All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 134 Demon Sword Muramasa, Sword 23

Chapter 134 Demon Sword Muramasa, Sword 23

"Who is this general of the Chinese gods!"

"It's just a projection, but it's so powerful?"

A skywalker of the great sun god system looked at Xue Rengui's figure slowly dissipating on the city wall with horror in his eyes.

You must know that the three people who were killed belonged to heroes who condensed the power of luck, and they were at the extraordinary level.

Such an existence was actually killed by a projection?

"This is definitely not an ordinary quality building, but a rare or even rare building!"

Masayoshi Oda's heart tightened.

You must know that even if he has the support of family power behind him, most of the buildings in the territory are only "rare", and the number of "rare" buildings is not much!

"Don't panic, don't panic, that Chinese man is just a projection..."

And the important thing is not just the death of the three extraordinary personnel.

The bigger problem is that "Three Arrows Set Tianshan" killed three targets, and at the same time, it dealt a blow to the morale of the soldiers in the entire shrine territory camp.

The battlefield was originally in an evenly matched situation, but it immediately tilted towards the side of Sky City.

"Hmph, what a bunch of trash!"

Seeing this situation, Masayoshi Oda let out a cold snort from his nostrils.

Consciousness quickly communicated with a territorial building of his own, and released a "special skill" of the Sun God system.

It is an ancient Japanese-style building with white lanterns and blue and white curtains. It is named "Geishakan", and a large number of "Geisha" can be summoned through skills to boost morale through singing and dancing on the battlefield. There are even "extras" available on weekdays.

"Good guy, there are buildings like this..."

And this "characteristic" building has to say, the effect is really good.

Even if it is Xia Tian who is directing the battle in the sky, after looking at a group of women wearing topless kimonos and butterfly buns, waving and posing suddenly appearing in the opposite territory!
I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said in my heart that I was awesome.

Fortunately, the "geisha" summoned by this building belongs to the ancient type. The ghost-like makeup with a face full of powder is completely unappreciated in summer.

If this is the current type of building, a lot of "Mikami, Ohashi, Momoya, Aizawa, Aoi..." will be summoned. He seriously doubts that with his firm mind, he probably will be affected to a certain extent.

"This building is interesting. I don't know, can I get it after the battle?"

"Take it to reincarnation for a while, maybe it will have a miraculous effect?"

Xia Tian came back to command, his eyes jumped.

Well, just curious, nothing else!

Moreover, if you want to talk about this kind of wonderful characteristic building, there is also one in his territory!

Xia Tian's consciousness moved, and communicated with the "Goblin mocking relief".

"Gulu, Gulu... onboard, onboard!"

The next moment, above the battlefield.

Immediately, a large group of nearly a thousand goblins appeared, waving a bunch of broken weapons and shouting that they were about to join the battle.

The most important thing is that the words yelled by these goblins are very similar to the pronunciation of the people of the Great Sun God...

So much so that some fighters of the Sun God system thought they belonged to "our own people" at the first time.

As a result, he was immediately stabbed by these small green-skinned creatures.

Although, in Oda Masayoshi's territory, the fighting power is at least at the gold level, even if these goblins who are only black iron level suddenly attack them, they can only cause some skin trauma!

However, the strong taunting effect still made some arms couldn't help turning around and attacking.

"Puff puff……"

It's just a black iron-level goblin, so naturally it was killed in just two or three hits.

However, the result of "wandering mind" in the battle directly allowed the soldiers of the trapped camp to seize the opportunity to tear apart the first line formed by these warriors and ninjas.

"Trap into the camp, break the army!"

Then Gao Shun took advantage of the situation and attacked fiercely, living up to the title of "trapped in the camp".

Breaking through the periphery of Oda Justice's territory in one fell swoop, pushing the battle line into the opponent's territory!
"Army attack!"

On top of the tall bronze chariot in the territory.

Wang Jian's eyes moved sharply, and he swung a long bronze sword in his hand.

"Wind, wind, wind!"

The next moment, the wheels of bronze chariots carrying people rolled.

Shrouded in a "black dragon" formed by a large amount of black soul power, it roared and charged towards the territory of Oda Justice.

The army is astonishing and murderous!
Wherever they passed, the expressions of a ninja and a samurai changed drastically.

The warriors who couldn't dodge in time were directly crushed by the bronze chariot of the Great Qin Dynasty, or were loaded with turning knives specially used for charging on the chariot, and were strangled to "flesh and blood" on the spot!
Even more flexible, an extraordinary ninja trying to hide and avoid.

The black dragon, which was also condensed by the power of the soul, discovered the location of the figure.

Afterwards, the bronze crossbow arrows and bronze spears shot from the chariot pierced his body and were thrown to the ground like paper!
"No clothes? You are in the same robe with me. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear... Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear and halberd. Work together with me!"

