All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 123 Extraordinary Characteristics: King of Heaven!

Chapter 123 Extraordinary Characteristics: King of Heaven!
With a wave of Xia Tian's sleeve robe, he handed the two items to Xiongba.

"Fusing this thing will allow you to become my subordinate and obtain the qualification to enter my territory.】

"The other thing is called Long Yuan. It can restore part of your strength. As for the full recovery, or even a step closer, it depends on your own performance in the future..."

"Jin Yiwei, Long Yuan?"

Tianxia will be the most powerful force in the rivers and lakes in this dimension.

Xiong Ba has actually heard of "Long Yuan", but even when he was at his strongest martial arts, he didn't dare to attack creatures like dragons!

But judging from the fact that the immortal rewarded a dragon yuan at random, it is obvious that even a legendary creature like a dragon is nothing in the immortal's hands.

"Perhaps it is really a turning point in the old man's fate!"

Xiongba was shocked, and after a little hesitation, he stuck the token of "The Heavens · Jinyiwei" on his forehead and fused it.

"The heavens and turns out that the whole world is just one plane..."

Then his body shook violently, and after feeling the basic information given by Skynet, an incredible expression appeared on his face.

And Xia Tian checked the attributes of Xiongba.

【Xiong Ba】

Rating: 15
Grade: Extraordinary median (due to the loss of the power of luck, most of the characteristics disappear)
Features: dominate the world
Skills: three-point magic finger, three-point return to vitality, Tianshuang fist, cloud-dispelling palm, Fengshen leg
【Heroes dominate the world】

Xiongba will condense certain related characteristics according to the power he commands. The larger the power of the commander, the more related characteristics will be condensed!
[Three-point magic finger (extraordinary)]

Xiongba's own unique technique, highly restrained Tianshuangquan, cloud-dispelling palm and Fengshen leg's martial arts.

【Three points to vitality (supernatural)】

Natianshuang Fist, Fengshen Leg, and Paiyun Palm are integrated into one body, and each of the three masters takes one point to integrate into one, which belongs to the supernatural martial arts!

Just other skills.

The key is that the skill of "returning three parts to vitality" of wind, cloud and frost makes Xia Tian's heart move.

It was like a sudden realization in my mind.

"Let's go, take the two of them to the capital of this world. On the way, explain the situation of your world to them!"

Then, amidst the surprised expressions of Xiongba and Youruo's father and daughter again, Xia Tian swung his sleeve robe and threw out the King Wen chariot pulled by eight horses, which quickly changed to life size after landing.

As a lord's treasure with mythical potential, King Wen's chariot looks similar to an ordinary carriage, but the interior space is comparable to a palace. Not to mention four people, even dozens or hundreds of people will not be crowded at all.


And after the eight white horses pulled King Wen's chariot and disappeared from sight, Xia Tian in the sky suddenly seemed to sense something. He glanced at a certain place outside the bamboo forest and felt a little abnormal in his heart.

However, it was not pursued.

Because of the "three-point return to vitality" skill he had just obtained from Xiongba, he suddenly had some thoughts in his mind, and at this time he was eager to return to the territory to grasp the comprehension "retreat"!
"First Emperor!"

"Emperor Shi Huang didn't die, but became a fairy!"

When the Baiyumen in the sky disappeared.

Just before Xia Tian looked in the direction of the past, a masked person suddenly appeared, with some panic in his tone.

If Xia Tian sees his face under the mask, he will find that it is quite different from the "Reincarnation World" that he opened when he sacrificed the "Emperor Slaying Dragon Sword" before. Xu Fu, who secretly took food by himself, and then deceived Qin Shihuang to escape, had the same face.

It's just that it's a little older than before.

After all, the blood of the phoenix in this world is suppressed by the plane, and it is only an item of extraordinary level, and it cannot achieve true immortality.


"I'll go! Brother Xia, don't let me go?"

Fengyun Plane, Daming Palace.

Han Li's forehead was a little sweaty at this moment.

Just because, in front of him, a middle-aged emperor who was not wearing a dragon robe, but a bluish-black Taoist robe, with loose hair, sat cross-legged on a cloud platform specially built for worshiping the sky with a serious face. Go up, with the Taoist mantra chanted in the mouth of the sun!

The capital city of this plane and several surrounding provinces have extremely abnormal weather this winter.

Unexpectedly, there was not even a single snowfall.

For ancient times, this is a very deadly thing, which means that a large-scale locust plague will inevitably occur next year!
Therefore, Emperor Jiajing, who practiced Taoism very much.

At this time, civil and military officials are being called together to perform the ceremony of "sacrificing the sky and praying for snow" on the square in the palace!
"My love, I have fasted for three days and prayed for nearly a day."

"Is it really possible to follow what you said, to invite immortals to descend to the earth to make snow, and help me become enlightened and ascend?"

After reading a passage for "seeking snow", Jiajing saw that the sun was still hanging high, Jiajing turned to look at Han Li, who was beside him as his personal bodyguard, and said with a little worry.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Immortal has already promised that he will definitely receive His Majesty, all you need is to pray sincerely."

Han Li was anxious.

I don't know why, Xia Tian didn't arrive at the agreed time, but there was still an affirmative expression on his face.

"Well, I believe you only once."

Jiajing thought for a while, but didn't get angry.

It's just because, besides bringing him a drop of "Xianquan" that made his body look younger all of a sudden, Han Li also took out a scripture written by a "Taoist god" himself.

