Chapter 103 It's Over

A group of black birds appeared in the dark clouds in the distance, spreading half of the sky like a tide.

The goal of these birds is very clear, which is the granary in Castlevania.

After all, if you want to feed an entire clan, food must be the most important thing. Although because you live above the sea, food can be said to be inexhaustible, but you will get tired of eating fish every day.

And compared to the food obtained by hard fishing, this method of directly grabbing from other people's homes is obviously faster.


With the sound of birdsong, the flock of birds in the sky swooped down from the sky and rushed towards the castle.

After several meetings between the two sides, these big birds have already figured out the situation.

All the residents outside the castle took refuge, and there was no one on the street, even if there was not much food, so now they ignored other buildings in the city, but went directly to the castle.

Seeing the overwhelming number of birds flying overhead, most of the rain in the sky was blocked at this moment, Lu Qing opened her mouth in surprise, and said:
"Are these all birds of the Stormwind clan?"

Wei Na, who was standing aside, nodded and said, "These are the troops they use to harass, and they are mainly used to engage in frontal battles."

"In addition to the main force in charge of the battle, there is also a very fast team specially used to launch raids on the granary. This team is specially responsible for grabbing food."

"You know very well." Lu Qing said curiously.

"We have played against each other so many times, of course we know what these guys do." Wei Na said.

"But it's clear, it's clear, but it's not that easy to solve it."

"They are very fast, and they are quite proficient in flying at low altitudes. They can blast open the door or wall of the granary and snatch the food inside. Ordinary demons can't catch up at all."


A cold light flashed in Wei Na's eyes, and she said, "This is their last time."

"Did you design a trap?" Seeing this, Lu Qing asked curiously.

Nodding her head, Wei Na looked at Lu Qing and invited:

"Would you like to take a look? If there are no accidents, neither the head bird nor the team responsible for the sneak attack on the granary can escape from Castlevania this time."

"Can I go?" Lu Qing pointed to herself.

"of course can."

Wei Na stretched out her white palm and said, "Please put your hand on mine."

"is that so."

Lu Qing stretched out her left hand, put it in Wei Na's palm, and whispered.

"En." Wei Na nodded, and slowly grasped Lu Qing's palm with four fingers, saying:
"Please be mentally prepared."

"What are you prepared for?"

Just as Lu Qing wanted to ask this question, the space around her became distorted, and a chaotic, complicated, nauseating feeling came to her heart.

The picture in front of her was constantly changing, but when Lu Qing wanted to spit it out, she found that she couldn't feel the existence of her own body at all.


The fullness of standing on the ground reappeared under her feet, and Lu Qing subconsciously wanted to retch, but found that the nauseating feeling before had completely disappeared at this moment.

Looking up and looking around, she found that she was standing with Wei Na at this time.

There is a completely incomprehensible magic circle under the feet, four stone pillars and guardrails beside it, and a huge metal bell hanging above the head.

"Where is this?" Lu Qing asked.

"This is the top of the abandoned bell tower, where you can just see the condition of the granary." Wei Na explained to Lu Qing.

"Then why did we suddenly appear here?" Lu Qing asked again.

"It's magic." Wei Na pointed to the magic circle on the ground and said, "The specified teleportation magic can be directed to the teleportation circle. Although the clock tower is abandoned, the teleportation circle on it has not been demolished."

"That's right."

After listening to Wei Na's explanation, Lu Qing looked at the teleportation circle on the ground, thoughtfully.

This kind of random teleportation spell, I think the devil will also know it, so when the opera reaches the final moment, in the plot where Lola and Ella fight against the devil together, if the devil uses this spell to escape, wouldn’t it be very troublesome? .

Thinking of this, Lu Qing asked:
"Is there any flaw in this spell?"

When Wei Na heard Lu Qing's words, she glanced at her without thinking too much, and said, "Of course there are, for example, it consumes a lot of energy, you need to channel it for two seconds before using it, and you can't move while channeling."

"That's it."

If you guide it for two seconds, then it should be impossible to have time to use this spell. In battle, let alone standing still for two seconds, the enemy will not allow you to use it even for half a second.

"Here we come." Wei Na said at this time.

Looking in the direction Wei Na was looking at, I saw that on the street in the distance, the raging wind passed through the center of the street, and birds with wide wings walked through the wind, heading towards the distant place at an extremely fast speed. The granary flew away.

The granary, which was supposed to be heavily guarded, was not guarded at this time. When these big birds saw it, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes, but they couldn't figure out why.

With their keen sense of smell, they could already clearly smell the aroma of the grain piled up in the granary. As for the smell of the demons, for some reason, they couldn't smell the slightest bit.

"The smell on our bodies has been blocked by the storm shield." Wei Na said suddenly.


Lu Qing glanced at Wei Na suspiciously, and then realized that the other party meant that these big birds couldn't smell the two of them.

"Oh." Nodding, Lu Qing continued to read.

These big birds cautiously wandered around outside the granary twice, and finally rushed towards the granary after seeing no response.

However, the moment they approached the granary, the gate inside the granary suddenly opened, and demon soldiers covered in flour rushed out of it one by one, knocking out the big bird who was rushing in the front.

Afterwards, large nets shining with elemental brilliance fell from the sky, covering the remaining big birds who hadn't realized what was going on.

"It's over here." Wei Na said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent electric light suddenly flashed in the distant sky, and then a gust of wind visible to the naked eye erupted, blowing a big hole in the dark clouds in the sky.

However, after a while, the lightning dissipated and the gust of wind disappeared. A demon wearing dark black full-body armor fell from the sky, holding a huge eagle in his hand.

Bright red blood fell from the sky along with the rain. The demon in full body armor threw the giant eagle corpse in his hand to the ground, and his eyes swept over every big bird flying in the air.


Seeing the leader's death, the birds of the Storm Clan seemed to be frightened, and flew towards the distance without looking back. In just 10 minutes, there was not a single bird left in the sky of Castlevania.

(End of this chapter)

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