The wheels of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty rolled forward. Although there were only dozens of bronze chariots, they were quite invincible on the field.

In fact, compared to the trapping factions promoted from the Gold rank, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Dynasty are the "trump card" that Xia Tian has been hiding.

Each of these soldiers has experienced a truly extraordinary level of battle during their lifetime. After a hundred battles, the elites of the Great Qin Dynasty have all their characteristics raised to an extraordinary level by Xia Tian, ​​so that they truly show the invincible and invincible nature of the past. A trace of the edge of the Great Qin Empire.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Even, not only the army was strangled.

Wherever the roaring black dragon passed, the buildings in the shrine could not resist, and were directly knocked to the ground.

Even if some yin and yang "God Masters" whose faces changed drastically, used their long-range legion skills to knock some terracotta warriors from the bronze chariots to the ground.

But the terracotta warriors and horses with the characteristic of "immortality" only need to absorb the soil to recover quickly. Even while absorbing the soil, they also use local materials to refine the metal substances in the destroyed buildings into weapons and even vehicles. .

Fighting and supplying supplies along the way, he went straight to the core "shrine" of Oda Masayoshi.

"Quick, all of you stop these bronze chariots and kill the leading hero!"

Masayoshi Oda's face really changed a lot.

First, he hastily activated a defensive lord skill.

Let you see a golden light flash in the territory, and a large group of monks chanting mantras appeared out of thin air, forming a large number of materialized golden runes to cover all the buildings.

Limit the destructive ability of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the "Undead" nature.

Afterwards, he even dispatched all the Skywalkers on his side to concentrate his efforts to deal with this "motorized" force that had entered his territory first!
And I have to say that in terms of "followers", Masayoshi Oda has an advantage over Xia Tian who fights alone.

Because, these followers are all the best in the college entrance examination, and each of them is a figure on the professional ranking list!
Any evaluation in Skynet belongs to an extraordinary, superior, or even top-level existence, and they all belong to "heroes".

In fact, the reason why Oda Masayoshi's territory was able to transmit so many troops was that these followers consumed their own grade points to "share" part of the consumption for him!
Otherwise, relying on his own grade points alone is not enough to enter with the strength of the entire territory.

However, Xia Tian does not have extraordinary followers, but he has a bunch of extraordinary heroes.

"Three points return to vitality!"

"Tiangang Boy's Art."

"Sucking Stars Dafa!"

Just when a bunch of Skywalkers from the Sun God system rushed forward, concentrating their firepower and trying to kill Wang Jian first.

Among the black dragons formed by the army formation, a large group of shouts suddenly came to mind.

Immediately, a large number of superheroes from Fengyun and the world's No. [-] plane of transcendence appeared.

Xiongba, Wuming, Tiedan Shenhou, Cao Zhengchun and others made their moves one after another, fighting with these Skywalkers.

And, have the upper hand.

After all, Skywalker's current combat strength still relies more on props and treasures, and people from Fengyun Plane definitely have an advantage over them in terms of martial arts experience!
"Japanese pirates, wolves with ambitions, have repeatedly violated our borders, today I will kill all of you!"

"Although we are people from the rivers and lakes, and we know how to defend our home and country, how can we allow you to plan for Shenzhou!"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, come on!"

In addition, a hero from the Ming Dynasty's martial arts plane confronted those Japanese Warring States heroes.

Both sides are "locals" fighting each other and don't have to worry about the exclusion and interference of the will of the plane.

Moreover, the number of heroes in the Da Ming martial arts plane is now hundreds, not inferior to these Japanese pirates at all, and even higher in quality.

If it weren't for those "Huangquan soldiers" who were originally in the seawater, they would have climbed ashore from the seawater to fight with these "Warring States heroes" and stimulate some people's "commander" characteristics, and they would definitely be taken by the martial arts heroes of Ming Dynasty from the very beginning. Cut down.

"The whole army is aiming at... shelling the shrine!"

However, as soon as these "Huangquan Soldiers" landed, the "Daming Navy" lost control and became unscrupulous. Ten big Ming treasure ships fired and bombed frantically around Oda Zhengyi's territory.

Let Oda Masayoshi's entire territory be filled with gunpowder smoke, crumbling, and his face turning black!
"How is it possible, how can he have so many heroes?"

You know, he dares to fight with Xia Tian.

The biggest reliance is his own followers, and these "Warring States heroes" from his own plane.

Hundreds of silver, gold, extraordinary heroes... For the current lord, it is definitely a strong lineup that is difficult to deal with.

As a result, the number in Xia Tian's territory is not inferior in the slightest.

Moreover, the quality is even higher, so that according to the current situation, it is obvious that he will "resent for the second time" in this battle.

