All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 124 Strange Treasure·Yongle Grand Ceremony

Chapter 124 Strange Treasure·Yongle Grand Ceremony
"What is the item that contains the power of luck?"

Xia Tian was taken aback.

Immediately, his eyes moved.

Turn on "Emperor's Hope", and soon found the target item prompted by Skynet.

On the altar built by Jiajing below, in addition to various sacrificial items, there are also a large number of Taoist scriptures!
And among these scriptures, some of them are condensed with the power of luck.

【Yongle Encyclopedia·Dao Jing】

Grade: Extraordinary · Qizhen

Explanation: The largest encyclopedia in the history of this plane, it contains a lot of luck power of the Ming Dynasty.

Remark 1: Since the Shuqi, the books of classics and history have been collected from hundreds of schools. As for astronomy, topography, yin and yang, medicine and divination, monks and Taoists, and skills, they have been compiled into one book.There are 60 volumes in the catalog and 11095 volumes in total, totaling 22877 volumes!
Remark 2: This book is the Taoist part of the Yongle Canon, which collects the complete Yongle Canon, which can be used to build a related territorial building (with the power of the dragon veins, the building can be upgraded to a higher level).

"Yongle Grand Ceremony, so this is it?"

Xia Tian's heart moved.

As the person who inherited Zhu Di's memory fragments, it is impossible for him to be unfamiliar with the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

It's just that I didn't expect that the "Yongle Canon" of this plane actually carried the "power of luck" like the previous "Zhu Di" emperor's coffin.

Moreover, it depends on the strength of this power of luck.

A single book alone is estimated to have more than 20 points, and the entire set of "Yongle Dadian" has more than 1 volumes.

Good guy, you must know that Chen Zhen, as a silver-level hero, only had more than 2000 points of free luck before, which is equivalent to less than a hundred books.

Without a doubt, he couldn't miss it.

"And, the power of the dragon veins can also increase the level of the building?"

"In this plane, there seems to be a location with dragon veins, so it's a good time to go there!"

Xia Tian's mind recalled the memory of the previous life.

"What are you asking for when you set up this altar?"

And the person stood on top of Lei Jiao's head, speaking condescendingly.

"In the capital city, it hasn't snowed for several months. I hope that the gods will take pity on me and send down auspicious snow to save the lives of the people of Ming Dynasty."

When Jiajing on the altar heard the question from the "Shangxian", his expression suddenly became excited.

However, he didn't directly say that he was looking for "Ascension", but first asked for snow in front of all the officials.


Xia Tian said a word lightly.

"Where is the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?"

"Subordinates are here!"

Ao Bing, dressed in white and silver armor, appeared with two horns on his head, clasping his fists in a respectful salute.

"I ordered you to make snow for this world!"

"Follow the order!"

"hold head high!"

Immediately following the horrified eyes of civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty below and the resounding dragon chant resounding throughout the capital, Ao Bing transformed into a white dragon more than 20 meters long, baring its teeth and claws, spitting out mouthfuls of piercing The cold air causes the water vapor in the surrounding clouds to condense quickly.

For other heroes.

For example, Zhen Mi, at the current stage, it is also possible to move clouds to spread rain and create wind and snow on a small scale.

But if you want to produce ice and snow on a large scale, only Ao Bing can open up the Great Unification, and use its characteristics of Xia Tian himself.

Because, Ao Bing itself belongs to the reincarnation of the Lingzhu, which can absorb the surrounding spiritual power infinitely and use skills.

In the blink of an eye, the sky above the entire capital city changed from a clear sky to a cloudy cloud, and snowflakes like goose feathers were falling down towards the ground one after another.

"It's snowing, it's snowing."

"Ah, master, look at the sky, it's a dragon!"

"It's not just the dragon. There seems to be a person on the dragon. Could it be a god?"

"I heard that the emperor summoned all civil and military officials to pray for snow in the palace today, and he really got the response from the gods. Long live the emperor, long live!"

Soon, all kinds of shouts of "immortal, immortal, long live, long live" came from the whole capital, and the people were extremely happy.

As for Jiajing in the palace, his face suddenly glowed with glory, with a proud expression, quite like the little fat Wanli from another plane.

"On behalf of the people of Ming Dynasty, I thank the Immortal."

However, compared to his grandson, he didn't get carried away, but kowtowed to Xia Tian in the sky again.

"So that the celestial being can know that this disciple is devoted to Taoism and recites the scriptures hundreds of times every day, but he has practiced for many years and has failed to enter the Tao. I implore the celestial being to point out disciple one or two!"

