The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 127 Special Item Purchase Coupon

Chapter 127 Special Item Purchase Coupon

"You believe in fucking love, is that love!? You're just greedy for me!" Lu Qing looked at the comments and said angrily.

Although what she said was true, judging from the corner of Lu Qing's mouth that couldn't help but grin, she was still in a pretty good mood.

She vaguely remembered that in her previous life, she seemed to have published online novels on the Internet, and fantasized about the feeling of going viral.

However, the fact is that the book she wrote hit the market very badly, and it can be said that very few people read it, let alone subscribed.

Of course, there are not many of these memories that can be recalled. Among the large number of broken memory fragments, most of the memories related to online novels are the memory of her sitting alone in front of the glowing computer and typing on the keyboard in the dead of night.

And if you want to say which of these memories impressed Lu Qing the most, it was actually the memory when she read her own novel review.

She will remember those comments, good or bad, in her heart after seeing them, not to mention the praiseworthy ones, they are naturally pleasant when she sees them.

As for some mindless remarks, after clicking on the reply below, you can also see the remarks defended by your fans, which provided a lot of motivation for Lu Qing when she felt low about the performance of the novel.

"It seems to be thinking a little too much."

When she came back to her senses, Lu Qing closed the interface in front of her, but she did not forget what she was going to do.

Regardless of the performance of the novel, it is impossible to send other players' rewards anyway, so it is better to do something that will benefit you in the near future.

But before that, Lu Qing wanted to publish the novel she created after her second dream.

Anyway, one is to make money, and the other is to make money, so why not do it?

The contents of the record book have been modified, and the attributes of the props or her skills will not be exposed too much.

Besides, although her book became a little popular because of the dream weaver named [Oyster], it is not too popular. Lu Qing does not believe that she will be unlucky enough to happen to read it during the event. The people of her novels.

"But this kind of thing should be discussed with Xiaorou." Lu Qing suddenly thought of this, thinking with some hesitation.

After all, Fang Qingrou also participated in this dream. Lu Qing posted the content of this dream on the Internet without telling the other party. No matter how I think about it, I feel a little sorry for her.

"Forget it, I'll ask Xiao Rou for her opinion later."

After closing the interface of the creative space, Lu Qing opened the video website of the live broadcast system and uploaded the video of her first dream in the misty town.

Of course, it has been edited by the system.

as for the title
"Shock!An innocent girl was burned to death by ignorant villagers. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? "

cough cough.


After thinking about it for a while, Lu Qing edited the title and wrote: "For a friend, I entered a dream twice, Misty Town three years ago and three years later." "

"That's about it."

Randomly selected a beautiful picture of herself in a video as the cover, Lu Qing turned off the video website, and then clicked on the game forum to find the post of the previous rookie event.

[Announcement: Considering that there are too many players paying attention to this event, the dream difficulty of this event has been raised from gray four-star to gray five-star. Please consider your own strength before deciding whether to participate in this event. 】

[The event punishment is related to your ranking. The lower the ranking, the more severe the punishment will be. But please rest assured, even the most severe punishment is that you will not be able to enter the dream game for a month. That's all. 】

[The top [-] players will not receive any punishment after the dream ends, and will receive event rewards at the same time. The specific rewards are as follows:]

[100-50: 2 cash, 50 dream coins, and a white skill card! 】

[50-25: 5 cash, 100 dream coins, a white skill card, and a white prop card! 】

[25-10: 10 cash, 150 dream coins, a white skill card, and a blue item card! 】

[10-4: 15 cash, 200 dream coins, a white skill card, a blue item card, item: GSS bee sting drone! 】

[3: 20 cash, 250 dream coins, a white skill card, a blue item card, and a special item purchase coupon! 】

[2: 20 cash, 250 dream coins, a blue skill card, a blue item card, and a special item purchase coupon! 】

[1: 20 cash, 300 dream coins, a blue skill card, a blue item card, a special item purchase coupon, and a mysterious champion gift pack! 】


Lu Qing looked at the rewards for the top three and swallowed a little disappointed.

Not to mention cash, but in terms of dream coins, the top three players are really given a lot of dream coins. If there are so many, Lu Qing wishes she could have a clone technique and grab the first, second and third all.

Cough cough, this is purely a daydream, let alone the top three, Lu Qing thinks it would be good if she can enter the top ten.

"But the rewards for the top ten seem to be pretty good." Lu Qing rubbed her chin and thought.

The GSS bee sting drone is a high-tech prop from the name. As for the quality, it can be seen from the blue frame on the official picture that it is a blue quality prop.

As for what the special item purchase coupon is, Lu Qing doesn't know.

Is it possible to open some special shopping mall after using it, and then are there any special props in the shopping mall?
Turning down the post, many comments from players appeared in Lu Qing's eyes.

[Wok Baorou Hero: I am not sour at all, I am not sour at all, I am really not sour at all when I accidentally entered the sixth level. 】

[Northeast Old Popsicle: Yes, you are not sour at all, after all, pot-packed meat is sweet and sour. 】

[Master Lu: Envy, why didn't I encounter this kind of activity when I was a newcomer. 】

[Xiaobaibaibaibai: Surprised to see the boss, touch the boss's chrysanthemum. 】

[Maternal love goes bad: For newcomers, these rewards are really generous. 】

[Super Feifei Feixia: A lot of big bosses were blown up, I'm afraid.shivering.jpg]

[No one understands better than me: Don't think about it, you need strength, so many people participate in the event, at most you can only earn the top [-]. 】

[Grandpa Crawl: The newcomer asks weakly, what are special item purchase coupons. 】

After searching for a while, she finally found what she was looking for, Lu Qing stopped, and clicked on the reply to the comment posted by [嘻嘻怪怪向父].

[Shrimp Shell: Aren’t there many special props with bugs in the dreamland? If you use this coupon, you can buy the special props you’ve encountered. But to be honest, this coupon is a bit tasteless.]

[No one knows better than me: Surprise the boss! ! 】

[I am Jingjing: Surprised boss! ! 】

[Grandfather crawling: Cough cough, um, what does it mean to be a bit tasteless?]

[Shrimp Shell: The special props will be weakened after leaving the dungeon. Anyway, it is impossible to be as perverted as in the dungeon, but compared to ordinary props, they are much more powerful. Also, they are also very expensive. What is wrong with money.]

PS: Don't fight, don't fight, there is another chapter tonight, I'm not a single watcher, I'm just a little busy, if I can double watch, I still need to play double watch.

(End of this chapter)

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