All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 131 Leon's Characteristics

Chapter 131 Leon's Characteristics

"God, what is this!"

Just at the same time when Xia Tian's move "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect" killed tens of thousands of black zombie crows.

In an umbrella base located in the nearby desert, a thousand meters deep underground, there are naked female bodies hanging in round petri dishes filled with nutrient solution, and everyone's face is impressively similar to Alice's. exactly the same!
And at the center of the base, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat was standing in front of a computer.

Looking at the pictures captured by the satellite, there is horror in his eyes but also excitement.

At this time, Alice's body has been secretly tampered with by the umbrella company to be able to locate her, and with the help of high-resolution satellites in the sky, she directly monitored the scene that just happened.

"Super power, this is definitely the super power that evolved after being infected by the T virus..."

"He is even more perfect than Alice... I must catch him, use his blood clone, and I will be able to breed a real new human and the most perfect biological weapon!"

The middle-aged doctor's eyes were full of eagerness.

And Xia Tian probably couldn't think of it, someone in this plane had the idea of ​​cloning himself.

With this kind of thinking, should we say "a nest of snakes and rats" or "heroes see the same thing"?


"The dragon has regrets, the dragon is flying in the sky, the dragon is wagging its tail..."

"Ice True Qi, Heavenly Demon Field, Flowers and Jade..."

In the convoy advancing with King Wen's chariot.

Leon, Claire and others are "practicing" with excitement.

After Xia Tian revealed the "Wan Jian Gui Zong", the survivors who were struggling in the doomsday were unsurprisingly overwhelmed by this mysterious power from the east.

After Xia Tian told them that he could find a "new world without zombies and viruses" for them, a bunch of people couldn't resist becoming "Jinyiwei" at all.

And those who can survive in such a situation where zombies are everywhere have a lot of luck points.

On the consumption list of the territory, a very considerable income of luck points was naturally ushered in.

In particular, the few heroes who condensed the power of luck in the plane bought a large amount of materials such as fairy springs, dragon yuan, and blood bodhi in one go, and cooperated with the "martial arts skills" obtained in the Tianshu library!
At least from the perspective of attributes, he is already considered a qualified "martial arts master".

For example, as the core protagonist Leon in the Resident Evil game, his attributes are not much inferior to Alice's.


Rating: 15
Grade: Extraordinary

Traits: Female Friend, Vehicle Killer

Skills: Resource Hunter, Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, Vajra Immortality

【Female Friend】

Leon and all female creatures will have a certain initial affection, and can even develop into friends.

【Vehicle Killer】

Leon's attack can cause great damage to the vehicle due to cause and effect. A single bullet may destroy a ship, but the corresponding own vehicle is also in danger!

【Resource Hunter】

Leon has the ability to discover and plunder resources, can quickly collect resources within a certain range, and use skills to convert resources into the "supply" he needs!
Good guy, after seeing Lyon's attributes, Xia Tian is directly happy.

The famous "Li Sanguang" really lived up to his reputation, and none of the women, supplies, and vehicles were spared.

Fortunately, there wasn't a negative characteristic like "Heavenly Fiend Lone Star, Orphan Halo" that defrauded his teammates, otherwise Xia Tian would definitely use "Emperor Wang Qi" to seal him immediately!
"These features, when used in the right circumstances, can definitely work wonders."

Xia Tian nodded with satisfaction.

After all, with the "Great Unity", Leon's characteristics are equivalent to his own.

Moreover, the previous Leon actually relied mainly on his own accumulation of characteristics, unlike Alice who mastered extraordinary skills.

But now that I have purchased two supernatural martial arts, it can be said that after getting familiar with them, at least in the face of simple infected zombies, I can completely kill them indiscriminately.


Xia Tian's complexion suddenly changed.

Really, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!
"There is a situation ahead!"

At this time, the Survivor convoy stopped vigilantly.

Because, at the front of the convoy, a full 10 large closed silver trucks were placed, completely blocking the road, which seemed very deliberate.

Most importantly, each truck has a red and white umbrella logo on it.


The next moment, the carriage opened suddenly, and hundreds of tall zombies rushed out of them, wearing standard blue clothes, eyes as gray as death, and teeth with traces of black flesh and blood.

【Strengthen Zombies (Arms)】

Rating: 10
Grade: Bronze top

Features: slightly

Skill: slightly

Explanation: A biological weapon specially produced by Umbrella Company!
The zombie itself is a kind of biochemical weapon produced by the umbrella company.

Especially these strengthened zombies are specially bred and selected zombie arms. Under normal circumstances, they would never send so many zombies to target a bunch of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is obvious that the enemy's target should not simply be Leon and others.

Xia Tian raised his head, and a bright and clear moon appeared in a pair of eyes!

"It's the umbrella company... Get out, I'll cover you!"

Facing the fortified zombies rushing up violently, Leon raised the gun in his hand and kept shooting at them.

However, there are too many of these enhanced zombies, and their movements are much faster than humans.

They didn't kill a few of them at all, and they ran in front of him, and the stench in their mouths could be clearly heard.

