All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 129 Unit Skill: King Kong Subduing Dragon Chapter

Chapter 129 Unit Skills: King Kong Subduing the Dragon Chapter

"Good guy, run so fast!"

Looking at the Huo Qilin who had run away without a trace, Xia Tian looked a little speechless.

Am I such a scary lord?
If it wasn't for the "Long Aotian"'s snarky mouth, and the fact that he was really a little cash-strapped now, he really wouldn't have thought of using the "Mother River Water" to breed little dragon cubs.

Moreover, this method will also be tried on the enemy, he never thought of letting the fire unicorn drink the mother-child river water.

At most, it is just to lure a unicorn of the opposite sex through the Skynet Concession for a while, so that the Huo Qilin, who has been single for thousands of years in Lingyun Grotto, "can't help it" and dedicate himself.

"Well, by the way, speaking of enemies..."

Xia Tian suddenly thought of something at this time, "Book of Heaven" appeared beside him, and opened a page with the soul of "Xu Kun".

When the territory was promoted to extraordinary last time, a large number of void creatures were killed, and the souls of the remaining creatures have been transformed into soul power to resurrect the residents of the territory.

Only the remnant soul of this "Xu Kun" remained in the Book of the Dead, and when the Book of the Dead was transformed into the "Book of Heaven".

Xia Tian discovered that he could also "resurrect" this extraordinary creature through the reincarnation pool!
Of course, this form of resurrection will inevitably consume one reincarnation.

"It might not be meaningful to simply resurrect Void before... After all, it takes too much resources to cultivate a virtual kun... But now I can completely change my mind, instead of cultivating the virtual kun myself, I sell the little kun!"

Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

You know, this Xu Kun is so rare that Fairy Linglong, who helped him protect the Dao last time, couldn't help but be moved.

If you use the mother-child river water to breed little Xukuns and sell them, the price will definitely be higher than the cubs of dragons and fire unicorns!

When Xu Kun's figure rushed out of the reincarnation pool, it was like a small island floating in the sky above the territory.

"What monster is this?"

"Hiss, it's so big."

"Kun! Is there a fish in the North Dark, the Kun whose name is Kun?"

Many people were curious and gasped in the territory.

Just because the level of this Xukun has reached level 20, and its size is so huge and scary, Xia Tian was forced to take out the remaining sacred stones from the previous college entrance examination to expand the area of ​​some territories again, and through the setting rule function of the "Book of Heaven", After creating a restricted space enough for Xu Kun to live in, he controlled it.

However, speaking of such a huge extraordinary creature swimming around in the void around the territory, it undoubtedly further added to the style of the "City of Heaven".

It will be easier to open the "Void Gate" to fool people in the future.

However, at this time Xia Tian discovered an unexpected problem.

Because the size of this Xukun is too huge, it took a lot of "child-mother river water" to conceive.

If this goes on, even if a large tank of mother-child river water is drawn, it is estimated that at most a few heads will be cultivated before it will be consumed.

"Well, it seems that we have to think of other ways, such as using some means of the technological plane to try to 'clone' it!"

For Xianxia civilization, mother-child river water that can conceive creatures is a very rare item. For some high-tech planes, "biological cloning" should be regarded as a basic technology.

"Well, speaking of it, I remember that there seems to be a relatively good cloning technology in a certain plane."

Xia Tian remembered the Biohazard plane where "Outlaw Maniac" Zhang San was in during the college entrance examination. Isn't this plane a technology type?
Although, the residents of his territory are currently mainly in the direction of martial arts and practice.

Moreover, in the future, he also decided to mainly move in this direction, striving to build the territory into a "heavenly court, fairyland".

But it doesn't mean that we should completely reject the technology of science and technology. The stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, and the things that can be collected in the technological plane of the information explosion will definitely be of great help to the "Tianshuguan" to improve its level!

Moreover, recruit some people from the technological plane.

It can also make the residents of the territory familiar with the relevant system, so as to avoid being too unfamiliar when fighting some technology-based lords in the future.

So after thinking about it, Xia Tian contacted Zhang San and asked him about the situation of this plane!
"Fuck, Brother Xia! Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, yes, there is an umbrella company in that plane, and there are some creatures named zombies, lickers, and tyrants!"

Zhang San's attitude felt flattered.

The only regret is that because that world is now full of zombies, Zhang San chose to evacuate this plane after the college entrance examination, so he couldn't be a "leading party" like Han Li.

However, at least it is confirmed that Xia Tian guessed before that it really belongs to the world of "Resident Evil" background...

As for the problem of no one leading the way, it is not a big problem. Xia Tian first sent it in through Skynet, then put down King Wen's car, and let it find the "Lucky Hero" in the plane by itself!
Next, he returned to his own territory and waited.

Of course, there is no idle time to do things.

