ming dynasty to control it.

Otherwise, they will definitely not be able to use their luck to mass-produce "Moyu Plum Blossoms" for sale!

Well, another Ming Dynasty plane...

"By the way, Han Li, are you still in the plane of the college entrance examination?"

Xia Tian suddenly remembered something.

Turning to ask Han Li.

He vaguely remembered the background of the world of "Fengyun", which seemed to be the Ming Dynasty too?
"Hey, it's still there. This plane can reach the extraordinary level, which is just right for me now."

"However, Brother Xia, I am no longer messing around in the rivers and lakes, but have joined the imperial court, and now I have become the secret bodyguard next to the emperor of this plane. After a while, I will help the emperor take care of the Hulong Villa and the East Factory. Of the two extraordinary masters, I am the No.1 in the imperial court!"

"At that time, you can officially gather the power of luck and become a hero."

Han Li's face was beaming, as if he had already planned his future.


Xia Tian was silent again.

He didn't know how to describe this kid's behavior.

Good guy, is it because of yourself "the lone star of the evil spirit", every time you join a force, the other party will be implicated in bad luck.

Or are you really born with the fate of being beaten and fleeing, and you always go to seek refuge with forces that seem to be very powerful, but will soon fall?

Xia Tian is very clear.

In the world of wind and cloud, the emperor of the Central Plains didn't have much sense of presence at all, and a slightly powerful master could go straight in the palace.

Even Jue Wushen dared to fight in the imperial city with only 1000 soldiers and horses, trying to replace the emperor!

"However, Hulong Mountain Villa, the two extraordinary masters of the East Factory? What's going on here!"

"Tiedan Shenhou and Cao Zhengchun?"

Xia Tian was slightly taken aback.

This "Fengyun Plane" also seems a bit weird.

However, considering that there were a large number of heroes who did not belong to the same era in the martial arts plane of the Ming Dynasty, it does not seem surprising that this kind of "fusion" appeared in the Fengyun plane.

Just looking at Han Lizheng's smug expression, Xia Tian was a bit uncomfortable hitting him.

It's nothing more than a brainless person like Absolute Wushen.

Cao Zhengchun, such a scheming and powerful villain as Tie Dan Shenhou, you kid still think that you will be able to deal with the two of you if you take refuge in the emperor?

Unless the emperor's name is "Zhu Di" or "Zhu Chongba"!
"Your emperor, what is the year name?"

Xia Tian asked.

He remembered that the emperor among the best in the world seemed to be Zhengde, but after mixing with the world of "Fengyun", it might not be this one.

"What's it called...Jiajing!"

Han Li scratched his head and said in his mouth.


Xia Tian's heart moved.

He was a little hesitant about whether to set foot in this area.

After all, Fengyun's water is a little deep.

But since it is the emperor, at least it is not too difficult for him to control the power of the imperial court.

Because this old boy is extremely feudal and superstitious, he is constantly seeking immortality and Taoism, and he has to copy all kinds of Taoist scriptures to write imperial edicts, so that officials can guess by themselves.

Moreover, they have not been in court for more than 20 years.

Since he has already taught the little fat man a lesson, there is no reason not to teach the old Taoist priest a lesson?

"Especially the treasures of heaven, material and earth in the plane of wind and cloud are of much higher quality than those in the plane of Da Ming's martial arts!"

Xia Tian pondered in his heart.

Although there are many genius treasures in the martial arts plane of the Ming Dynasty, because of the upper limit of the plane, the highest gold items that can be generated are "Moyu Plum Blossoms".

In contrast, Fengyun World is different.

A blood bodhi that can improve 60 years of skill was poured out by the blood of the fire unicorn, the four sacred stones left by Nuwa to mend the sky, and even the dragon veins of Xuanyuan Huangdi...

In addition, there are even mythical beasts such as phoenix blood, dragon yuan, dragon tortoise, and unicorn in this world.

You must know that these creatures are likely to belong to the epic level after the seal of the plane is lifted, and the value is much higher than that of ordinary extraordinary creatures.

And there are also high-quality extraordinary martial arts such as "King Kong Is Not Bad", "Three Points Returning to Vitality", "Moco Infinite", "Sword 23".

He was originally planning to buy some supernatural skills through Skynet, so that those big-faced martial arts people can continue to "krypton gold" after they break through!
However, most of the skills that can be bought on Skynet are relatively ordinary, which wastes the potential of these heroes to a certain extent.

If you can win the Fengyun Plane, you have a better choice.

"Well, the plane you are in should be useful to me."

"If you don't mind, how about I come to your plane to take a look in two days?"

Xia Tian said to Han Li with a smile.

"Damn! Brother Xia, how can there be objections, I welcome you with both hands and feet!"

It wasn't just Han Li who was beaming with joy.

Even the rest of the classmates showed envious eyes towards him.

Because, if Xia Tian really takes a fancy to this plane, and prepares to cultivate it to become a subordinate plane for him to become a "true god" in the future.

Then, Han Li, who was in charge of connecting the wires, would naturally not be thrown away.

This is equivalent to the future, the gods can be expected!

Compared with the epic talent obtained by escaping from the college entrance examination, it is thousands of times more valuable!
A bunch of people were a little excited.

Wondering if he should also discuss the situation of his own plane and attract Xia Tian's attention?
"Summer, an elder in my family wants to see you!"

However, at this time, Concubine Liu Xian seemed to have received some news.

Suddenly stood up and said to Xia Tian.

"Wow, I've seen my parents."

"The lord and the princess are really a good match!"

"Yes, golden boy and jade girl."

The people in the class also attended the banquet today, and it was the first time they knew that Concubine Liu Xian had such an amazing background.

And Xia Tian's "City of Sky" is the number one ancestral star, so it's really not nonsense to talk about matching.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Concubine Liu Xian, who has always been generous and generous, had a shy expression on her face, which gave a bunch of booing people a look.

"Your parents?"

Xia Tian was stunned for a moment, with a premonition in his heart.

"Well, my great-grandfather!"

Good guy, I really met a Hongmen Banquet!
(End of this chapter)

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