All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 147 Lu Bu, the God of Heaven Comes Down to Earth!

Chapter 147 Lu Bu, the God of Heaven Comes Down to Earth!
"Tiger and leopard rider, help me with all your strength!"

Cao Ren's pupils contracted, he shouted, and waved the shield in his hand.

The next moment, in front of the two thousand tiger and leopard riders, a shield with a height of more than ten feet appeared, like a real city wall rising from the ground to block the Qinglong Yanyue knife that rushed towards them.

This behavior is exactly the same as Gao Shun's way of resisting Gan Ning before.

But the difference is that Cao Ren didn't have the confidence to block Guan Yu at all.

Just because Guan Yu's fighting strength is far above Gan Ning's, especially this one strike that has gained momentum can transform the "gold-level army power" into a higher-level "extraordinary-level army soul"!
At the beginning, Yan Liang and Wen Chou under Yuan Shao were all famous generals who had stepped into the top of the gods.

But none of them could stop Guan Yu's knife.

Although he himself is good at defense, he is not absolutely sure.


The [-]-meter-long Qinglong Yanyue Daomang roared towards it, and slammed into the nearly materialized golden shield.

The next moment, the golden shield trembled violently, and the part that was slashed by the knife quickly became thinner, and was finally torn into two halves by the cyan blade.

After the materialized sword glow broke through the shield, it turned into the remaining sword energy, and continued to fly like a blue dragon that pierced through the sky, knocking Cao Ren who was holding the golden shield and hundreds of tiger and leopard knights behind him into the air. !
" could it be so strong."

"Even if Lu Bu is still alive, he may not be able to defeat Guan Yunchang!"

The shield in his hand was full of cracks, and the armor on his body was almost completely shattered. Cao Ren, who was vomiting blood profusely, looked shocked.

If it weren't for "Military Soul" to resolve most of the damage, and after stepping into "Tongshen", he has mastered a lot of defensive skills, he would definitely not be seriously injured but killed by this knife.

It's just that this was limited to himself. Even though Cao Ren, who bore the brunt, blocked most of the saber energy, the rest of the Tiger and Leopard Knights were all seriously injured, and many even died on the spot.

The point is that the formation of the tiger and leopard cavalry was broken by Guan Yu, which also meant that Cao Cao's last chance to come back was also lost!

"Finally, Bandit Cao's defeat is set!"

And Zhou Yu, who was also vomiting blood on the Soochow flagship on the river, felt a lot better after seeing this scene.

Although the "trapped camp" blocked the "Jinfan camp" on the surface battlefield, and even Pang Tong used the plantain fan to "return the wind and return to the fire", causing heavy losses on his own side.

But also because of the turmoil caused by the appearance of the "trapped camp", the three Liu Bei troops on land played a better effect than he originally intended.

In the future, even if Cao Cao has many counselors and generals who are in the supernatural realm, they will be absolutely powerless.

"However, there are too many top strategists and generals under Liu Bei."

"Any one of these three has the ability to be 'enemy of ten thousand people', and Zhuge Liang, the 'Crouching Dragon', can even be said to be magical. Now that the overall situation is settled, if we don't find a way to get rid of it, it will definitely become a big problem for Jiangdong in the future!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu couldn't help turning his head to look at "Fengshentai".

"Well, this is..."

And when he turned around, he happened to see that the flames soaring into the sky reflected in the light, a figure wearing a three-pronged purple gold crown, like a god and a demon, stepped out of the "Fengshen Terrace" brazenly.

Step by step, he stepped into the air and walked towards the Red Cliff battlefield.

Boom, boom, boom!

Every time the figure took a step, a thunder would explode in the sky.

When walking above the battlefield, a huge moon surrounded by Qionglou Yuyu emerged, and a unicorn burning with flames all over the body stepped out of the moon and became its mount!
"My God, what's going on!"

"Moon, the moon has fallen from the sky."

Such a vast scene, even though there is a war going on below, has still been noticed by many people.

Especially, because of this sudden change from night to day, most people couldn't help but stop fighting and look up at the sky.

"Look, someone can walk in the sky!"

"That seems to be a unicorn, and the unicorn is used as a mount. Is this a 'god descending from the earth'!"

"No, why is the costume of this 'God' so familiar? It seems to be..."

Especially some people who had followed Lu Bu to fight in all directions felt a little hurried and their heartbeats accelerated.

"Stop me all!"

A word from Lu Bu in the air.

The voice was majestic, like thunder rolling, resounding in the ears of everyone below!

"This voice, yes, it is the general."

"It turns out that the general is not dead, but has become a god."

"I just said that the general's force is so strong that he is invincible in the world, even a thunder can't kill him!"

Hearing his voice, some soldiers reacted most violently, especially the soldiers from the "Bingzhou Wolf Riders" who he personally commanded before, many of them burst into tears!

"General? What general? Could it be that this person is..."

And some soldiers who had no connection with Lu Bu in the past were shocked.

"Mingyue, falling hundreds of feet."

With an order from Lu Bu in the air, the "Moon Palace" in the sky fell a certain distance towards the ground, illuminating the entire battlefield as if it were daytime!

Riding the thunderbolt, Qilin is the mount, which is barely acceptable to everyone.

After all, the strength of the army is assembled, and the strong can shake the city walls, destroy the earth, and even create large-scale flames and strong winds.

But "command the sun and the moon", this obviously cannot be done by manpower.

The most important thing is that because the moon moved down, Lu Bu's appearance became completely clear, which aroused mixed reactions from more people.

"Lu Bu!"

Guan Yu's indifferent red face changed, and Danfeng's eyes showed seriousness for the first time.

Now he thinks that he is considered "the number one in the world" among the current military generals, and when he is in charge of soldiers, no one can stand up to him, and everyone is "inserting the mark and selling the first"!
But in the dead of night, it is hard to avoid thinking back to the "Hulaoguan" back then, the figure who was like a god and a demon in his heart at that time, a figure with a sense of suffocation and oppression, one man and one horse, plus a Fang Tianhua The halberd stopped the princes of the world!

Even though his current strength has far surpassed that of the first battle, the psychological shadow is still difficult to eliminate.

In particular, the red rabbit horse under his crotch suddenly became agitated and neighed towards the sky.

It seems that he also recognized this former old master.

"Lu Bu, is this thief still alive?"

Not just Guan Yu.

Zhang Fei, who was riding on the black horse, couldn't help but widen his eyes, and muttered in his mouth.

He has always spoken with a voice like a huge thunder, and he has no scruples. After seeing Lu Bu, who is "the god descending from the earth", his voice can't help but lower his voice a lot.

"This is Lu Bu?"

Only Zhao Yun was more curious about Lu Bu because he had never fought against Lu Bu before, and his reaction was not so violent.

(End of this chapter)

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