Afterwards, he couldn't help it at last, and asked Han Li about "getting the Tao and becoming a fairy" that Han Li had mentioned to him before.

"In your world, the rules are more suitable for taking the road of martial arts."

"Immortal Dao is suppressed, and it is difficult to achieve even if I practice... However, I am about to take charge of this world, and I just need some people to assist me."

"Seeing that you still have some sincerity, I will select some people from your kingdom to grant me the qualification to enter my 'immortal domain' and to walk and do things on my behalf."

Xia Tian nodded.

The next moment, the sun's rays, which were obscured by the clouds, suddenly reappeared.

Strands of invisible golden sunlight formed a pile of golden Jinyiwei Tokens in the air, which appeared in front of some people.

Except for Cao Zhengchun, Tiedan Shenhou, Jiajing and others.

As secret agents of Hulong Villa, Guihai Yidao, Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya, Cheng Shifei and others who were hiding in the dark to protect the emperor today did not miss any of them.

Since it cost a lot of money to sing such a play, it is natural to catch them all.

"What is this?"

"The Heavens Jinyiwei?"

However, it is different from the Da Ming martial arts plane, except that Emperor Jiajing immediately picked up the token with joy on his face.

The rest of the people looked at the token of Jinyiwei, with obvious hesitation on their faces.

"Thank you fairy!"

However, the assist came immediately.

"So that's how it is, as long as you join the fairy territory, you can get 'longevity'!"

After obtaining the token, Emperor Jiajing couldn't wait to choose to merge. At this time, in addition to knowing the basic knowledge of the territory, he even let out a sound of admiration.

"Immortal springs can make people become immortals and gain supreme power. Let's just say that the one I took yesterday has as much water as a whole spring?!
"Reincarnation Pond... Hey, people can see their own fate, and as long as they have enough luck points, even people who have been dead for countless years can be resurrected!"

This is Xia Tian, ​​in order to allow the recruits to quickly familiarize themselves with the various building functions in the territory and guide them to "consume" more conveniently, and specially spent Spirit Crystal to entrust Skynet to design a "list".

Emperor Jiajing was already attracted by the things displayed in these lists, and he muttered words while browsing.

"Jiuwei Diyang Pill... It can regenerate a person's severed limbs, and restore the whole body. Hiss, the flesh and bones of the living dead, this is, a real elixir!"

"Tianxiang Cardamom, which can bring people back to life, does this seem familiar?"

Emperor Jiajing's voice was not too loud.

Those officials who are just ordinary people can't hear it.

But those existences at the extraordinary level have amazing hearing, so they can naturally hear the voice in his mouth.

You know, even if Xia Tian had already set up the scene to the fullest, and even let Ao Bing transform in public, it caused this heavy snowfall all over the city.

But as an extraordinary world where martial arts are so high that they can move mountains to fight, a bunch of heroes are obviously still vigilant.

The former Xiongba also accepted the identity of Jin Yiwei without any hesitation because his own martial arts were abolished, and because he believed in fate so much!
But Tiedan Shenhou and others actually suspected that what they saw before them was a scene that Emperor Jiajing had recruited some masters to perform together.

Naturally, this token will not be tried lightly.

However, after hearing the voice from Emperor Jiajing's mouth, some people still couldn't help it.

"Can you see the fate of your life, see the information of your relatives? I want to see, I want to know where my parents are!"

Cheng Shifei's eyes widened and he grabbed the token.

"Can you resurrect dead relatives and friends?"

Duan Tianya and Gui Hai Yidao trembled in their hearts, and couldn't help but hold the "Zhutian Jinyiwei Token" at the same time.

"Can people regenerate a broken limb? Can miscellaneous people use it too..."

Cao Zhengchun's eyes also shone brightly.

You know, although he smiles all day long, he uses honorifics very politely when he sees anyone.

However, in exchange for this kind of politeness, all kinds of people scolded him as "dead eunuch, rotten dog", and even the emperor laughed and said that he was a "neither man nor woman" thing!

For an extraordinary martial artist, how could he not care.

And becoming one of Xia Tian's subordinates, he was able to regenerate a severed limb. Could the fifth limb also be able to do it?

And when he heard the word "Tianxiang cardamom", even if he suspected that it might be a conspiracy, but Tiedan Shenhou, who didn't want to accept the token at all, was shocked and struggled.

"Hey, in addition to buying items, can you also sell items in this world?"

And when Jiajing turned the list upside down to the end.

I also found that in addition to purchasing, there is an "exchange" option on the list.

For example, he can also use items such as "Yongle Canon", the Four Great Sacred Stones, Blood Bodhi, Colorful Ziluo, etc. to exchange for luck points.

