All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 130 Resident Evil, Alice

Chapter 130 Resident Evil, Alice
The land is desolate.

The wind and sand filled the sky.

On the road, there are broken-down and rusty vehicles everywhere, and occasionally there are traces of struggle left by some people in a car after being eaten by beast-like creatures.

"This plane, so not angry!"

Yu Ji looked out through the window of King Wen's car, her face was a little serious.

Because this time the "hero" Wen Wangche found was a woman.

Therefore, besides himself, Xia Tian also brought Yu Ji along.

However, Yu Ji today is a little different from before in terms of dress and temperament.

In addition to the original natural breath, a faint blood color was added, even carrying a coercion similar to that of a warrior and a general.

Because yesterday, Xia Tian handed over the "Blood God Yu Ji Memory Fragment" drawn from the reincarnation altar to the No.1 hero of his own territory.

Unsurprisingly, Concubine Yu did choose to "fuse" them. While acquiring the memory of "Blood God Concubine Yu", she also obtained a large number of extraordinary characteristics and skills, and her combat power jumped above most of the heroes in the territory. .

【Concubine Yu (hero)】

Rating: 18
Grade: Extraordinary

Abilities: Blood God, Poppies
Skills: Blood God Sword Art, Blood Forbidden Seal

【Blood God】

Concubine Yu has mastered the power of the blood god.

Can manipulate the blood of any creature, and can use some skills and characteristics of the opponent by consuming the corresponding blood!

The blood of the creature killed by Yuji will condense into a poppy plant, which has a strange power.

【Blood God Sword Art】

Concubine Yu can display some extremely powerful sword moves by consuming blood.

【Forbidden Seal of Blood】

Yu Ji can control the target by releasing a real illusion after obtaining the other party's blood!
"Roar, Roar..."

The appearance of the carriage caused some commotion, especially the faint blood power on Yu Ji's body, which seemed to be quite attractive to this plane infected by the T virus and turned into a zombie creature!

A zombie with a baseball cap on his head and black blood dripping from the corner of his mouth suddenly climbed out of a broken down vehicle, walking towards the carriage.

In the jungle on both sides of the road, there were also two ragged, blood-stained zombies who stumbled towards the carriage.

"go with!"

A few drops of blood appeared on Yu Ji's fingertips.

With a flick of the hand, the blood droplets flew out, and changed into three blood-colored sword lights in the air, which suddenly came and pierced the foreheads of several zombies who were trying to get close to the carriage.

Before coming in, Xia Tian had already told her the weakness of zombie creatures.

In addition, these zombies are just mutations of ordinary people, even if they are strengthened by the T virus, they can only be rated as bronze or black iron for nothing. Spike.

But after killing, two Skynet prompts appeared, but it was somewhat beyond Xia Tian's expectation.

[The residents of your territory have killed three zombies, do you choose to extract the power from their bodies to become 'spiritual crystals' (it is estimated that you can get 3 spiritual crystals). 】

[Note: This plane is currently in a special situation.The will of the plane is highly repulsive to zombies, and expects outsiders to kill them in large numbers.Therefore, after killing a zombie, you can consume a very small amount of credits to extract its power and transform it into a spirit crystal! 】

These zombies, after killing them, can they get spirit crystals?
You must know that Skywalker will not take the initiative to obtain "trophies" after killing planar creatures.

The "explosive equipment and skills" in the previous college entrance examination were actually transformed by Skynet using the law of the void, and they are also benefits given by the gods to newcomers.

And if you want to obtain items after the college entrance examination, you must either consume grade points or consume spirit crystals to transform.

Even if the item level is too much higher than your own, you may need to consume meritorious service.

Because of this, even though he was short of money before Xia Tian, ​​he never had the idea of ​​entering some planes to "kill monsters and make money".

After all, although he still has more than 100 million grade points.

But generally speaking, according to the ratio, the grade points consumed by transforming spiritual crystals from the heavens are almost 1:1. This is actually not worth the loss, and it is far less profitable than converting some rare and rare items with grade points and selling them.

But now the "Resident Evil" plane can convert the energy contained in the killed zombie creatures into spirit crystals with a small consumption of grade points.

The reason should be that the situation on this plane is somewhat similar to that of the monster Tang plane during the college entrance examination.

Originally, the plane was dominated by human consciousness, but now zombies are rampant, causing a large number of human deaths in the entire plane.

The zombies themselves lack self-awareness and IQ, and the will of the plane is still biased towards the human side.

