The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 104 Water Magic Flower

Chapter 104 Water Magic Flower

"Is that person the devil?" Lu Qing looked at the disappearing figure in the distance, and asked Wei Na beside her.

"Yes." Wei Na nodded, and then said:
"Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Don't you want to go shopping in the street?" Wei Na turned around, looked at Lu Qing and said:
"Although the rain hasn't stopped, the Storm Clan has already been repelled. It won't take long for the streets to be lively again."

"And there is a place, but you can only go there when it rains~" Wei Na's face rarely showed emotional fluctuations, and she looked a little impatient.

She stretched out a hand, and Lu Qing also understood what she meant. Although she didn't really want to experience the feeling of teleportation again, seeing Wei Na's look of anticipation, Lu Qing still couldn't bear to say no, and put her palm together. In the opponent's hand.

The familiar sense of teleportation reappeared, and the space around him became chaotic again.

Fortunately, this time Lu Qing was already mentally prepared, and perhaps because of the teleportation once, the uncomfortable feeling was much less than the last time.

"Phew, it feels so good to be down to earth."

The figures of the two appeared in an empty room. Lu Qing looked at it and felt that it looked like some kind of abandoned factory.

"This is an arsenal that has been abandoned for a long time, and the weapons in it have long been moved to other places."

Wei Na took Lu Qing's hand, and walked around the room familiarly, bypassing the useless debris on the ground, she brought Lu Qing to the door of this armory, pushed open the iron door and left go out.

There was no one outside the warehouse. Lu Qing looked left and right, and found that the corpse of a Storm Clan bird was lying on the roof in the distance, and the figures of several demons were flying there at this moment. to dispose of the corpse.

After thinking about it, Lu Qing asked curiously:
"How many times have these Stormwind birds attacked you?"

"Counting this time, it should be four times." Wei Na said after hearing Lu Qing's words.

"Does this kind of thing happen often?" Lu Qing asked again.

"Not too many, not many times a year." Wei Na walked in front of Lu Qing and explained:

"There are many birds and monsters in the sea. Besides, there are also many fishes on the bottom of the sea. Unless it is a season of food shortage, it is rare for a large number of monsters to attack the city."

"These birds of the Storm Clan have just migrated from the south. They are not familiar with the environment here, and they are not skilled in catching fish, so they come to attack Castlevania."

"However, Lord Demon King still has things to do recently, so he didn't have time to pay attention to them. It wasn't until this time that he took the time to solve this matter."

"The next time there is a heavy rain, the birds of the Storm Clan should not come again, unless they have a new leader, and the new leader wants to attack here."

"What the devil has been doing recently is probably studying that ritual." Lu Qing thought in her heart.

After all, Wei Na also said that the Demon King has only recently started to get busy. Thinking of what Sai Naer said to her before, it is hard for Lu Qing not to connect these two things together.

"Speaking of which, is it my illusion? Why do you feel that there are more people around here?" Lu Qing looked at the pedestrians on the street beside her and asked in confusion.

It feels like everyone is going to the same place, and the place to go is the same as the two of them.

"Because the water magic flower is about to bloom." Wei Na said.

"What is Water Demon Flower?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"A plant that only blooms on rainy days. A large number of plants are planted in the Water Magic Flower Square. Usually, when it rains, many people will go there specially. However, due to the recent attacks by the Storm Clan, everyone has not seen it for a long time. I have seen water magic flowers in full bloom." Wei Na quickly explained to Lu Qing.

After finishing speaking, the speed under her feet involuntarily increased a lot. Seeing this, Lu Qing hurriedly followed, and asked curiously:

"Do you like Water Magic Flower very much?"

The steps under her feet paused slightly, Wei Na walked in front and said, "I like it very much."

Lu Qing didn't ask any more questions, she followed behind Wei Na, walked together with most of the demons beside her, and walked towards the Water Demon Flower Square together.

After walking for about 5 minutes, Lu Qing and Wei Na finally came to the water magic flower square.

However, it wasn't until here that Lu Qing knew what the water magic flower Wei Na was talking about looked like.

"You call this thing a flower?" Lu Qing raised her head, looked at the unusually tall plant in front of her, and said speechlessly.

The thick and emerald green rhizomes are spirally intertwined, supporting the huge sky-blue flower buds above the head, planted one after another in the land of the square.

A large number of demons had gathered in the square at this time. Lu Qing looked around and found that many of them, perhaps because they were too anxious, didn't bring umbrellas, causing their clothes to get wet.

It can be seen how much they love the water magic flower.

"Well, this thing is indeed a flower." After thinking about it, Lu Qing admitted in her heart.

After all, the plant in front of me, from its appearance, is indeed a flower, but it is a few hundred million bigger.

As for whether the water magic flower is good-looking or not, Lu Qing stared at it for a long time, but she didn't feel anything.

After all, the flowers haven't bloomed yet, and she is not a person who appreciates flowers, so it is not easy to judge whether the flowers look good or not.

"Flowers are blooming!"

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted such a sentence, and the originally noisy square suddenly became quiet.

Lu Qing raised her head and found that the plants in front of her eyes had undergone tremendous changes.

The originally closed flower buds began to open slowly, and the layers of petals were as smooth and translucent as a baby's skin.

The crystal rain fell on the petals and slowly slid down.

At this moment, the rhizome of the water magic flower seemed to come alive, and traces of green fluorescence flickered in the rhizome, and then moved towards the top bud.

"What is this?" Lu Qing asked subconsciously, but this time, Wei Na did not answer Lu Qing's question.

Finally, the water magic flower was in full bloom, and the delicate light red stamen poked its head out, and countless huge green pollen floated out of it, flying in mid-air.

These huge pollen occupied the entire square, and they automatically leaned towards the nearby demons. The moment they touched each other, they were slowly absorbed by the opponent's body.

Seeing this, Lu Qing did not avoid the pollen, and at the moment the pollen penetrated into her body, a feeling of relaxation appeared in her body.

"This is?" Lu Qing looked at the pollen floating beside her in surprise.

"This is a plant that only demons have~" Seeing this, Wei Na finally explained with a smile:

"When the Sky City was first established, these water magic flowers were the first to be planted, because they can greatly reduce the disease rate of the demons when it rains."

"So most of the demons love the water magic flower very much, especially when it blooms."

(End of this chapter)

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