"Damn it, I can't lose twice to the same person... Muramasa!"

Masayoshi Oda's face was a bit hideous, and he stretched out his hand in the air. A large number of wind chimes hanging from the "shrine" of the core building in the territory suddenly shook violently. A black katana sword originally enshrined in it flew out and fell into Oda hands of justice.


Then, Oda Masayoshi gritted his teeth and pulled out the knife.

The next moment, the wind roared, and the bloody breath soared into the sky. Ghosts of different shapes, with blue-faced fangs and lingering ghosts flew out of the knife, making a large area around Masayoshi Oda seem like a ghost on earth.

【Demon Sword Muramasa (Lord Treasure)】

Rating: 20
Grade: Extraordinary Top Rare

Features: seal demon
Skill: Night walk of ghosts
【Seal the demon】

The souls of the creatures killed by the demon knife will be sealed in it, which can continuously improve the power of their ordinary attacks.

【Hundred ghosts at night】

Release the souls of the killed monsters to participate in the battle, and transform the surrounding environment into a "dark night", which can isolate the opponent's "territorial characteristics!
At the same time, the "hundred ghosts" in the dark night acquire the "night travel" feature, and can move freely and instantly, ignoring the damage caused by attacks below the extraordinary.

Remarks: Once the Hundred Ghosts are released, if you don't kill the opponent, you will be "backlashed" by the Hundred Ghosts.

I have to say, after all, he came from a big family background.

This Demon Saber Village Zheng is a rare quality lord weapon, and it can be said to be powerful in terms of characteristics and skills.

Especially the skill "Hundred Ghosts at Night", once released at the right time, it is enough to turn the tide of the battle!

"Win or lose, in one fell swoop!"

Oda Masayoshi held the demon sword in his hand, and his eyes locked on Xia Tian.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Xia Tian with a black cloud condensed from billowing ghost energy.


Xia Tian noticed immediately.

Oda Masayoshi actually played in person, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

However, he can probably guess the support of Oda Masayoshi.

After all, there is a rare building that can be "resurrected" in the opponent's territory, so it is natural to be bold on the battlefield, but when it comes to resurrection buildings at an extraordinary level, what can compare to the "reincarnation pool"?
Xia Tian's heart moved, and he had an idea.

Facing the Oda Masayoshi who was rushing towards him with a billowing ghostly aura, he didn't dodge himself or ask someone to intercept him halfway.

"Sword come!"

Similarly stretching out his hand, a sword flew out of the territory.

It's not the "Emperor's Dragon Slaying Sword", but the "Xuanyuan Sword" that looks like brass and was obtained from the Lingyun Cave in the Fengyun Plane!
【Xuanyuan·Suppressing Demon Sword】

Level: 20

Grade: Epic · Rare (seal)

Abilities: Suppression, Demon Elimination

Skill:? ,?

1. Contains certain space suppression characteristics, which can enhance most related space skills.

2. When the sword body hits a living being, it will form a huge "suppression" on it.


The Xuanyuan Town Demon Sword can slowly remove the demon nature of creatures and restore their nature.

Explanation: Xuanyuan Huangdi collects the copper of the first mountain and casts it. It has a strong restraint ability against demons, and can be suppressed to expel demons!
Remark 1: After completing the task of saving the plane, you can unseal it and become a real epic treasure.

Remark 2: After refining with the luck of a country, it can become a lord's treasure!
The reason why Ao Bing's cousin "Ao Tian" obediently drank the mother-child river water in the previous summer was because of the "suppressive" characteristics of this long sword, and also because of the skills of this sword to completely remove the "demonic nature" of Huo Qilin. !
"Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!"

Seeing that Xia Tian did not let people intercept unexpectedly.

So much so that some backhands that I originally prepared didn't even need to be used.

It has already entered the range of skill release, Oda Masayoshi's face is happy.

A monstrous power erupted from the "Demon Sword Muramasa" in his hand, which suddenly dimmed the light around Xia Tian, ​​and suddenly turned into a dark night without fingers!

"You are too big!"

"Once you enter the 'Hundred Ghost Night', you will only be slaughtered by me and swallowed by the Hundred Ghosts."

Looking at the countless ghosts pounced towards Xia Tian in the dark night, Oda Masayoshi secretly rejoiced.

However, right after, he saw Xia Tian on the opposite side slowly raise an ancient brass sword.

His face was neither sad nor happy, and he said four words lightly in his mouth.

"Sword 23!"

In the next moment, a large number of ghosts rushing towards Xia Tian in the "dark night" and the expression on Oda Masayoshi's face all stagnated in place.

Afterwards, the brilliant sword energy shattered the void!

 Well, overrated.

  This battle is really mind-boggling.

  Another update, probably tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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