All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 133 Xue Rengui, Three Arrows to Tianshan!

Chapter 133 Xue Rengui, Three Arrows Set Tianshan!
"This person?"

In the territory of the "shrine", Masayoshi Oda, wearing Tsukiyo's head, dressed in black and white, and holding a demon sword.

Looking at Qi Jiguang who was standing on the big Ming treasure ship, the red cloak of the Ming Dynasty general fluttering in the wind, he frowned slightly.

He felt that Qi Jiguang looked familiar.

However, I just felt a little familiar, but I didn't directly recognize Qi Jiguang's origin.

After all, as the first lord eliminated by Xia Tian in the "seventh round" of the college entrance examination, he was not only snatched away by the Shenji Battalion, who had worked so hard to kill the bloody Dragon Clan, but was also immediately killed by Houhou with one move Lose!
Coupled with the fact that the lords cannot see the detailed information of each other's residents, it is naturally impossible to recognize Qi Jiguang as an "enemy" at a glance.

"These rank?"

However, he still saw the combat effectiveness of these great navy divisions at a glance.

Because, facing the "Huangquan soldiers" who resurfaced from the sea again, their bodies swollen like resurrected corpses, unlike the panicked North Korean soldiers, the Daming Navy did not react much at all. He chopped off the head of the "Japanese pirate soldier" who climbed up.

Then, kick it back into the water like a ball!

Whether it's a god or a ghost, it's not wrong to kill.

"Da Ming also has a lord layout, and also created so many golden units...somewhat unexpected!"

Beside Oda Masayoshi, a skywalker who was waving a folding fan and dressed as a military adviser had a slightly dignified gaze.

"It's just that if you want to create so many golden arms, you will definitely consume a lot of grade points. Although the golden arms are good, how can they be worth the golden heroes?"

Then, though, he laughed again.

Looking up to his rear, he saw a black battleship covered with a layer of iron armor appearing in the distance, all of which were a Japanese hero who condensed the luck of this plane.

"Number One Warring States General, Zhang Fei of Japan, Dongguo Wushuang, Four Heavenly Kings of Tokugawa" Honda Tadakatsu, "Japan's Number One Soldier, Japan's Number One Warrior" Sanada Yukimura, "Kyushu Army God, Thunder God, and Valkyrie" Tachibana Michiyuki , "Sword Master" Ashikaga Yoshiki, "Echigo's Zhongkui" Saito Chaoxin...

This plane of Wa Kingdom was in the Warring States Period.

Therefore, many heroes emerged in the troubled times. Although limited by the size of the country, some of them are only silver level!

But at least hundreds of heroes are enough to make people look sideways.

You must know that for lords, recruiting arms is far less difficult than heroes!

Take Masayoshi Oda himself as an example.

As a member of the well-known Oda family in the Great Sun God System, even though he was swept by Sky City in the final round of the college entrance examination, he is still a genius who entered the top ten of the earth's college entrance examination, and the family will naturally give him a lot of rewards.

The three main combat arms in his territory are now all at the extraordinary level, and they are all "extraordinary top", the total number is nearly a thousand!
With the characteristics of the territory, even the tens of thousands of gold-level troops can be easily suppressed.

The reason why he didn't launch an attack immediately after the arrival was just to wait for the opponent's territory to arrive.

After all, if the lord of the Ming camp on the opposite side shrinks in fright if he makes a move too early, the benefits of his hard work in bringing the plane down will not be as great as imagined!
Well, Xia Tian didn't let him wait too long.

The sky over the sea was once again surging with wind and clouds, and amidst lightning and thunder, the space was torn apart.

After the college entrance examination, the City of Sky descended to a plane for the first time.

The green life barrier emanating from the huge ancient war tree enveloped the center of the territory, surrounded by a large circle of flowing water, and a crystal dragon palace loomed inside!
Judging from its own size, it is slightly smaller than Oda Masayoshi's territory.

"Sure enough, it's here!"

"It seems that the scope of this territory is not too large."

A few followers of Oda Masayoshi have confident smiles on their faces.

Because once the war between the two lords starts, the state of entering the battle can no longer be "teleported" through Skynet casually to retreat!

In most cases, it ends with one party being defeated by the other and "cede territory and pay compensation".

According to their visual inspection, the volume of the territory in front of them is only about two-thirds of that of Oda Masayoshi.

You must know that the size of the territory can also represent the strength of the power behind the lord to a certain extent.

Because the "sacred stone" is obtained by refining from the existence above the true god.

