All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 132 The Japanese Invasion, The Battle of the Lords Begins

Chapter 132 The Japanese Invasion, The Battle of the Lords Begins

"Right, that is it……"

"Hold the gun with both hands, look straight ahead, aim through the crosshairs, pull the trigger and fire!"

In the territory, a group of Alices with exactly the same appearance were teaching the Silver Moon Elf how to use firearms.

【Alice Legion】

Rating: 15
Grade: Extraordinary Median

Legion Traits: Connected Hearts

Legion Skills: Extraordinary Mind, Destruction Storm

Explanation: The legion made with Alice as a clone is connected with each other, and can manipulate very powerful thoughts to launch attacks and battles.

Having captured the postdoctoral fellow of the umbrella company before, the next move is naturally simple for Xia Tian.

Find the underground base in the desert and use its authority to open the door to unleash a bunch of clones of Alice.

The most important thing is that Skynet reminded that the base of that umbrella company can also be built into a "combined territory building".

However, it needs to complete a sufficient number of zombie cleanup tasks, so for the time being, he can only recruit some Alice clones first.

"The only regret is that although Umbrella is good at cloning technology, it is all concentrated on the human body, which is equivalent to lighting up a branch of cloning technology!"

At present, even if it is built into a building, unless it goes through "reincarnation", it should not be possible to clone "Xu Kun" and "True Dragon"!
However, this is also normal, it is so easy to clone, a god like Linglong Fairy will not be so easily moved.

"Well, but there is no need to be too anxious. First select some people to go to the biohazard plane to wipe out zombies, harvest spirit crystals and complete this kind of 'building task' at the same time."

However, just when Xia Tian was thinking about who should be arranged to do this.


In the peerless territorial building Jinyiwei Town Fusi, an emergency "secret book" suddenly appeared, and then transformed into a message, which appeared in Xia Tian's mind.

"The Japanese from the martial arts plane of the Ming Dynasty sent troops to North Korea and occupied the mainland of North Korea. The chief assistant Zhang Juzheng was assassinated."

Xia Tian's complexion changed slightly.

"Finally can't stand it anymore?"

Then his eyes were awe-inspiring, and he said softly.

It has been several days since the end of the college entrance examination. Some lords with god-type forces behind them have indeed had enough time to complete the promotion of the territory and the replacement of new arms and buildings.

In addition, the time ratio of the Da Ming martial arts plane is relatively high.This period of time is also enough to unify Japan, and then send troops to North Korea as in the history of the previous life!
Faced with the Japanese army that has just experienced decades of "Warring States" training, it is impossible for North Korea to have the slightest ability to resist.

These, in fact, are expected in Xia Tian.

The only surprise was probably that he had also expected and even made preparations for the possibility that the other party would assassinate the top officials of the Ming court.

As a result, Zhang Juzheng was assassinated.

In fact, it wasn't just for Zhang Juzheng. The other party originally wanted to kill the little fat man Wanli, but the "Emperor Hero" armor that the latter bought earlier saved his life!
Although, several heroes who were assigned to protect the "Jinyiwei" attacked angrily and chopped the Skywalker assassin into a pulp, but it didn't help.

"Jing Wuming, Xiaoyaohou, Sikong Zhaixing, Jintong, Jade Girl... If the mission fails, they will be fined 1000 luck points, and each will deduct 5 years of basic life span!"

"In addition, all the rest of the people who have free hands gather at the gate of the void, ready to fight!"

The majestic voice of Xia Tian resounded in the consciousness of every resident in the territory.

Because of the "Book of Heaven", he can now control the specific lifespan of each territorial person.

Naturally, the top reward such as "Longevity" can no longer be rewarded casually, and can even be used as a punishment.

However, five years of life is not considered a severe punishment.

After all, the knowledge of heroes in the martial arts plane of Ming Dynasty is still insufficient, and it is normal for Skywalker to take advantage of the loopholes.

Moreover, although he was the chief assistant of the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng did not choose to join the territory to become the famous "Jinyiwei" like others.

But in the case of having the "Book of Heaven", Xia Tian wants to revive this management personnel that he had already set, that is, it will consume the number of reincarnations and luck points once!
It can even be directly introduced into the territory.

Of course, this matter has to wait until after this battle!
"Finally, after raising soldiers for thousands of days, is it time to use soldiers?"

"Silver Moon Elves, the trapped camp, the terracotta warriors, the divine machine battalion... the four main armies are all quite large at present. And the Alice Legion, the Sky Witch... although they are not many in number, they are all extraordinary armies! There are a lot of extraordinary heroes on the scene, so they shouldn’t be worse than their opponents, right?”

In Fusi of Jinyiwei Town, Xia Tian counted the current troops in his territory!

