All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 148 Enhanced Version 3 British Battle Lu Bu!

Chapter 148 Enhanced version of the three heroes fighting Lu Bu!

"You are all my fellow citizens, why kill each other?"

"Lu Bu" in the air spoke again, his cold eyes swept over many people!

Although it was just a look, the people who were caught felt a strong pressure like a mountain falling from the sky in an instant.

Ordinary silver-level soldiers can't even stand still, let alone talk.

"Wen Hou doesn't know, these people are rebellious officials and thieves. They don't listen to the imperial court's order, and they set up a military disaster, intending to overthrow our great Han country!"

Only the extraordinary heroes like Cao Cao, who heard the "position tendency" from Lu Bu's words, were the first to speak under pressure, and directly designated Liu Bei and Sun Quan as "rebellious officials and thieves" in their words!
"Oh, really?"

"Lu Bu" looked at Sun and Liu with heavy eyes like a mountain.

Under their eyes, all the people on Sun Quan's side chose to remain silent, not daring to look at "Lu Bu".

After all, Cao Cao was right in a sense.

Liu Bei still has the title of "Yi Dai Zhao", but Sun Quan completely belongs to occupying Jiangdong and ceding the land to stand on his own.

As for Boss Cao himself, although he is ambitious in the eyes of the world, he monopolizes power and coerces the emperor to make the princes.

But after all, he is the prime minister in name, and he did not announce his intention to rebel. The most important thing is that Cao Cao's behavior is a copy of Lu Bu's. Using this reason to accuse Cao Cao may be regarded by Lu Bu as "pointing and cursing"!
It's better to keep silent and wait and see the situation, and see what this Lu Bu wants to do by "resurrecting from the dead and descending from the gods"?
Therefore, even the arrogant Guan Yu didn't explain anything for his elder brother.

It's just that while subduing the restless Chituma, he secretly held the Qinglong Yanyue knife to "gather up momentum".

"Hey, Lu Bu! Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you."

"If you want to fight, fight, why so much nonsense! At that time, I couldn't break through the 'spirituality', so I was defeated, and now I want to continue the battle of the year."

Only Zhang Fei couldn't bear Lu Bu's condescending gaze, his eyes widened like copper bells, and he shouted loudly.

Of course, Zhang Fei's character is reckless on the surface, but in fact he is rough and subtle.

The reason why he said "provoke" Lu Bu, who doesn't know how deep he is.

One is because the number of their troops is far inferior to Cao Cao's. After being fought by "Lv Bu" and giving Cao Cao a respite, they are likely to be surrounded by Cao Cao's troops in turn and fall into a disadvantageous situation.

The second is because Lu Bu was alone, and did not command thousands of troops like them.

You must know that the most powerful aspect of a general in this plane is that he can gather the strength of his soldiers through military force and military spirit, which is enough to magnify his personal strength by ten or even dozens of times!
Because of this, even if Lu Bu seems to be "a god descending from the earth", it is not impossible for Zhang Sanye to deal with it.

But right away he realized that he had made a big mistake.

"very good!"

"Three extraordinary top military generals, I'd be interested to weigh the weight of the weapons in your hands!"

"Where are the Bingzhou wolf riders?"

Lu Bu, who was riding a fire unicorn in the air, looked majestic, and suddenly let out a loud shout.

"Li Shun, Chief of the Xiaoqi Battalion, see the General!"

A soldier who had reached the top level of gold rode out from among the tiger and leopard riders without hesitation, then dismounted and saluted on one knee, and looked at Lu Bu in the air with admiration in his eyes.

"Guerrilla Battalion Dubo Zhao Shan, see General!"

"Guerrilla Battalion Chief Sun Zhong, see General."

"Xiao Qing, Lieutenant Commander of the Stepping Battalion..."

The next moment, one soldier after another who was born in Bingzhou wolf cavalry walked out of Cao Cao's camp, their eyes gathered together with fanaticism.

The momentum exuded from everyone rose to the sky, forming a clearer and more domineering "Boundless Sirius" than when he was under Zhang Liao's command!
And when the number of these soldiers reached 1000, the translucent Sirius roared up to the sky, and its shape changed into an enlarged version of the demon god Lu Bu, transforming from a gold-level "military force" into an extraordinary one. Layered "army soul"!
"Army soul, unexpectedly condensed a military soul."