Generally speaking, the better the lord's grades in the college entrance examination, the greater his potential. After he is attached, the number of "sacred stones" initially given to him by the gods behind him will be more!
Judging from the scope of the current lord's territory, it is obviously not as good as his own side.

This battle is won!
"Congratulations, my lord..."

Some people couldn't wait for Oda Masayoshi, but turned around, only to find that the latter's face was frighteningly livid.

"Lord? What's wrong with you!"

Some followers were almost taken aback.

"Could it be..."

Only the follower with the identity of "Military Advisor" who was waving his fan seemed to vaguely guess what?
His pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the descending Sky City, and a ridiculous idea emerged in his heart!
"City of Heaven!"

And Masayoshi Oda, who was wearing Tsukiyo's head, almost burst into flames from his eyes.

"What, City of Heaven?"

"It's the city of heaven that ranks first among the earth lords this time!"

"Hiss, it can't be. It's such bad luck that I bumped into it!"

A follower's complexion inevitably changed drastically.

Although Masayoshi Oda himself didn't go into details, they already knew the situation on the seventh day of the college entrance examination from the residents of Masayoshi Oda's territory.

Even in the First World War, Sky City had elements of a sneak attack.

But in terms of strength, it is still stronger than the "shrine" territory, not to mention winning the first place, it will definitely be vigorously cultivated by the gods behind it.

Even if Masayoshi Oda has an extraordinary background, the probability of obtaining resources is not as high as that of the opponent. This battle is likely to hit a rock, and the whole team will be smashed!
"Wait, that's not right!"

"It is reasonable to say that he won the first place. The scope of the territory cannot be smaller than ours, and there are not very many buildings in the territory. Why do you think this is?"

But at this time, the follower who was a military adviser seemed to have discovered something, with some surprise on his face.

"Hey, as expected, the territory of the first lord of the earth seems to be stronger than imagined."

Some people are still wondering.

"I see!"

Masayoshi Oda understood, and his expression returned to normal in an instant.

Those who can win the first place on the earth will inevitably have arrogance in their hearts, and they may not be willing to attach to the power of the gods, but want to rely on their own strength to develop independently!
"Congratulations, sir!"

"Even if he is the first place in the college entrance examination, how can he compare with you Oda-sama if he doesn't join the god system?"

The military master waved the folding fan in his hand, and smiled at Oda Masayoshi.

"Don't be careless, let everyone prepare for the battle, today is just the time to revenge."

And Masayoshi Oda said in his mouth.

I actually have this idea in my heart.

After all, I have more than a dozen extraordinary heroes under him, the three extraordinary arms with a total number of nearly a thousand, hundreds of gold and silver-level heroes of the plane, and [-] silver-level Huangquan soldiers!

Coupled with a bunch of extraordinarily rare and rare buildings in the territory, this kind of power is definitely powerful!
And when the other party is unwilling to join the god-type forces, in this short period of time, no matter how many achievements they have, they can only bring out some units from the planes of the college entrance examination at most.

You must know that the upper limit of most college entrance examination planes is only the gold level.

Even if some of them have extraordinary level power, not to mention how high they want to accurately find extraordinary heroes and extraordinary arms in these planes, even if they find these arms, most of them are just extraordinary low-level, middle-level Compared with the three extraordinary top-level arms specially provided by his family, he is definitely at a disadvantage!
What's more, the core building "Shrine" in his territory is a rare building that can have the characteristics of "resurrection" at the extraordinary level. It can transform people who died in battle into "heroic spirits", which is equivalent to having two lives... …

"If that's the case, why did I retreat? I should use this battle to avenge my elimination from the college entrance examination!"

Masayoshi Oda resolutely abandoned the idea of ​​"withdrawing" before the arrival of Xia Tian's territory and the two sides formally engaged in battle.

Instead, he stared coldly at Xia Tian's territory falling to the sea surface, directly contacting with his territory.

Just because the two sides are within a certain range, the rules of the territory can cover each other's territory, completely cutting off the possibility of teleportation away!
"Didn't you leave? You are quite courageous... Well, this territory seems familiar?"

In the city of sky, Xia Tian, ​​who stood upright in the air, with the sun and moon above his head, and his feet on the clouds, had a slightly surprised look on his face.

However, he immediately noticed the shrine planted with a large number of cherry blossom trees in the opponent's territory, and his heart moved.

"It turns out that the enemy's road is narrow."

There are so many lords and so many planes of the college entrance examination, and they have encountered it again, so it must be God's will in the dark.

