The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 110 Your consciousness is not enough!

Chapter 110 Your consciousness is not enough!


Laura was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the wind elves. Her body, which had stood up because of Ella's arrival, was so frightened that she took a step back and fell directly to the ground.

"Oh, dear child, don't be afraid, I am Ella's friend~" the wind elf said upon seeing this.

"You know my sister?" Laura asked.

"That's right!"

As soon as the wind elf finished speaking, the demon king and Ella collided again outside the barrier. The terrifying fluctuations had already shattered the magic circle on the ground, but for some reason, the moon projection on Lu Qing's body was not affected in any way. .

Maybe it's because this magic circle is only useful at the beginning.

Lu Qing could feel that something originating from the depths of her blood was being slowly deprived. The moon projection under her feet was getting smaller and smaller. I am afraid that when it shrank to a certain extent, the blood in her body would collapse. was separated out.

No, to be precise, this bloodline belongs to Laura, not hers.

Feeling the elemental fluctuations behind him, the wind elf's expression tightened. He looked at Lu Qing with some urgency, and said, "There is no time to explain. Now I need to stimulate the blood in your body. Only in this way can Ayla defeat the devil!"

"Hey hey!?"

Laura couldn't react to what the wind elf was saying at all. When she did, she found that the wind elf had turned into a strong wind and spun around her. After a while, she felt drowsy. Emerging, she eventually fell into a deep sleep.

In fact, Lu Qing really wants to complain, that is, where did the wind elves see that only when she is awakened can she defeat the devil, but there is no way, this is Shanara's script after all, anyway, no one in the audience should care about it kind of thing.

As for the rest, before she finished thinking about it, she was already fainted by the wind elves.

And at the moment Lu Qing was fainted by the wind elf, the entire magic circle suddenly stopped functioning, because the blood that the magic circle was depriving stopped running after the wind elf got into Laura's body.

The reason is that the blood in Laura's body was activated by the wind elves, and the awakened blood directly cut off the deprivation of the magic circle.

"Damn wind elves, how dare you!?"

The devil didn't realize the figure of the wind elf until this time, and he ran towards Laura furiously, but the next moment, he was blocked by Ella in front of him.

"The battle is not over yet, where do you want to go?" Ella said seriously with a giant sword in her hand.

"Go away!"

The demon king had no intention of fighting with Ayla at all, and directly burst out with all his strength to repel Ayla.

However, Ayla is not a vegetarian either, and with a slash of the huge sword in her hand, she blocked all the attacks of the demon king.

The barrier around Laura gradually dimmed. Feeling the extinguishment of the magic circle, the demon king was as angry as an angry lion. In front of the completely erupted demon king, even Ayla could barely fight back.

However, this burst was short-lived, and after a while, the demon king's follow-up attacks gradually weakened, and Aila even found an opportunity to slash his chest with a sword.


The purple barrier was chopped into pieces by the giant sword in an instant, and then chopped on the breastplate of the demon king.

The figure retreated quickly, a huge scratch appeared on the armor of the demon king, and traces of bright red blood flowed out from the gap in the armor.

"Am I bleeding?"

Putting the palm covering his chest in front of his eyes, the Demon King looked at the red blood on the gauntlet and the moon projection that had completely dissipated, and his expression became calm instead.

"Do you think I will fail?"

The Demon King raised his head and followed the device above his head to look at the sky, not knowing who he was speaking to.

"No, I will not fail!"

"I can't fail either!"

"The soul of the ancestors is burning in my body, I will not allow me to fail like this!"

As the devil said, the armor on his body released a pure white light, and black figures stood beside him.

"Children of the Demon Race, even if you die, you must die standing up!"

"Survival of the fittest, that's all."

"Fight for the tomorrow of the demons!"

"The gods think they can defeat us!"


Male or female voices rang in the ears of the devil, and the power left by countless ancestors before death burned in his body. At this moment, his power reached the strongest ever!
"If these are not enough, what about adding this?" The Demon King said in a deep voice.

The device on the ceiling had been aimed at the Demon King at some point, and under the bright moonlight, a large number of elements turned into rivers and drilled into the Demon King's body.

Blood-red long hair emerged from the back of the devil's helmet, and a pair of huge horns pierced through the helmet, exposing it. This was a spontaneous change after the body absorbed a large amount of energy.

At this time, the earth seemed to be afraid of the power of the demon king, trembling constantly. Aila felt the power in the body of the demon king in front of her, and her arms trembled uncontrollably.

"A terrifying power"

Pressing her trembling arm, Ella turned her head to look at Laura, with a flash of determination in her eyes.

"I won't lose!"

"Don't lose!"

The young man under the stage couldn't help clenching his fists when he saw the demon king who was like a demon god at this time. At this moment, he had forgotten that what was in front of him was just an opera, and even if he lost, he would have nothing to do with reality. what effect.

Besides the young man, the other audience members also sweated for the two girls on the stage, and their expressions became tense involuntarily.

The devil looked at the long whip that was destroyed by the too much energy in his body, a flash of heartache flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared. He threw the long whip on the ground, and said in a cold tone:
"I don't need this thing anymore."

He raised his hand and pointed at Ayla slightly, and the next moment, the suffocating gravity slammed down on Ayla's body.


With a muffled snort, Ella kept her composure and slowly stepped back in front of her sister Laura.

"Holy Sword Lanche, release all your power, I need your power to protect my dearest person." Ayla moaned in a low voice.

There was a ray of light on the giant sword, but unfortunately, this light was not strong.

Seeing this, Ella was stunned, and at this moment, a voice sounded in her mind.

"Your consciousness is not enough!"

Ella, no, Fang Qingrou couldn't help opening her eyes when she heard this voice. She felt that the words of the Holy Sword should be addressed to her.

"My awareness is not enough."

There was no such scene in the script, but at this moment, Sheng Jian said that her awareness was not enough.

She knew why, because to her, this was just a dream, even if she failed, neither she nor Lu Qing would die, and would only be punished by the game.

She thought that as long as she followed the script, nothing would happen, but who would have thought that a sentence that was originally written in the script would require her to really pay for it?
There was no time to think about it, because the devil's attack had already come in front of her, Fang Qingrou had no choice but to think, she used the skills she released in the next script.

"Eternal Guardian!" she called out the name of the magic.

Violent elemental fluctuations emerged, and a huge tower shield appeared in front of the two of them. The extremely sharp elemental holy sword, Lanche, was inserted straight in front of the tower shield, protecting Ella Lola behind her.

However, this level of elemental fluctuations is extremely weak compared to the vast black magic power in front of you
(End of this chapter)

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