All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 146 What, trapped in the camp?

Chapter 146 What, trapped in the camp?
"The one who can condense the soul of the army will not be an unknown person. Who are you?"

The sword carrying the power of the Eight Hundred Brocade Fan Battalion was easily blocked by the opponent.

Gan Ning's originally irritable face also became dignified. He raised the dark red ghost-head long knife that was taller than himself, and pointed at Gao Shun who was covered in black armor and asked.

At the beginning, when Lu Bu ruled the world, he was only a small official under Liu Biao.

Although I have also heard the famous reputation of being trapped in the camp, I have never seen Gao Shun with my own eyes, let alone the latter is covered in black dragon scale armor!
"The prime minister of the Han Dynasty, under the command of the great general Lu Bu, is trapped in the camp and leads Gao Shun!"

Gao Shun's voice was calm.

But under the state of "Military Soul", the voice almost spread throughout the battlefield.

And just this sentence caused a very violent reaction on the battlefield.

"What, stuck in camp?"

"General Gao, I heard you right. Is it really General Gao?"

Cao Jun's cavalry around Zhang Liao suddenly remembered the sound of discussion.

At this time, the image of "Military Force" formed above the heads of Zhang Liao's army was a translucent giant wolf with hazy eyes and bloodthirsty killing aura.

It is the image of the cavalry unit "Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry" who was famous under Lu Bu and was known as the same as the trapped camp!


At this time, the "Sirius" was constantly fighting and colliding with the "Dragon Horse" formed by the soldiers led by Zhao Yun opposite in the air.

Zhang Liao is a famous general, especially after following Cao Cao in the South and North Wars, he definitely ranks among the top generals in terms of commanding ability alone.

Although his personal strength was slightly lower than that of Zhao Yun, who was extraordinary and top-notch, but with the blessing of dominance, the battle between "Sirius" and "Dragon Horse" was evenly matched.

However, Gao Shun's words suddenly broke this balance.

Many soldiers from the "Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry" were distracted for a moment because of this sentence.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun obviously wouldn't miss this opportunity.


Like a silver dragon, a silver spear was aimed straight at Zhang Liao, and the extraordinary top-level spiritual power turned into a tornado-shaped spiral gun force, which Zhang Liao barely blocked with all his strength.

But he could block Zhao Yun's own attack, but he couldn't block the hoofs of the "dragon horse" formed by the army. Dozens of cavalrymen were shot down under the horse, and were even trampled into flesh by the dragon horse!
However, after the appearance of Gao Shun, Cao Cao's camp was really affected the most by another army, the "Tiger Guard Battalion" led by Xu Chu.

At this time, one thousand gold-ranked soldiers of the Tiger Guards Battalion were condensing a huge "Tiger" with golden rays of light in their eyes and a murderous aura, and the black hair condensed on the heads of the three thousand soldiers led by Zhang Fei. Snakes, fighting each other together.

But after Gao Shun announced his identity, some of the sergeants of the Huwei Battalion who were fighting trembled for a moment.

In the life-and-death battle, he couldn't help but turn his head and look under the black armor, his eyes were calm and serious, and the tall and tall figure!
Also, those soldiers around Gao Shun shouting "the ambition to fall into the battle, there is no life but death", fighting with the "Jinfan Battalion".

"It's really in the camp, it's General Gao Shun..."

"What Chen Hu and the others said is actually true? General Gao Shun is still alive!"

"The ambition to fall into the battle is life or death. I didn't expect that I would hear this sentence again one day!"

Then, some people burst into tears.

The Lu Bu of this world used to be the prime minister and general of the Han Dynasty, and his two ace armies, "Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry" and "Trapped Camp", would naturally not be as rare as in history.

In fact, in this plane, Gao Shun personally trained trap camps, the number of which totaled more than tens of thousands.

Although more than ten years have passed, most of the soldiers trapped in the camp have already disarmed and returned to the fields.

However, thanks to the recovery of spiritual energy, after the elite soldiers reach the gold level, their lifespan and peak combat effectiveness can be extended to a certain extent.

Therefore, there are still thousands of soldiers trapped in the camp in the Cao camp, and about half of them are in the "Tiger Guard Camp" of Cao Cao's pro-army regiment.

Because of this, after Gao Shun showed up, the soldiers of the "Tiger Guard Camp" reacted the most violently, with expressions of surprise, excitement, and uneasy emotions.