The Immortal Spring was produced in Xia Tian's territory, and the "Taoist Spiritual Scriptures" were purchased directly on Skynet.

Don't think that this thing will be very precious. In fact, there are many blessings and autographs written by various gods on the Terran Skynet, and the price is relatively cheap.

There is no way, who knows that there are too many gods and spirits in the human race of mythical earth, and the pressure under the introversion is not small.

Otherwise, how could Fairy Linglong post on the forum every day, looking familiar, and even running around for a mere 200 meritorious deeds.

However, the god's "handwriting" worth only a few hundred spirit crystals on the Internet this day is undoubtedly a priceless treasure for Jiajing.

You know, to what extent is Jiajing obsessed with Taoism?
In addition to owning a lot of Taoist titles with hundreds of characters in length, calling himself a "true monarch", and taking various pills every day, he also selected a large number of civilian women to enter the palace several times to cooperate with him in "cultivating the Tao". As a result, a large number of court ladies fell ill due to taking the wrong medicine. In the end, the maids couldn't bear it and almost strangled him to death.

Therefore, it is conceivable how delighted Emperor Jiajing would be when he saw this genuine "spiritual handwriting".

Therefore, a group of ministers was summoned today, and regardless of opposition, they set up a huge sacrificial formation in the palace, and even took the stage to preside over it in person.

"Your Majesty is too obsessed with Taoists and alchemists. If things go on like this, I'm afraid it will not be a blessing for the people."

Among the officials, Tie Dan Shenhou, who looked upright and awe-inspiring, spoke with a gloomy and authentic tone.

Of course, even though he said so.

In his heart, he hoped that Jiajing would mess up a bit more, and it would be best if the sky was angry and people complained. When the time came, it would be logical for him to usurp the throne.

"Shenhou, you really care about the country and the people."

Cao Zhengchun squinted his small eyes and said something politely.

As a master of extraordinary level standing at the top of this world, he naturally doesn't really believe in any "fairy" in his heart!
Moreover, apart from the large white clouds in the sky today, there is no sign of any snowfall at all.

Obviously, His Majesty's "sacrifice to heaven" failed this time.

But Cao Zhengchun was also happy.

Because the emperor doesn't seem to trust him very much recently, but instead favors the personal bodyguard named "Han Li" very much.

It's just a good time to take this opportunity to suppress this person, it's best to arrest him and eunuch him in Dongchang!
Cao Zhengchun stared at Han Li, who was already drenched in sweat, with jealousy on his vermilion-painted face.

"The time has come, I invite the immortals to open the gate of heaven and descend to the world!"

At this moment, Han Li suddenly became relaxed, shouted, and looked at the sky with excitement on his face!

The clear sky was suddenly turbulent.

Under the eyes of everyone, a white jade gate about ten feet high appeared, and then all the clouds in the sky gathered towards the white jade gate, forming a huge vortex.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, a huge dragon head protruded from the vortex with a body that seemed to be condensed by thunder. A pair of silver long eyes overlooked and watched all the civil and military officials gathered in the palace!
And above the huge lightning faucet, there was a person standing impressively.

At this moment, it seemed that the entire sky and the earth, including the sun, were covered by the clouds, and the endless brilliance and everyone's eyes were all focused on this person.

Although no one can see his face clearly.

But a word emerged in everyone's mind - Immortal!
"Huh, it's okay, we're here!"

In the sky, Xia Tian standing on the head of Lei Jiao who had been temporarily promoted to the top of the extraordinary, heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't mean to trick Han Li.

It was because after he had some insights into "Three Points Returning to Yuan Qi", as soon as he returned to the territory, he took out the two projections of "Yun Zhongjun" and "Emperor Sun" from the lord's order, and entered the arena to pass "Shen Jue" for detailed visualization.

And this "visualization" took more time than he imagined.

Of course, the result is not bad, and I have realized a characteristic that can be said to be very outstanding.

【King of Heaven (Characteristic)】

Grade: Extraordinary · Rare

Explanation: You can freely recruit and manipulate natural things such as the sun, moon, wind, cloud, thunder, rain, snow, etc., and you can consume the power of luck to give it certain characteristics according to your own ideas (the stronger the characteristic, the more luck you consume. The stronger the power, the highest is the extraordinary level characteristic)!

simply put.

This extraordinary characteristic gives him the ability to change the attributes of various things.

For example, Thunderbolt is originally murderous, but he can give it "healing", so the person who is struck by Thunderbolt will not only not die, but will be alive and kicking all of a sudden!

The rain could have extinguished the flames, but the power of luck was consumed to give it the characteristic of making the flames burn more violently.

You can turn rain directly into oil.

Although it needs to pay the price of consuming the power of luck, it is definitely worth using when necessary.

For example, this plane itself belongs to the extraordinary level.

And Tie Dan Shenhou and Cao Zhengchun, as the top extraordinary masters, themselves also possess very strong strength.

In the past, the monotonous "clouds lift the sky, the moon surveys the sky" may not be able to restrain two ambitious people, but now this kind of wind and rain, the sun and the moon are accompanied by thunder and thunder to open the way can be enough "forced"!

And when thinking in Xia Tian's mind, should he be talking with the cultivating emperor below as "Zhu Di" or as a pure "immortal"!
[It is detected that there are items containing the power of plane luck nearby, which are suitable for refining into "territory buildings" after collection. 】

A Skynet prompt message suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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