To be honest, because he didn't choose to join any god system, if he was in a plane with no restrictions at all, even if he had a powerful cheat, he wouldn't dare to say that he had any advantage over other lords.

After all, any true god has the ability to take out hundreds of millions of spirit crystals to buy various resources for his descendants, and he can also directly choose heroes from his own world and order them to join his territory!
On the other hand, when he himself sacrificed hundreds of thousands of spirit crystals before, he was reluctant and hesitant.

However, since the battlefield is the plane of sealing the college entrance examination.

Then, Xia Tian dares to say that he is not afraid of any single lord.

Because bringing things into the plane of the college entrance examination requires the consumption of grade points, he can confidently say that no "single" lord can fight him in a war of attrition!

Moreover, wars between lords cannot be said to be all bad things.

After all, taking the items from the college entrance examination plane still needs to consume grade points, but all the materials in the lord's territory have already been transformed by the law of the void, so they can be taken away directly.

It also means that if you lose, you will certainly lose a lot.

However, if you win, you will also get huge benefits.

Especially this time it is a real battle, not like the previous projected confrontation on the seventh day of the college entrance examination.

Even if you can't directly occupy the opponent's territory.

But by destroying various buildings and plundering various resources, it is enough for the winning side to eat a lot.

In particular, the defeated party is generally forced to hand over a certain amount of "ransom". The speed of money coming in this kind of war between lords is often faster than the hard work of managing the plane!

The plane of Ming martial arts.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sound of artillery was endless.

Accompanied by the deafening sound, the shells fell continuously, setting off water columns on the sea surface, and even blowing up some Japanese-style Japanese ships that were fleeing.

Let a Japanese navy soldier whose limbs and legs were broken by the bombing struggle in the water, trying to survive with the broken boards.

However, this is completely unhelpful.

Because the ten "Treasure Ships of Ming Dynasty" with a size of more than [-] meters and a diameter of more than [-] meters can carry hundreds of cannons and thousands of people, they passed by like giants on the sea, and a bunch of broken wooden boards were trying to survive. The Japanese were directly crushed into the sea water.

"This is... the navy of the father country, how can there be such a powerful warship!"

On a warship less than 20 meters long with the flag of the Korean flag.

A general in his 30s had a shocked look on his face.

This person named Yi Sun-shin, among the Koreans in this plane, has some military capabilities. He is also familiar with military books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Wu Qi's Art of War", and he has unique insights into naval warfare!
For this reason, Qi Jiguang asked him to lead more than 1000 North Korean naval forces to clean up the Japanese personnel who fell into the water.

And looking at the Daming Treasure Ship, which was many times taller than his own warship, a cold light was slashed by the "Qi Family Sword" in the hands of the Daming Navy, and even brought their own small samurai swords to hack together. In two pieces, the surging blood fell into the seawater along with the body of the Japanese pirate samurai!

"Not only warships. These powerful Japanese pirate warriors are so vulnerable to the soldiers of their father's country..."

Yi sun-shin opened his mouth even wider.

Because, the strength of these Japanese warriors can be said to be very good.

In the previous battle with the North Korean army, any one of them could defeat more than two or three North Korean soldiers, and a hundred Japanese warriors could chase thousands of North Korean soldiers in embarrassment, throwing away their helmets and armor and fleeing.

But these powerful warriors could not even catch the soldiers of the Daming Navy with a single blow.

And he could see very clearly that it was just an ordinary soldier of the Daming Navy, not a general. You must know that there are tens of thousands of such soldiers in the Daming Navy!
"Da Ming is mighty!"

"This battle must be won!"

Li Sunshin heard the soldiers of the Joseon Navy on his ship looking at the treasure ship of Daming passing by, and shouted very excitedly, trying to let the soldiers of the Daming Navy on board hear it.

More than a month ago, the Japanese pirates suddenly went to war without declaration, and hundreds of large ships carrying more than 20 Japanese pirates set foot in North Korea.

In just one month, the border of North Korea was almost flattened.

The Korean royal family fled to the territory of Daming in a panic, and sent envoys to ask for help from the Celestial Kingdom.

As for the Kingdom of Heaven, they dispatched this [-]-member navy with ten giant treasure ships, under the command of Qi Jiguang, who is still unknown in this plane, to increase the number of personnel.

Originally, North Korea thought that the Chinese government was perfunctory.

It turned out that this unknown General Qi knew everything about the Japanese pirates like the palm of his hand, and defeated the Japanese pirates' navy one by one in just a few days, and surrounded the last batch of Japanese pirates' navy.

Once eliminated, the 20 troops who invaded North Korea will be completely surrounded, unable to advance or retreat, and will be shut down and beaten.

"This Japanese country really has no father. It even attacked our country without authorization. Fortunately, the father's country sent troops to rescue us!"