They have now become Cao Cao's personal guards, but they still have deep feelings for the commander who trained them and taught them martial arts.

"not good!"

And half of the subordinates were shaken in the army, which directly affected Xu Chu, who was the chief general.

The "tiger idiot", who had already stripped off his arms and was directing the tiger in the air to fight with Zhang Fei's black snake, suddenly felt that the added power on his body weakened.

"Hey, eat me with a spear!"

On the other side, Zhang Fei yelled.

A black light that pierced mountains and rivers glowed from the Zhangba Snake Spear, and it hit Xu Chu who was still in a hurry, and could only block the big knife across his chest.


It was like being hit hard in the chest by a huge boulder weighing ten thousand jin.

The thick black iron broadsword in Xu Chu's hand instantly shattered into countless pieces, and his tall body of nearly two meters flew towards the rear like a cannonball, knocking down the tents in more than a dozen barracks in succession.


Boss Cao, who even sent Xu Chu as his personal bodyguard to join the battle, almost fell to the bottom of his mood.

You know, even though he was under the scheming of Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, and was under the impact of the Jiangdong Navy and the three extraordinary top generals, he was not necessarily in a losing situation.

After all, perhaps the quality of generals is not as good as Liu Bei with a bunch of SSRs, but the number of soldiers under Cao Cao is far higher than that of Liu Bei and Sun Quan.

Even if the two sides add up, it is only a quarter of his real strength.

As long as the tiger guards, tiger and leopard cavalry and a few elite troops can stabilize the situation, then he can organize a counterattack!

It's just that Gao Shun appeared on the battlefield with the trapped camp, and just one sentence led to a sudden change in the battlefield situation.

Zhang Liao and Xu Chu who intercepted Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei were affected by the soldiers and were defeated one after another. The only one left was Cao Ren who led the tiger and leopard cavalry to fight Guan Yu.

You must know that as the most elite of Cao Cao's subordinates, the ace troop "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry" that condensed the military spirit, although some of them also came from the "Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry", but because of the strict military order, there was no commotion like Zhang Liao's cavalry .

However, what they are facing is also Liu Bei's most elite soldiers and the most powerful military commander in the world after Lu Bu's death!
"Cao Mengde's men really don't have any generals left, so I sent you to stop me!"

"Though Cao Mengde took you in back then, I have worked with you once. Get out of the way quickly, and I won't kill you!"

It is different from Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun who personally led the attack and fought fiercely with the enemy.

At this time, Guan Yu was sitting on a red-hot, extremely tall horse with an extraordinary aura, his red phoenix eyes were tightly closed, and he looked recharged and disdainful to attack Cao Ren.

In fact, Guan Yu in this plane has enough wild capital.

Because he is the second general after Lu Bu to successfully break through to the level of "Tongshen". Compared with others, he has a deeper understanding in this field.

Coupled with his own extremely strong commanding ability, once combined with the bonus of military power, even Zhang Fei, who is also extraordinary and top-notch, cannot be compared with Zhao Yun.

"Guan Yunchang, since you remember what happened back then."

"You should know that if the prime minister hadn't deliberately let go, you would never have left safely with your brother and sister-in-law, and you even took away Lu Bu's red rabbit and BMW."

"You don't want to repay this kind of kindness, but instead lead an army to attack our army tonight?"

"It's in vain that you claim to be familiar with the Spring and Autumn Annals, but don't you know the word 'loyalty'?"

Cao Ren obviously also knew Guan Yu's strength.

Therefore, instead of ordering the Tiger and Leopard Battalion to attack immediately, they held a golden shield in their hands and shouted at Guan Yu.

The sound is thunderous.

Obviously, not just for Guan Yu.

Even, listening to his words, it is obvious that he intends to say them to Gao Shun, who used to be Lv Bu's subordinate.


Guan Yu's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of bright light, and the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand burst out with an incomparably fierce saber aura.

The army in the form of a green dragon in the sky also exuded a strong light, and instantly transformed into a figure in a green robe standing upright, and a [-]-meter-long Qinglong Yanyue knife also appeared in its hand, facing the large Cao Cao. Cao Ren of the army soul killed him.

 In this chapter, the content is a bit watery.

  Originally, I didn't want to post it, but at this point in time, I still haven't figured it out.

  Just post this part first.

  Starting tomorrow, the update will resume.

(End of this chapter)

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