"I remember that the 'Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry' was very powerful under Lu Bu, but didn't he have a military spirit?"

"Besides, Lu Bu's military spirit is so powerful that it makes me suffocate a little! Compared to the military spirits of Cao Bandit's 'Tiger Leopard Cavalry' and Sun Bandit's 'Jinfanying', they are only stronger but not weaker!"

Sensing the coercion emanating from Lu Bu, the army soul, even Zhang Fei shrank his eyes with copper bells, and regretted that he was "reckless" in his heart!

In order to condense the soul of the army in this plane, in addition to the high quality of the army itself, at least the gold level, it is also necessary for all soldiers to have a common fanatical faith in their hearts.

The tiger and leopard riders believe in Cao Cao, the Jinfan camp believes in Gan Ning, the trapped camp believes in Gao Shun, and the Bingzhou wolf rider undoubtedly believes in Lu Bu.

Back then, Lu Bu turned the tide and swept the world.

Defeating all the alien races around the Han Dynasty, both personal force and achievements have reached their peak.

As his pro-army Bingzhou wolf rider, there is no doubt about his fanatical admiration.

Even after more than ten years, this kind of enthusiasm has not been dissipated, and because of Lu Bu's appearance as if "God descended from the earth", the enthusiasm in the hearts of a group of soldiers was instantly aroused to the extreme!

It is limited by the degree of spiritual recovery at the beginning.

Before Lu Bu's death, both the "Trapped Camp" and "Bingzhou Wolf Riders" belonged only to the golden arms, so they did not gather the soul of the army.

Now, it's just showing what should have been achieved.

"Military soul, interesting!"

Lu Bu said softly in the air.

Then, with one move of the hand.

"Come on the halberd!"

In the sky, thunder broke out, and nine thunderbolts fell on the hands of the indomitable army soul, condensing into a purple Fangtian painted halberd all over the body.

"Come on, fight with me!"

With a loud roar, the war halberd broke through the air, like a thunder dragon smashing towards the three thousand soldiers led by Zhang Fei.


Zhang Fei's black face also changed color obviously.

Hurriedly mobilizing the power of the army, the long black giant snake hovered above his head, making a resisting gesture!

The purple war halberd transformed by the Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon slammed into the black snake's body fiercely.

The silver thunder erupted, and the purple light illuminated the surrounding fields. The military black snake more than [-] meters long wailed, and was suppressed by the thunder halberd, making it difficult to move.

Zhang Fei himself gritted his teeth, his face turned red, and he looked quite struggling.

"Huh, but that's it."

"You three, go up together."

Lu Bu Junhun, who was hundreds of meters high, glanced at Guan and Zhao, whose faces were also discolored. With a wave of the Nine Heavens Thunder Halberd in his hand, his aura broke through the sky!

"Zilong, follow me to help third brother."

Seeing that Zhang Fei was in danger, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun naturally wouldn't just sit and watch. Feeling the terrible pressure from the army soul Lu Bu, they mobilized their soldiers and horses to kill them from all sides.

"Give way."

But Boss Cao rolled his eyes and didn't stop him, telling his soldiers to open the passage directly.

I took this opportunity to quickly rectify my troops and restore my combat power!


The "Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon" halberd in Lu Bu's hand swung out with the power of thunder, and Guan Yu charged forward with the red rabbit horse, and collided fiercely with the sword that had gathered momentum!
Immediately, the halberd condensed by the thunder broke off and turned into endless thunder and lightning, filling the whole field. Even the limbs of the fire unicorn trembling slightly, all the mouth, nose and ears spewed fire, burning the surrounding tens of meters of the ground It was scorched black.

However, Guan Yu on the opposite side was obviously not feeling well, his arms trembled slightly, and blood dripped from his tiger's mouth.

But Lu Bu just raised his hand again, and nine thunderbolts fell from the sky, forming a new thunder dragon halberd, which blocked Zhao Yun's subsequent silver spear, and instead of continuing to confront each other in a short period of time A hundred times!
The extraordinary version of "Three Greats Fighting Lu Bu" was finally staged.

The green dragon, the black snake, and the white horse, together with an army of nearly ten thousand people, enveloped the sky and covered the sky!
And Fang Tian's painted halberd, Zhangba Snake Spear, Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and Gendan Liangyin Spear, every time the four divine soldiers clashed, the rolling sound waves that burst out were enough to shatter the eardrums of many people.