"I've never heard of blood bodhi, the four great sacred stones, and colorful purple radish, but I have a lot of them in the "Yongle Canon."

Jiajing's eyes lit up when he saw that each copy of the original Yongle Canon could be exchanged for 10 luck points, he really made a lot of money!

And while going to the palace of Fengyun World in Xia Tian, ​​and recruiting a bunch of extraordinary heroes.

Uncle Jiu and Chen Zhen also walked into the "Imperial Palace" of their plane.

However, there is no emperor in the imperial palace in this era, only a "big president"!
"You two, can you really cure my illness?"

The big president, who was short and fat, with a sunken face due to illness, was eating porridge with a painful expression on his face.

However, it is not an ordinary porridge, but a "golden jade health porridge" that is made by putting extremely thin gold leaves into the belly of the pig and stewing them, then mixing them with pure white and flawless ancient jade!
"Of course it can. Eating these gold and jade things has no effect on the president's illness."

"Based on today's medicine, it cannot be cured, even the Western medicine that those Westerners say is powerless to treat it at all."

"But for our 'City of Heaven', it's just a matter of effort."

Uncle Jiu said in his mouth.

Since, other worlds can control the power of luck by influencing the emperor.

Then, naturally, the same operation can be done in this plane.


[Cheng Shifei, Shangguan Haitang, and Gui Hai bought a chance to 'Fate Track' with 2000 luck points. 】

[Cao Zhengchun purchased Jiuwei Diyang Pills and received 1000 luck points. 】

[Iron Brave God Hou Zhu ignored and bought a piece of Tianxiang cardamom, you will get 5000 luck points! 】

It has to be said that the heroes of the Transcendent plane are richer than the Gold plane, and there are less than ten heroes, and the luck points provided are no less than those of the Da Ming martial arts plane!
It is especially worth mentioning that there was no "Heavenly Fragrant Cardamom" in Xia Tian's territory.

But because a bunch of people provided a lot of plane luck power, Xia Tian could directly spend 1000 luck points through "outstanding people" to generate Tianxiang cardamom.

Then, I sold it to God of Tiedan for another 5000 yuan, and I made a direct profit of 4 times!
"It's a pity that Cheng Shifei and Gui Hai spied on their own destiny, and fell out with Lord Tiedan after returning home. At this time, the capital is already in chaos... Maybe one or two people will die!"

"But it's not a bad thing. After you die, you just spend money to revive, and maybe you can get a plastic surgery fee."

Xia Tian in King Wen's car had a smile on his face, counting the harvest of this trip to the palace.

"City Lord, drink tea!"

You Ruo carefully brewed a bowl of fairy spring water, and brought the fragrant tea to Xia Tian.

"Well, the skill of making tea is quite good."

Xia Tian took a sip and smiled at her.

At this time, the carriage stopped.

"City Lord, we have arrived."

The voice of Xiongba who was in charge of guiding the way sounded.

Afterwards, Xia Tian, ​​You Ruo, Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue got off the car.

What appeared in front of several people was a huge Buddha statue tens of meters high and carved out of the mountain.

If you want to build the "Yongle Grand Ceremony" into a territorial building, in addition to collecting all the Yongle Grand Ceremonies, you need a certain amount of "Dragon Vein Power"!
In other planes, Xia Tian didn't know how to find the power of dragon veins, but in Fengyun plane, he happened to know a place with dragon veins.

"It is said that in the Lingyun Grotto on the Leshan Giant Buddha, there is a dragon vein left by Emperor Xuanyuan."

"It's just because there is an extremely ferocious fire unicorn, ordinary people dare not enter it. Moreover, the terrain inside Lingyun Cave is also very complicated. The Leshan Giant Buddha is only one of the entrances. If the fire unicorn wants to escape, it may be very difficult to kill. kill it."

Xiongba said in his mouth.

"Then, let's draw it out."

Said in Xia Tian mouth.

As for, how to draw it out?
Flooding the Great Buddha Department and burning Lingyun Grotto, Xia Tian still remembers these words.

Because of this, the easiest way to lure the Fire Qilin out.

Naturally, the water is rising.

Others, perhaps even with extraordinary power, would not be able to manipulate such a large area of ​​water.

But for Xia Tian who possesses the "Great Unity", Zhen Mi's "Luo Shen" characteristics are directly used.

A finger landed on the water.

The next moment I saw the torrential river rising in vain.

Soon, it flooded to the entrance of Lingyun Grotto.


Not long after, a large amount of flames spewed out from the Lingyun Grotto, entwined with flames all over the head, and the breath was furious, like a unicorn carved from ruby, leaping out of the cave!

(End of this chapter)

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