The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 111 The Bow of the Wind Spirit

Chapter 111 The Bow of the Wind Spirit

Looking at the disparity in colors on the stage, the young man subconsciously held his breath.

The overwhelming magic power hit Ella and Lola, the huge elemental tower shield trembled constantly, and cracks appeared in the attacked place, as if it would be broken in the next moment.

"Is this all your awareness?" The voice of the Holy Sword came into Fang Qingrou's mind and asked.

Emotion is also one of power. This is the word Fang Qingrou engraved on the stone tablet under the holy sword when she obtained the holy sword in the previous script.

At that time, she didn't think much about it. It wasn't until this time that she understood the meaning of this sentence.

Feeling the crumbling shield, Fang Qingrou clenched her teeth and injected all the power in her body into the holy sword.

However, the result of this is only that the cracks on the shield heal faster, and the light is released for a while like a flashback.

In less than two seconds, the light on the shield dimmed again, and the cracks on it reappeared.

"What are you fighting for!" Sheng Jian's voice became a little angry.

Fang Qingrou pursed her lips, not knowing how to answer.

What is she fighting for?
To become a dream summoner?

Yes, but the reason why she wants to become a dream caller is just a little girl's naive fantasy. Like most young people who become a dream caller, she doesn't simply think that this profession is good.

The only difference from most of the other young people is that she is talented and has actually completed several low-level dreams, but that's all. In terms of awareness, she doesn't have much.

A trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, and Fang Qingrou closed her eyes slightly.

"Is the dream about to fail?" she thought to herself.

"Open your eyes!" The voice of the holy sword suddenly sounded, and Fang Qingrou was awakened. She looked at the holy sword in her hand and smiled bitterly.

"I was educated by a sword in the dream," she thought to herself mockingly.


Sheng Jian sighed, his tone became gentle again, and he said to Fang Qingrou: "Turn your head and take a look behind you."

Fang Qingrou turned her head and looked at the body wrapped in wind elements behind her.


At this moment, Fang Qingrou suddenly realized that the dream this time was not just hers alone. If she failed, she would not be the one who was punished. Similarly, the deer Sunny will also be punished by dream failure.

And the reason for the failure was because of myself!

Thinking of this, the light on the Holy Sword suddenly became brighter. Seeing this, Holy Sword immediately continued:

"You have fought so far for her, right?"

"She is your relative, are you willing to let her die like this?"

"What is your purpose, think about it carefully!"

Although the holy sword is just a sword, he has lived as a sword spirit for hundreds of years. His life experience is so rich, just a few words made Fang Qingrou regain his fighting spirit.

Feeling the rapid increase in awareness, the light on the holy sword became more dazzling. For a moment, the light on the elemental shield actually pushed back the overwhelming magic power by a step.

"But these are not enough!"

Sheng Jian's heart became a little nervous, but he had already said what he had to say, and it still depends on the person whether he can hold on.

"Don't let me down." Sheng Jian thought in his heart.

At the same time, in Fang Qingrou's inner world, fierce collisions are happening all the time.

She is not Ella, Lu Qing is not Laura, and they are not sisters, Fang Qingrou is unable to show her the consciousness that Aila has in the script.

If it is said that the consequences of the failure of the dream will lead to the death of the two of them, it is still possible, but unfortunately, the low-level dream punishment cannot kill people.

As long as you know that you will not die, it will be difficult to come up with full awareness.

However, Fang Qingrou was unwilling to fail, or, when she wanted to give up, some strange emotions in her heart prevented her from doing so.

One picture after another appeared in my mind, which was one thing that happened in this dream, and among these pictures that emerged, there was Lu Qing's figure in every picture!
Recalling Lu Qing's performance in this dream, Fang Qingrou thought a little uncomfortable:
"Xiaolu is too good."

"Obviously I just participated in a dream once."

"Obviously I was the one who became the dream caller first."

"Obviously, I am the one who wants to guide her as an elder in this dream."

Usually suppressed, or subconsciously ignoring thoughts came out of her mind, Fang Qingrou felt that she seemed to be jealous, but she couldn't help it, because the feeling of being crushed by her friends was too uncomfortable .

Especially, in the past, before she became an adult, she had always acted as the eldest sister to protect Lu Qing.

And when she became an adult, she was also going to be a dream caller. At that time, Lu Qing said that she was not interested in her dream caller, and said that it was dangerous and she didn't want to do this kind of thing.

But now, Lu Qing has become a dream caller, and she is far better than her
"What is this? I agreed that I'm not interested." Fang Qingrou said, holding back the aggrieved heart.

The light in her eyes gradually became firmer, she took a deep breath, turned her gaze away from Lu Qing's body, and stared directly at the Demon King in the black mist in the distance.

"I can't fail!"

"I can't hold the deer back!"

"Me, I don't want to be left behind!"


The light on the Holy Sword Lan cuts up sharply. At this moment, countless wind elements are attracted to the entire Demon King City, no, the entire sky above the sea. On the fragmented elemental shield.

The huge blade of the holy sword was buzzing at this moment. With the support of his firm belief, he exerted unprecedented power!
The howling wind turned into a sharp sword at this moment, cutting off the demon king's attacks one by one!

And it was at this time that Lu Qing finally woke up. At this time, she had a silk dress like a breeze, and a pure white longbow that surrounded the breeze was held in her palm, releasing her vitality. of brilliance.

[The blood in your body has awakened! (Only for this copy of the opera)]

[Your attribute has been greatly improved! 】

[You have obtained the magic attribute! 】

[You have acquired skills: Elf Affinity (temporary), Wind Elemental Affinity (temporary), Divine Protection (temporary)]

[You have obtained a special item: Bow of the Wind Elf]

[Prop Name: Bow of the Wind Spirit]

[Item Quality: Special Item]

[Introduction: This is the incarnation of the power of the wind elf. The elemental longbow is constructed from the body of the wind elf. It has the wind attribute power of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and can penetrate all enemies in front of you! 】

[Skills: insight, super vision, spring, summer, autumn and winter, master archery, arrow of the wind elf. 】

[Remarks: A longbow made of wind? 】

(End of this chapter)

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