The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 105 The Devil's Horns

Chapter 105 The Devil's Horns
Time flies, eighteen days have passed since the last time I watched Water Magic Flower with Wei Na.


Stretching her body comfortably, Lu Qing got off the bed and walked out of the room after washing up.

"The ceremony will be held today." Walking out of the room, Lu Qing said to Wei Na beside her.

"Yeah." Wei Na nodded and said:
"You don't need to feel anxious. During the day, it's the same as usual. Whatever you want to do, you just need to perform rituals at night."


Hearing Wei Na's words, a strange light flashed in Lu Qing's eyes.

She carefully recalled the plot in the script. If there is no accident, the devil king will die tonight.

The protagonist Ella, who has gone through hardships all the way, after awakening her own blood, carrying a large number of artifacts on her body, and accompanied by a wind elf, rushed all the way to the Demon King's City.

However, what people didn't expect was that even so, Ella couldn't defeat the devil, but just tied with the devil, and the two sides continued to stalemate.

Seeing how things had turned out like this, the wind elf quietly awakened the blood in Laura's body, and used all of her own power to make a longbow.

Afterwards, the two sisters teamed up to defeat the Demon King together. As a result, the plot of the entire opera was almost over.

At the end of the day, the two who defeated the demon king floated back to their hometown in the wind with a flower umbrella.

As for the wind elf, after the opponent turned his power into a longbow, he had already disappeared.

Of course, don't get me wrong, the Wind Elf is not dead, he just fell into a sleep for a short time, and he will wake up again in a short time.

This is a setting in the plot, and it will not be explained to the audience in detail on the stage.

It's just that Shanara told them when Fang Qingrou specifically asked Shanara when discussing the script.


Sighing, Lu Qing glanced at Wei Na beside her, feeling a little sad in her heart.

After the death of the Demon King, she couldn't imagine how the rest of the Demon Race would live, but she could only deduce that it would definitely not be easy.

Gently stroked the ram horn headdress on top of her head twice with her hand, for a while, Lu Qing's heart softened a little.

But what's the use?
She can only do what she should do, whether it is for the owner of this dream or for herself, it should be so.

A dull and suffocating feeling appeared in the chest, Lu Qing took a deep breath, trying not to think about these things.

"What's wrong with you?" Wei Na asked suspiciously after seeing that Lu Qing's expression was a little off.

"I'm fine." Glancing at Wei Na, Lu Qing suppressed the thoughts in her heart.

Wei Na was silent for a moment, didn't say anything, just walked around the city casually with Lu Qing as usual.

And Lu Qing didn't say much, she followed behind Wei Na, no longer expressing her opinions and opinions like a few days ago, but just walking silently, not knowing what she was thinking.

Wei Na didn't seem to care about this, she didn't ask Lu Qing what was wrong again, she just took her wandering around the city as if she was fulfilling her duty as a maid.

Seeing this, Lu Qing felt that the guilt in her heart disappeared a little, of course, only a little.

When the sun was slowly setting from the west, for some reason, Wei Na led Lu Qing into a road they had never walked before.

She didn't notice it at first, but when she came back to her senses, she found that she had been brought in front of a very tall building.

"here is?"

Looking at Wei Na with some doubts, Lu Qing raised her head to look at the top of the building, and found that the top part seemed familiar.

"plz follow me."

Wei Na used her slender arms to push open the huge stone door under the tower. After further refreshing her understanding of Wei Na's strength, Lu Qing followed behind her and got into the building.

As the stairs gradually went up, the light from the outside gradually failed to illuminate the interior of the building, and the vision in front of him became dark.

A pair of warm palms suddenly held Lu Qing's left hand, and she looked in the direction of the palm, but she saw nothing.

But she knew that this was Wei Na's palm.

"Be careful, this ladder is not so easy to walk." Wei Na's voice appeared next to her ear.


Lu Qing nodded softly. In the dark environment, she felt that Wei Na's breathing seemed to be right next to her ears, which made her feel reassured.

Carefully walking up the stairs, when the sight in front of her regained her sight, Lu Qing realized that this place was so familiar.

A huge magic circle is carved on the ground, and when you look up, you can see the metal bell that has been discarded. In the four corners of the stone platform, there are four thick stone pillars.

This is clearly the abandoned clock tower that Wei Na took her to teleport when the Storm Clan attacked!

"Here?" Lu Qingming asked knowingly.

Wei Na shook her head, without speaking, she pointed behind Lu Qing with her finger.

Looking at Wei Na's fingers, Lu Qing turned her head, and what caught her eyes was the sea water reddened by the afterglow of the setting sun. A huge sun was slowly setting by the sea at this time, and a quarter of her body had been covered by the sea level. covered by.

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, she was a little at a loss who had never seen such a scene, and most of the boredom in her heart was melted away by the sun at this moment.

It's not that she hasn't seen sunsets before, but they are all sunsets in the city, and the sun will eventually be swallowed up by tall buildings, making people feel cold.

"On the top of this abandoned clock tower, you can clearly see the whole process of the sun setting." Wei Na said behind Lu Qing.

"The sunset is beautiful." Lu Qing praised.

"A beautiful environment can make people forget their troubles."

Wei Na stepped forward, took out a light yellow flower headdress from her hand, and tied it to one of the horns of the shofar headdress.

"It really looks much better this way." Wei Na took two steps back and said with a smile on her face.

Lu Qing gently stroked the flowers on the horns with her hands, feeling a little complicated, and at this moment, the item information popped up on the notice board.

[Prop Name: Devil's Horn]

[prop quality: white]

[Introduction: The headgear produced by the demon clan is specially used to give away non-demon things. Only those who can get a complete horn are the proof of the friendship of the demons, but this matter, there should be no races other than the demons on the entire continent who know about it. 】

[Skills: Affinity, Good Luck]

[Affinity: Any creature with horns on its head will have a good impression of wearing the prop. 】

[Good Luck: Those who wear the horns will be blessed by the demon clan, and their luck attributes will increase. 】

[Remarks: Good luck, friend of the Demon Race. 】

(End of this chapter)

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