"Yeah, I actually arranged for my father's country before. Fortunately, the king didn't listen to the Japanese pirates and surrender, otherwise we might be sunk by the navy of our father's country now!"

On Li Sunshin's warship, a number of North Korean soldiers chattered and gloated and rejoiced.

You know, the relationship between North Korea and Japan has always been bad.

Although the two sides have also regarded the Ming Dynasty as their motherland for many years, but Japan has "heroes come forth in large numbers" because of the endless internal wars in these years.

For the Ming Dynasty has lost awe.

Not only did they often plunder in North Korea, but this time they aggressively attacked the aggression, and at the same time declared that the Ming Dynasty was no longer their opponent, so that the Korean royal family gave up their claim to the Ming Dynasty and turned their allegiance to their so-called "Taige".

And the Korean royal family has indeed been shaken.

After all, these Japanese pirates have indeed repeatedly invaded the Ming Dynasty over the years.

But the Ming Dynasty never launched a counterattack!

However, after weighing the pros and cons, considering the wolf ambition and viciousness of the Wa people, they still felt that they should call the Celestial Dynasty "Daddy save me".

And this is undoubtedly an extremely correct choice.

The scene in front of him obviously means that the Japanese are full of lies!

The navy of the Ming Dynasty was so powerful that in just one battle, the mighty Japanese pirate navy was beaten to the ground.

On the Great Ming Treasure Ship, which was ten times the size of their warships, rows of divine machine cannons roared, hitting and sinking Japanese warships one after another into the sea.

Even, directly relying on the huge size advantage to crush and overturn some small Japanese warships, it seems that the Japanese navy is about to be completely wiped out.

This battle is over.

"Boys, come and fight with me. Kill the Japanese, and go back to be rewarded by the king..."

Li sun-shin, who had been soy sauced for a long time, couldn't help feeling excited.

Order the North Korean navy to go around and attack the Japanese soldiers who fell into the water, and follow the Celestial Army to pick up some credit!

However, Qi Jiguang above the flagship frowned at this time.

Because, he got the information through the "Jinyiwei Town Fusi" that the little fat man in Wanli was assassinated and Zhang Juzheng died!

For the Ming army, this was undoubtedly something that shook the morale of the army.

Not only that, but the North Korean navy on the battlefield also let out exclamations of surprise.

"what's the situation?"

It turned out that those Japanese pirates who drowned or were killed in the water and sank to the bottom of the water unexpectedly surfaced again at this time, their bodies were swollen after soaking in water for a long time, and their eyes were not alive. The rays of light climbed up the deck along the small warships of the North Korean navy.

Frightened, some North Korean soldiers panicked and retreated again and again.

"What the hell is this? Japanese pirates' magic!"

Li Sunshin pulled the bow and arrow, and shot an arrow that accurately hit the heart of a "mutated Japanese pirate" who had climbed onto the boat.

As a native of martial arts, his bow and arrow can be said to be a unique skill, and he can be proud of hitting the target accurately on a swaying sea boat.

It's just that this kind of arrow method doesn't make much sense.

Because, although the arrow was shot in the vital part, the actions of the Japanese pirates who had already "dead" were not affected at all.

It wasn't blood that flowed out from the part of the body hit by the arrow, but muddy yellow pus, dragging the water all over, and rushed towards the terrified North Korean soldier next to him!

"No, what is that..."

And he hasn't recovered from these mutated Japanese pirates.

What happened next made Li sun-shin's eyes widen even more, showing an unbelievable look.


Under the eyes of everyone, the sky above the sea suddenly seemed to be torn apart, and a territory comparable to the size of an island descended from the sky.

There are hundreds of Japanese-style buildings on it, centered on a huge shrine with cherry blossoms flying all over the sky and wind chimes shaking.

All sorts of strange extraordinary monsters floated like guards, exuding an extremely powerful oppressive aura.

After landing on the sea, a huge howling wave was set off, which directly overturned all the smaller North Korean warships.

"Ah, help!"

"Support the army to save lives."

And a North Korean soldier even fell into the seawater, dragged by the Japanese pirate soldiers with yellow pus all over his body, and sank towards the water, howling in panic.

Only the ten treasure ships of the Ming Dynasty, because of their huge size, did not have any danger of capsizing even under the impact of such giant wolves.

Especially the flagship where Qi Jiguang was located was not too turbulent at all.

Because, after the huge waves approached, it seemed that under an invisible force, the calmness quickly disappeared!
【Da Ming Navy Commander (Gold)】

When Qi Jiguang was in command of the Great Ming Navy, he acquired the characteristic of "Megatronics". Every time there is a Great Ming Navy around, he can increase the upper limit of his manipulable spiritual power (level).

(End of this chapter)

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