All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 149 Eye-catching Features

Chapter 149 Eye-catching Features

"Uncle Liu Huang, my lord, is generous and generous. He knows people and treats scholars well. He has the style of a great ancestor and the weapon of a hero. He can rule with Xingye!"

After being silent for a while, Zhuge Liang looked at Xia Tian and said.


"Kong Ming, you are really 'respecting the virtuous but not avoiding relatives'!"

Xia Tian smiled.

"Well, Uncle Liu Huang is indeed a good candidate."

Then, he nodded seriously.

It is different from many young people in the previous life who admired the "treacherous hero" Cao Cao and looked down on the "hypocritical" Liu Bei.

Xia Tian didn't have any bad feelings towards Liu Bei.

Even, there is a lot of admiration.

Many people always think that Liu Bei is "fake benevolence and righteousness" and pretends to be a good person to buy people's hearts.

But I don't know that for a self-made person, all he can rely on is "personal design".

Besides, if a person pretends to be benevolent and righteous all his life, isn't he the real benevolence and righteousness, so why is there hypocrisy?
Everything is discussed regardless of the heart.

At least, Xia Tian thinks Liu Bei is really a possible candidate.

"However, given the character of our lord, I'm afraid he won't be able to risk the world's criticism and inherit the big position!"

But after recommending Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang shook his head first.

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe you, Kong Ming, made a mistake in your judgment!"

"Well, it's not difficult to deal with this matter. I'll invite Uncle Liu Huang to this Moon Palace and ask him personally."

Xia Tian shook the feather fan in his hand.

The next moment, the moon suspended over the battlefield was bright and generous, casting two rays of light and flying towards two places thousands of miles away, one east and one west.

"Well, I have invited Uncle Liu Huang, and I also invite Kong Ming to go to the Moon Palace with me."

Then, after waiting for a while, Xia Tian attracted the moonlight again, condensing a ladder to the sky and connecting it to the top of the "Fengshen Terrace", among a large group of people kneeling down and shouting to the gods, they climbed up the stairs with Zhuge Liang.

"Army, military division."

A middle-aged man with a slightly uneasy expression, with his hands on his knees and able to look after his ears, immediately showed joy on his face after seeing Zhuge Liang!

"I have seen the city master!"

"Kong Ming, stay safe."

And behind the middle-aged man.

Xu Shu, with a sword hanging from his waist, also greeted Zhuge Liang.

This also made Zhuge Liang understand why Xia Tian was able to invite Liu Bei to this moon palace with confidence!

Others may not be able to do it, but Xu Shu can definitely do it.

"Well, the winner will be determined next."

After Xia Tian nodded slightly to Liu Bei, his expression changed again.

Just because the outcome of the "Three Great Wars against Lu Bu" has been announced.

After continuous battles, Zhang Fei, whose mount was only at the gold level, was the first to be unable to hold on. The horse stumbled and was kicked away by the fire unicorn. Without Zhang Fei's assistance, Guan Yu's knife, which was barely accumulating strength, was also caught by "Lu Bu". The halberd defeated!

Although Zhao Yun still has some strength to fight.

But obviously, there is no possibility of defeating Lu Bu single-handedly.

"You two virtuous brothers, Zilong, don't fight any more."

"Let's go to the 'Guanghan Moon Palace' and meet the city lord!"

And Liu Bei's voice suddenly sounded on the "moon", which surprised the three of them and stopped.

"Gongjin, Xingba, you don't want to fight anymore, come up first!"

Not just Liu Bei.

Afterwards, a familiar voice from the Soochow camp came out of the Moon Palace.

"Wu Hou!"

Zhou Yu and the others also showed surprise on their faces.

Because this is the voice of Sun Quan who should be thousands of miles away.

Xia Tian sent out two rays of light through the moonlight, one was Liu Bei, and the other was Sun Quan!

Compared with Liu Bei's side, it is obviously more troublesome to "invite" Sun Quan, but if it is only through the function of "a thousand miles of beauty" of this lord's treasure, it is not difficult to let Sun Quan's "projection" here.

In fact, not only Sun Quan was projected into the Moon Palace, but beside Sun Quan there was a rather young counselor of the god level, who was another member of the Jiangdong Arson Group——Lu Xun!

"It turns out that there really is an immortal palace above the moon."

After a while, a bunch of heroes from the plane of the Three Kingdoms, either real or projected, gathered in the Moon Palace!

Looking at the pieces of Qionglou Yuyu, Biquan Lingshu, and various "immortal artifacts", I was both shocked and awed.

Especially when they discovered that "Unrivaled Under Heaven" Lu Bu had turned into a streak of black energy and returned to Xia Tian's body, they felt even more inconceivable.