Hence, the person who finds himself inside has been unable to deal with the situation of zombie creatures.

The fuzzy plane consciousness made the same choice as the previous Fengyun plane.

If you can't handle it internally, seek external help.

What's more, Xia Tian is still a lord, obviously more worthy of asking for help than ordinary Skywalkers!

"So, my timing is just right."

There is a faint joy in Xia Tian's eyes.

Because the whole world is becoming a large number of zombies, once human beings are really extinct, the will of the plane will naturally turn to favor the zombies. At that time, even if he enters, he will not be able to get this "discount".

And if it had been earlier, like Zhang San and the others, because humans still had an advantage in the face of zombies, the will of the plane would not feel that the situation was "serious", and it would be impossible to ask outsiders to plunder the energy and resources of their own plane.

You know, although an ordinary zombie only has 1 spirit crystal, it can't stand the astonishing number of zombies in this plane.

Theoretically, billions of people have already been transformed into zombies, even if he can only kill some of them, it will be at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of spirit crystal income.

This is completely comparable to the benefits of completely mastering a low-level plane.

"Well, when we get to the place where there are many zombies, we will fix a void gate and send some terracotta warriors here so that they can kill here day and night."

Undoubtedly, the "terracotta warriors and horses", which are made entirely of clay and are immortal, are simply a sharp weapon to clean up this plane.

If it is combined with all kinds of modern weapons left by this plane due to the mass death of human beings, he can earn hundreds of thousands of spiritual crystals in a day, which is enough to solve his financial crisis!

"Alice, you don't want to wait like this forever, do you?"

Xia Tian thought happily in his heart, but he didn't show much on his face. Instead, he yelled loudly at the RV next to him that had lost power.

"You know me?"

A woman in a brown windbreaker, with a scarf enough to cover her head, and a pile of guns and knives on her back and legs, appeared from the corner covered by the RV.

The clear and beautiful blue eyes under the golden brown short hair stared at Xia Tian, ​​with doubts in his mouth.

【Alice (hero)】

Rating: 15
Grade: Extraordinary

Characteristics: Child of Luck, Leader of Alice Legion (seal)
Skills: Extraordinary Mind, Mind Perception

【Son of Luck】

The son of luck of this plane embodies the hope of the current human beings.

【Alice Legion Commander】

It can sense and link to other Alice clones, and when fighting with Alice clones, it can greatly strengthen the latter's combat effectiveness!
【Extraordinary Mind Power】

Alice has awakened the extraordinary power of mind, which can transform spiritual power into mind power, which can be used to manipulate objects!

【Mind perception】

Alice can perceive the position of the person who is observing her by any means in the dark, and launch a long-range attack on him.


Xia Tian's eyes lit up again after seeing Alice.

It's not because of Alice's heroic appearance with guns and swords.

It was because Alice's attributes were somewhat different from his original judgment.

You know, he always thought that Alice was a single combat hero like Yu Ji.

After all, most of the time in the movie, a bunch of zombies are singled out, acting as the son of luck and the role of the savior.

But the attribute of "Alice Legion" means that she is not only capable of fighting alone.

At the same time, it also has the ability to command, and most importantly, there are corresponding "arms"!
"By the way, in this world, Alice still has a large number of clones... Moreover, these clones can use extraordinary powers to fight after being combined!"

"This is indeed in line with the characteristics of the legion arms."

Xia Tian remembered.

The reason why he forgot for a while.

It is because there is no doubt that such an army of superpowers, coupled with various modern weapons, is enough to blow up a bunch of villains.

Therefore, after only a few minutes of appearance, he was directly killed by the plot.

"If this legion can be recruited into the territory, it will definitely be another extraordinary unit..."

Some excitement in summer.

Think about it, a lot of Alices are fighting with various firearms and superpowers. This kind of scene is probably comparable to a lot of gun girls!
Of course, the premise of recruitment is that he can first win the "body" of Alice in front of him.

"Strictly speaking, we don't know each other."

"However, I have a certain understanding of you through some channels!"

"And all of us are like-minded, and the purpose is to eliminate the umbrella company and these zombie infections, and return the whole world to its original state."

Xia Tian said to Alice.

"What's the matter with this carriage?"

Hearing what Xia Tian said, Alice relaxed her vigilance a little.

However, it was obvious that he still had doubts.

A pair of eyes with sky blue pupils swept across King Wen's car and Xia Tian, ​​whose clothes were too clean.

You know, it's been less than a year since the Resident Evil broke out.