Is this the first time he wants to truly destroy the people of the "Da Sun God Line"?
"Kill, kill, kill..."

Both sides understood the other's intentions, so there was no need for pre-war trash talk.

The moment they landed, the battle for planes officially started.

A "God Master" unit in the opposite shrine took the lead, chanting a mantra, creating a demonic wind containing countless ghosts, which condensed into a tens of meters high in the air, blue-faced fangs, three heads and six wings The demon god, driving the demon wind, rushed towards Xia Tian's territory, and rushed towards the terracotta warriors and horses formed by ancient bronze chariots.

Facing this huge monster, Wang Jian, the leader of the terracotta warriors and horses, stood still in place with a bronze body.

"Battle Formation Black Dragon!"

Majestic black air rose from the terracotta warriors and horses behind them, forming a hundred-meter-long black dragon in the air, entangled with the rushing "demon god"!
"Boom, boom, boom..."

And when those extraordinary "god masters" tried to cast spells further, the cannons of the Shenji Battalion had already bombarded their positions.

In front of the two hundred soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, there were a total of 50 extraordinary cannons and 50 gold-level cannons.

In addition to attacking these extraordinary "magic masters", more shells fell on those extraordinary warriors who rushed up with fanatical gazes!

"Onboard, onboard, onboard!"

Some samurai were blasted by shells on the spot, turning into white light and rushing into the "Sakura Shrine".

But the rest still rushed into Xia Tian's territory, and started a scuffle with the trapped camp soldiers who took the initiative to meet them.

Each of the [-] soldiers who participated in the battle had an extraordinary level of dragon essence flashing on their bodies, and dragon scales that could withstand the vital attacks of the katana appeared on their bodies, and they were not at all inferior to these extraordinary top "samurai".

However, just when the two sides were fighting together.

"Puff puff……"

A large number of extraordinary ninjas appeared among the warriors, and they slashed at the vital parts of the soldiers of the trapped camp.

Compared with the samurai, the attacks of these ninjas obviously have some kind of defense-breaking ability, directly cutting through the dragon scales emerging from the trapped camp.

But still unable to kill the soldiers trapped in the camp.

Because Gao Shun, who is the exclusive leader of the trapped camp, just standing there now feels like a raging volcano, and his vitality is so frighteningly surging.

It's just because it's not just Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and others who participated in killing the "Shui Clan" these days. Since Xu Kun's "swallowing life" characteristic, he has piled up an unknown amount of blood!
"The Protectorate of the Great Tang Dynasty!"

Xia Tian resounded with majestic voice.

In an instant, a golden translucent capital appeared on the periphery of the entire territory.

Let a bunch of invisible ninjas no longer be able to break in directly.

It is worth mentioning that, these days, a large number of "water tribe monsters" summoned from the plane of "Nezha the Devil" were killed, which satisfied the promotion limit of the Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty.

Today, this territorial building has officially been upgraded to an extraordinary level!
【The Protectorate of the Great Tang Dynasty (Extraordinary)】

Features: [Double Protector] The buildings protected by the Protectorate will have the ability to automatically repair!
Skill: [Famous General Projection] You can designate and recruit a famous general projection from the Tang Dynasty to participate in the battle!

The first feature can restore the buildings in the territory even if they are damaged, and the second skill can directly summon famous generals of the Tang Dynasty!
But this time, Xia Tian did not summon Qin Qiong who tended to defend.

Instead, he summoned a young general wearing silver armor and holding a black bow in his hand.

After this general appeared, he scanned the situation of the battlefield like a torch, and seemed to have a direct insight into the main points. He pulled the bow and arrow in his hand, and three arrows were attached to the bowstring.

Bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly asked three thunderclaps, and the bow was like a thunderbolt.

Three arrows shrouded in the breath of death pierced the battlefield like shooting stars.

In the next moment, a hero of the supernatural master class, a hero of the super ninja class, and a hero of the supernatural warrior class all fell to the ground with arrows!

【Xue Rengui (Projection)】

Rating: 15
Grade: Extraordinary top

Skill: Three Arrows to Fix Tianshan Mountain

[Three Arrows Set Tianshan Mountain]

Xue Rengui shoots three arrows with the "lethal" feature. If all the targets are killed, the morale of the opponent's camp will be greatly reduced.

Qin Qiong's projection has only characteristics but no skills, while Xue Rengui's projection has only skills but no characteristics.

However, the power of the skill is very powerful.

You know, these three people belong to the hero unit, and their combat effectiveness is very good. None of them dodged Xue Rengui's arrow!

(End of this chapter)

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