"If all these people are recruited, it is estimated that there will be no shortage of talents after the territory is promoted to Epic..."

And looking at the heroes of the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu gathered together, Xia Tian was also quite satisfied.

The people who can be selected by him into the "Moon Palace" are naturally the top ones. If it is replaced by games related to the Three Kingdoms in the previous life, they are probably all with a single attribute above 95, or with extremely strong comprehensive characteristics.

For example, Cao Cao has an extraordinary characteristic called "Heroes", which can directly make any legion under his command that has condensed "military power" further condense "military soul"!
And Guan Yu's "Potential Accumulation" skill can accumulate the "Position" of the army, and it will explode suddenly during the battle, and this feature is not only applicable to himself, but also can be added to the first wave of attacks of the entire army.

Zhao Yun's characteristic "White Horse Yi Cong" can make ordinary soldiers without training directly condense their "military power"!
Liu Bei's "benevolent master" characteristic is more able to influence people around him, take the initiative to seek refuge, and his loyalty continues to increase.

For the lord, this is even more meaningful than Zhuge Liang's characteristics.

And Sun Quan's characteristic of "having children like Sun Zhongmou" can even increase the chances of "beautiful births" in the territory.

It can be said that every one of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms present made Xia Tian "heartbeat" and "eyes greedy"!
However, in order to convince such a group of people, some means are still needed.

"The reason why I have gathered all of you here from a long distance is because I promised a senior that I will put down the chaos in this world."

"Now that the Han Dynasty is in decline, I'm afraid many of you have the ambition to 'win the crown', and even think that you will be the one who laughs last. I have a treasure that can take you to see the future 'destiny' together." event!"

"I'll let you guys read it first, and then I'll talk about some things in detail."

Xia Tian said.

The golden light around him surged, and the "Book of Heaven" appeared!

A bunch of heroes of the Three Kingdoms changed their expressions.

Different from other planes, there are indeed some strange people in this plane who can spy on the "destiny", can judge people's life and death, and future opportunities. In addition, they have shown all kinds of miracles before Xia Tian, ​​a bunch of people do not doubt The truth and falsehood of Xia Tian's discourse.

Especially at the next moment, everyone in the "Moon Palace" suddenly felt the scenery around them change, as if the years passed by!
Soon, everyone came to a high platform offering sacrifices to the sky.

I saw Liu Bei, who was twelve crowned in the black imperial robe of the Han Dynasty, sitting high on the stage of the ninety-five-year-old, and a group of Shu Han Wencheng generals shouted "Long live"!
"what is this?"

"It seems to be a scene that will happen in the future!"

A group of people were surprised at first, and then realized that this was a method of immortals, allowing them to enter the "later life" as if they were actually there.

"Liu Bei has become emperor."

When it came to "King Bomb", the three parties reacted differently.

People in the Shu Han camp were naturally all excited and excited, but the faces of people from Cao Cao and Sun Quan couldn't help but look ugly.

"Is the world still going to the Liu family in the end? Could it be that the Han Dynasty is really exhausted?"

To be honest, if it was before this battle.

They are still not convinced by this result.

After all, there are many princes in the world during this period of time, but Liu Bei's troops are not many, and it can even be said to be the bottom princes.

But in today's battle, the combat effectiveness of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others is shocking enough, plus Zhuge Liang, there is indeed the possibility of achieving "hegemony"!
"I want to raise an army that will destroy the country, attack Jiangdong, and capture Sun Quan alive, in order to avenge the killing of my second brother, father and son."

However, before a group of people could recover from the news that Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, Liu Bei's words on the high platform made many people's expressions change drastically.

"What, I'm dead? Besides, I was killed by people from Jiangdong!"

Guan Yudan's phoenix eyes were really big, and his face was serious.

Immediately afterwards, the situation around the crowd changed again, as if witnessing the whole process of Guan Yu's failure like a revolving lantern.

Arrogant and arrogant, he was defeated in Maicheng, crossed the river by Lu Meng in white clothes, and was killed together with Guan Ping after breaking the city.

The most important thing is that after killing him, Soochow even gave his head to Cao Cao, making him decapitated.

And because of his own death, it caused a series of chain reactions.

So much so that the third brother got drunk for himself and was killed by two traitors under his command.

For the sake of himself and his third brother, the elder brother mobilized all the soldiers to avenge the country, but in the end he was set on fire by Lu Xun of the Eastern Wu and burned down the company for seventy miles.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and died of illness in Baidi City.

At the beginning, among the three brothers who became sworn brothers in Taoyuan, none of them could have a good death!
(End of this chapter)

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