Even, waves rolled over the river, overturning some small or damaged warships!
Even the horses such as the red rabbit horse, the Zhaoye jade lion, the Wuzhi horse, and the fire unicorn are not extraordinary.

You must know that spiritual power recovery will not only make humans stronger, but war horses will also benefit. Otherwise, how can you support the generals in fierce battles?
In fact, except for Zhang Fei's black horse, which is only the top-level gold, the other three mounts are all extraordinary levels.

Among them, the Chituma belongs to the extraordinary "hero" unit!
Trying to kick with your hoof and bite the fire unicorn with your mouth during the battle, you have the mentality of wanting to kill you, a little hoof that "seeks to usurp the throne".

"On, on?"

This made Huo Qilin a little confused, not understanding why the other party targeted him so much.

Could it be that I have "vengeance for killing my father and taking my wife" with him?
"Not bad, not bad... The three of you are indeed top-notch people in this direction. You also have a tacit cooperation, and the three of you work together to outperform ordinary extraordinary ten people. This battle will definitely make me feel better and go further!"

The more Lu Bu fought, the more excited the expression on his face became.

The avatar of "Lu Bu" created by Xia Tian through the "God and Demon One Thought" skill can have a part of autonomous consciousness.

It is equivalent to implanting a part of Lu Bu's "fragmented memory" in it, so both the understanding of commanding troops and martial arts have reached their peak.

Of course, what is more important is the characteristic of "Unparalleled Under Heaven". With the blessing of enough luck, the combat power of this Lu Bu avatar directly reached the upper limit that this plane can accommodate. Compared with Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu Waiting for others to go further!
Coupled with the "military soul" condensed by all the golden Bingzhou wolf cavalry, even in the face of the siege of the "third of the five tiger generals", they will not lose the wind in the slightest.

Even, after a hundred tricks, he gradually gained the upper hand.

It's just because although the spiritual power of this world has been revived, leading the "army force" in battle consumes a lot of energy.

Even Zhao Yun, who is best at protracted warfare, began to weaken after a hundred moves.

Only Lu Bu seemed to be in peak form from beginning to end, and he kept familiarizing himself with the "army soul" during the battle, putting more and more pressure on the three of them.

"This is brewed with fairy spring and paired with 'Moyu Plum Blossom' tea. Not only does it taste great, but it can also refresh your mind and restore your spiritual power. Kong Ming used the east wind to consume a lot of mental power just now. Drink it quickly. I will never lie to you!"

"You know, in my territory, a pot of this thing will cost hundreds of luck points."

On the "Fengshentai".

Xia Tian was drinking tea while talking with Zhuge Liang.

"Lu Bu" belongs to his avatar, and his spiritual power and himself belong to a "shared" state.

Therefore, drinking the Immortal Spring by himself here is equivalent to supplementing the avatar consumption without a steady stream.

Naturally, it is possible to fight harder and harder without getting tired.

"It's hard to imagine that the famous Lu Bu is just a 'projection' of this person!"

Comparing Guan, Zhang, and Zhao, who have already fallen into a disadvantage, and leisurely drinking tea Xia Tian, ​​even Zhuge Liang couldn't help but feel emotional.

Because Xia Tian had revealed some things to him before.

For example, Lu Bu is just a "projection" of himself in this dimension.

At the beginning, challenging "Tianlei" was using a method of "destroying the physical body and ascending the mind".

For another example, the "territory" he mentioned is extremely magical, and there are various treasures of the fairy family in it, which can make people understand the past and present, and change the time.

Even, live forever!

"Since the great general has already 'flyed up' to the sky, and even cracked the earth to become a marquis in the sky, and has his own 'territory'. Now, why come back this time?"

Suppressing his ups and downs, Zhuge Liang didn't drink tea, but asked aloud.

"I came back this time not to 'struggle for world supremacy'. It was just entrusted by others to restore the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty for this dimension, and because I don't have any good feelings for the one sitting in the palace now, so Deliberately choose another clan with the surname Liu to inherit the Datong!"

"Kong Ming, do you have any good candidates or suggestions?"

There is a smile on Xia Tian's face.

On the other hand, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but shrink his pupils!

(End of this chapter)

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