But because the T virus is too powerful, not only more than half of the humans died, but even most of the animals were infected by the T virus and turned into zombies.

Even creatures that have not mutated are forced to hide in XZ all day long, disgraced, lack of water and electricity.

For example, herself.

The carriage that Xia Tian and Yu Ji rode in looked very clean and tidy, not only free of blood from battles, but also spotless. The eight white horses were even more radiant, and they didn't look like they were in the end of the world at all.

This is obviously not scientific.

"Let's discuss this issue later. Your car seems to be broken. Get in our car first, and we'll just drop by!"

Xia Tian has a smile on his face.

You won't know what is unscientific until you come up!
"……All right!"

Alice thought for a few seconds before agreeing.

If it was just Xia Tian alone, she might still hesitate for a while, but Yu Ji next to Xia Tian made her less vigilant.

In particular, the power of the "child of nature" in Yu Ji makes Alice, who has a very keen perception after awakening superpowers, feel more comfortable.

As for the aura of the blood god, among the people in the last days, which one does not carry murderous and bloody aura?
Of course, the most important thing is that the Umbrella Company activated Alice's "clone" before, which caused her superpower to explode and destroy her motorcycle.

At this time, there is no means of transportation, so you can only walk on foot. The speed of taking a carriage may not be too fast, but at least you can avoid the yellow sand and zombies everywhere...

"Hiss, what happened in this carriage..."

However, when Alice got into King Wen's car, she saw a space inside that was dozens of times larger than the outside, and there were all kinds of high-end daily necessities, plus fairy springs, fruits, and pastries...

Its reaction can be imagined.

This valiant heroine has a pair of blue eyes that are rather wide.



When the eight white horses neighed in their mouths, they pulled King Wen's chariot and carried three people on the road again.

Not far away, on the side of the road covered with yellow sand, a convoy of survivors was taking a lunch break.

And above the convoy's head, on the high-voltage wires that had long since lost their function, there were an astonishing number of black zombie crows with gray eyes!


Suddenly, someone in the convoy rolled over while sleeping.

A can was accidentally dropped on the floor of the car, the sound of metal colliding with each other.

Suddenly, a bunch of people were awakened from their naps.


At the same time, they were awakened by an astonishing number of zombie crows in the sky.

In a blink of an eye, nearly ten thousand crows swirled around the convoy like a dark cloud.

"Claire. Come on, let's get out and shake them off!"

Leon's voice came from the intercom.

"No, our car broke down..."

But Claire discovered that the engine of his vehicle had failed.

At this time, black crows had already surrounded the convoy, pounced frantically, trying to break through the car door and attack a bunch of living people inside.

With such a large number of zombie crows, once they break through the car window.

There is no doubt that everyone in the car will die, even if they are not directly caught and pecked to death, the large-scale exposure caused by the injury will be infected by the T virus carried by the crow and become zombies!
At this moment, Claire passed through the gap of crows, and vaguely saw a black and gold carriage pulled by eight white horses, driving towards here.

"What's the situation. How is it possible for a complete ancient carriage?"

Claire's eyes widened.

However, now does not seem to be the time to care about this.


Because the impact of thousands of zombie crows' sharp beaks has already destroyed the window glass of one of the cars, Leon was forced to hug a few children to avoid the rushing crow attack when he failed to stop him, and even tried to rely on With his strong body to seal the gap.

But he would definitely not be able to live by himself like this.


Suddenly, there was a sound of a long sword being unsheathed.

Immediately, an extremely oppressive atmosphere suddenly appeared in the space where the entire convoy was located, making all the crows infected by the zombie virus stagnate.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

The next moment, an invisible force violently swept towards the sky. The fierce and unparalleled sword strength was born from the body, and countless sharp swords flew like a storm, flying all over the sky. The sword force was like a net, covering all the crows in!

Then, all the zombie crows turned into drops of blood and black feathers and fell towards the air.


And Yu Ji's eyes turned red next to Xia Tian, ​​the blood of crows falling from the sky did not spill on the roof of a group of people's cars.

Instead, they landed on the ground between the carriage and the survivors one after another, and in a blink of an eye, a patch of red poppies grew out, like a red carpet was laid on the yellow sandy ground!

"This... what is this?"

Claire, Leon and the others were all dumbfounded, with extremely dull expressions.

"Martial arts, do you want to learn?"

Stepping down slowly from the black-gold carriage of eight white horses, Xia Tian, ​​who stepped on the blood-red red carpet, looked at a bunch of people with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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