In desperation, Leon naturally pushed out his palm towards these zombies.

"hold head high!"

A majestic dragon-shaped force covering a range of more than ten meters rushed out and crashed into the group of zombies.

The dozen or so zombies in the front were shot flying, and the zombies that were smashed on them also fell to the ground.

A large area was emptied all at once, and the few who were hit in the front were directly blasted into blood and flesh!
"This is kung fu!"

"Yes, we have martial arts, why run?"

After seeing this scene, the hearts of a group of survivors who were about to retreat were moved.

Immediately, he started to perform "martial arts" with excitement, using these strengthened zombies as targets for practice!
"Fengshen Legs!"

"The Thirteen Swords of Death!"

"Romantic Swordsman!"

A group of people in modern western clothes yelled the name of martial arts loudly, jumped and jumped, punched and kicked, and took turns to fight, knocking down a number of strengthened zombies who rushed up, and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

"The Demon Field!"

Even Claire, who bought "The Devil's Strategy", directly caused a large number of zombies to kill each other.

[A resident of your territory killed a zombie creature, you can extract it and transform it into a spirit crystal... A resident of your territory killed...]

For Xia Tian, ​​the biggest benefit is naturally the continuous stream of spiritual crystals that accompany this process.

"What's going on, have so many people awakened to superpowers?"

And on the roof of a building not far from the battlefield, the doctor in the white coat who was observing through the computer monitor looked confused. This scene was completely different from what he had imagined at first.

Especially when he saw that the strengthened zombies couldn't do anything to these people, he even released a "tyrant" that was originally prepared to deal with Xia Tian.

This kind of unit, rated as an extraordinary level by Skynet, is the top biochemical weapon of Umbrella Company. Even if a large-caliber firearm is fired, it will only cause slight damage to it. He has full confidence that he can win Xia Tian!
But in the computer screen.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

This tyrant had already been intercepted by Leon even before he even got close to Xia Tian. After one move of "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms", a dragon-shaped Qi Jin descended from the sky and directly lay on the ground for the tyrant!
"It's not right, how could it be possible to have superpowers all of a sudden."

"Could it be that this is all caused by that 'target'!"

As if thinking of something, the doctor in the white coat quickly adjusted the viewing angle of the monitoring screen, trying to find Xia Tian.

"Wait, where's the target!"

However, it was discovered that Xia Tian who was originally on the battlefield had disappeared.

"Doctor, Doctor..."

Suddenly, the assistant next to him hesitated and stretched out his fingers in panic.

Because in the air in front of the roof where they were, Xia Tian walked up step by step, dressed in snow-white robes, the stars were not stained, the golden light bloomed between the eyebrows, and the sun and the moon shone brightly in his eyes.

"Strange, monster... quick, shoot!"

The eyes of several heavily armed umbrella company security personnel were horrified.

However, as a professional, he reacted immediately and pulled the trigger of the firearm in his hand. Suddenly, the submachine gun burst into flames, and a large number of bullets turned into a hail of bullets and covered Xia Tian's body.


However, the next moment.

A bunch of umbrella company employees were even more dumbfounded.

Because, all the bullets hovered in front of Xia Tian, ​​with the scorching red color of flames burning on them.

"Hehe, foreign guns?"

Xia Tian said a line that the people on the field could not understand.

Then, he stretched out two fingers and snapped his fingers crisply.

The next moment, a large number of bullets that were frozen in the air suddenly turned around, and the faces of a group of armed personnel from the umbrella company changed dramatically.

They returned the same way one by one at a faster speed than they could shoot out with guns.

"Puff puff……"

The sound of bullets piercing through the flesh was densely connected together, accompanied by the fallen human body and flowing blood.

Even the best bulletproof vests worn by the personnel of these umbrella companies cannot withstand the large number of bullets driven by the full burst of supernatural power!

However, while killing these security personnel in Xia Tian.

On a helicopter parked on the roof, an umbrella company employee secretly took a single-body rocket launcher, and suddenly fired a rocket with an orange tail flame towards Xia Tian's position, spanning tens of meters Hit Xia Tian after the distance.

A large flame with billowing black smoke exploded in the night sky.

And just when joy appeared on the face of this umbrella company employee, thinking that he had succeeded in the sneak attack.

"Flying Immortals in the Sky!"

The black-red flame was pierced by a bright silver-white sword energy, and the invincible "Flying Immortal" not only resisted the power of the rocket explosion.

The fierce and fierce sword qi pierced out even more, turning into a tens of meters long sword qi and hitting the armed helicopter, cutting the armed man who still had a joyful expression on his face into two halves. The remaining sword energy even cut off the armed helicopter, and half of its body fell to the top of the building with a bang.

Good guy, Leon's "vehicle killer" feature really lives up to its name!
"In this way, you should be more sensible."

"Take me to your base and hand over everything I need..."

The corners of Xia Tian's mouth turned up slightly, and he said to the blank-eyed doctor in the white coat who was left on the entire battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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