Just in time, let's test the "deduction" function of Xiatian Library, a rare building.

"Well, let's try to deduce the 'army skills' first!"

Now the territory has been promoted to Extraordinary, but Xia Tian has not joined the God Department, and it is more nostalgic.

It is impossible for some lords with backgrounds to directly use the gods to help upgrade the arms to the extraordinary level, or directly use extraordinary arms to replace the original gold, silver and other less powerful arms.

And although he can use the characteristic of "everyone is like a dragon" to raise the arms to the extraordinary level.

But this only applies to traits, not skills.

Without extraordinary skills, they can only be regarded as extraordinary mid- and low-ranking arms at best.

Therefore, it is more necessary for him to deduce the real extraordinary skills for the main arms of the current territory!
[You chose to deduce the skills of the troops for the trapped camp, consuming the power of luck, and the deduction is starting according to the current 'Tianshuguan' data...]

In the library building, which looks like it is made of bronze, a large number of books glow, and a lot of information circulates and collides in it.

Take its essence, take its dross, and finally a silver ball of skill light appeared.

[King Kong Conquering the Dragon Chapter (army skills)]

Grade: Extraordinary · Rare

Explanation: Combining the characteristics of some skills such as "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon", "King Kong Is Not Bad", "Killing the God with a Sword", and "Breaking the Sky" and other skills, the skills of the troops evolved and evolved can be greatly improved. The combat power of the trapped camp.

Remarks: Each soldier needs to consume 2000 spirit crystals to practice this skill!

"Hey, very good, this skill!"

Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

You must know that after these two days of continuously summoning the aquarium to "spawn monsters", many of the soldiers trapped in the camp have already used the "Dragon Yuan" to obtain individual extraordinary characteristics. "After that, the combat power is equivalent to completely entering the extraordinary level!
Coupled with the legion skills, it is definitely at the top of the extraordinary level.

The only problem probably lies in the fact that each branch of training requires 2000 spirit crystals, which is still a bit expensive.

For the time being, it is estimated that only a part of the soldiers trapped in the camp can learn.

Afterwards, Xia Tian deduced a set of unit skills called "Tianmo Secret Scroll" for Tianmao girls, which is equivalent to raising their original "Tianmo Strategy" to an extraordinary level.

Because, Tian Mo Ce itself records all kinds of martial arts and skills of various schools of thought.

The foundation of Tianshuguan is composed of "Yongle Canon", which also contains all kinds of knowledge. After practicing this new "Tianmo Gong", it can make them truly incarnate into the form of Tianma, directly avoiding most of the attacks, even It can also have magical functions such as "separation, shape-shifting and shadow-changing".

Only the Silver Moon Elves, because they mainly use "bows and arrows" to fight, and there are not so many related skills in the territory.

Xia Tian decided to buy a lot of magic, bow and arrow skills on Skynet when he had enough funds to improve the deduction ability of "Tianshuguan".

At that time, the Silver Moon Elf will also be able to advance.

"Hey, money, money... how can I get more money?"

Xia Tian was really worried about money.

[The resident of your territory, Wuming, has learned the skill: Wan Jian returns to the sect! 】

Fortunately, a message at this time made him feel relieved.

【Wanjian Returns to the Sect】

Grade: Extraordinary · Qizhen

Explanation: Wanjian Guizong is the highest state of swordsmanship, and you can manipulate Wanjian to launch attacks together.As soon as the sword move was made, fierce and unparalleled sword strength emerged from the body, and countless sharp swords flew like a storm.Flying all over the sky, the sword is like a net, fierce and unparalleled, it is a spectacle.

"Good fellow, Wuming has really comprehended the Wanjian Guizong of rare quality!"

Because he meddled.

As a result, Juewu God and the Emperor of Japan died tragically in Lingyun Grotto.

Naturally, there will be no follow-up Wuming being abolished of martial arts, so as to practice "thousand swords returning to the clan".

However, Xia Tian himself remembered that the most basic and core point of practicing Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect was "self-destructive martial arts", which was the same prerequisite as "Evil Resisting Sword Manual" must first come from the palace.

So, I mentioned a word to Wuming.

As a result, the territory was only half a day long, and the latter actually understood it.

Sure enough, these people who are familiar with the plane in the memory of the previous life are all "bad guys"!

However, it is obviously a good thing.

After all, the territory resident's is equivalent to his own!

Even, because of the emergence of the "Tianshuguan", these skills can be learned and shared by the entire territory.

At that time, each person will use the "Wan Jian Gui Zong" move to directly wash the ground with sword energy. After encountering the hostile lords who are not high enough, I am afraid they will collapse, right?

But at this time, Xia Tian's heart was moved again.

Because, news came from the "King Wen Chariot" in the world of Resident Evil that a "Hero of Luck" had been found.

(End of this chapter)

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