Chapter 128 Anti-acid
Although this is what I said, the special item purchase coupon is an item that only the top three can get. From the perspective of preciousness, it should be quite good.

I closed the forum, although I learned about the event rewards and failure penalties, but there is no news about the dream dungeon of this event.

Leaving from the notice board, Lu Qing picked up the one-time enchantment card that was placed on the table.

She has already figured out which item to enchant.

First of all, the enchanted props must be props that she often uses, such as the Mithril Dagger and the Ripper's Throwing Knife, which she often needs to use.

Secondly, because this enchanting card can only enchant one item, it is best to choose a higher-level item for enchanting.

And there are three blue props in her hand, the tearer's throwing knife, the dexterous cloak, and the blessing of the ice elf.

Among the three props, the prop that Lu Qing vetoed first was the blessing of the ice elves.

After all, the attributes of enchantment are random. Although all the enchantments provided by the enchantment card are beneficial to the props, if the enchantment is the kind of enchantment that improves the hardness of the props,
The last two remaining items are the Ripper's throwing knife and the cloak of dexterity, choose one of these two items.

This is not a problem worth worrying about, but after thinking for a while, Lu Qing has already decided on the props to be enchanted.

After choosing the item she wanted to enchant, Lu Qing stuck the enchanting card on the fabric of the dexterous cloak, and pinched it slightly with her fingers.

The body of the one-time enchantment card gradually emitted bursts of white light, and then flowed on the dexterous cloak as if it had turned into a liquid.

The liquid went up all the way, and then stayed above the hood of the cloak, forming a rather mysterious-looking rune.

[You used a one-time enchantment card, and your item [Smart Cloak] has added a new attribute [Acid Resistance]]

[Acid resistance: The dexterous cloak will have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, able to resist acidic substances with corrosive effects. 】

"not bad."

Looking at the information that popped up on the notice board, Lu Qing hardly felt any disturbance in her heart.

Whether excited or depressed, the effect of this attribute is within Lu Qing's expectation, neither too good nor too bad.

It is said to be useless, but it is indeed useful, but if it is said to be useful, it may not be able to be used.

Click on the notice board again to display the information of the hut.

After discovering that there was no plus sign after the line of experience value in the property column of the hut, Lu Qing left from the notice board.

Coming to the wooden table, Lu Qing looked out the window.

The outside of the hut is still gray, and the sight in the distance is obscured by the fog, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Even if the eagle eye is turned on, it can only penetrate part of the gray fog, and everything that can be seen is nothingness.

Wein is still sleeping, and it seems that he has no intention of waking up in a short time.

Lu Qing didn't want to disturb him either, after thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and closed the window.

The gray world outside, after a long time, still affects the mood.

Reaching out to hold the handle of the kerosene lamp on the wooden table, Lu Qing pushed open the wooden door of the training room with the kerosene lamp in hand.

There is a light source in the training room, and it is very bright. The reason why Lu Qing wears a kerosene lamp is entirely because of the effect of the kerosene lamp, which can continuously restore her physical strength.

Not only physical strength, but even mental state can be restored together.

According to the notice board, as long as Lu Qing is illuminated by the light of a kerosene lamp, Lu Qing's energy can be restored.

Putting the kerosene lamp on the floor beside her, Lu Qing came to the stone slab in the training room.

Compared with the last time I came here, the skills on the slate are obviously much more at this time.

However, there are many skills that are useless to Lu Qing, such as basic dance and advanced dance.

Excluding some of the more special Dreamlands, these two skills are really useless.

In addition to these useless skills, there are three skills that can be trained: [Basic Archery] [Basic Dagger] [Tearer Flying Knife Throwing Method].

Some other skills, [Basic Concealment] [Basic Parkour] [Basic Climbing] are all gray and cannot be trained.

[Dagger Throwing] Lu Qing has already mastered this skill thoroughly, so it is not included in the skills that need to be trained.

As for how the [Basic Archery] skill came about, of course it was recorded when he used the Bow of the Wind Elf in the script.

But the hut only recorded 60.00% two.

The [Basic Concealment] skill was entered when the Florentine Eagle card was used for concealment, and the hut recorded 30.00% of it.

"Basic dagger 60%, tearer flying knife throwing method 40%."

Lu Qing looked at her own skill proficiency, and clicked the deduction skill of the [Dagger Throwing] skill.

[Heavy weapon throwing (20 dream coins): Randomly master the throwing method of a heavy weapon. 】

[Light Weapon Throwing (20 Dreamland Coins): Randomly master the throwing method of a light weapon. 】

[Flying Knife Specialization (40 dream coins): You are a master in the field of flying knives. As long as you are given a small knife, you can easily pierce the eye socket of the enemy from a distance. 】

[Advanced Throwing (40 Dreamland Coins): You are keen on studying how to use easily visible items to cause damage to the enemy. Stones on the side of the road, ballpoint pens, or a toothpick, or even cards, are all in your hands. Will become a murder weapon! 】

[Weakness detection (80 dream coins): Your keen eyes can often allow you to easily discover the enemy's weakness, and even, in the exciting battle, you will seize the fleeting opportunity to target the enemy Launch a torrential attack through the flaws! 】

"A lot of skills."

Recalling the skills deduced from [Basic Dagger] before, Lu Qing rubbed her temples with a headache.

She wanted all these skills, but unfortunately, she didn't have enough dream coins to deduce these skills, and she didn't have time to learn them.

After all, skill deduction is deduction, and if she wants to learn it, she still needs to train it herself.

If you want to learn these skills quickly, you need the training function of the training room.

"Let's maximize the proficiency of the basic dagger first." Lu Qing touched the mithril dagger at her waist and thought.

The skill of sneak attacking the enemy with a throwing knife from a distance, and the proficiency of dagger throwing are already full, so of course the next step is to solve her weakness in close combat.

Click [Basic Dagger] and select the [Training] button.

【Free Training (Free)】

[Low-level training (10 dream coins)]

[Intermediate training (unlocked)]

【? ? ? 】

With a casual glance, Lu Qing chose [Elementary Training], and immediately, 10 dream coins were deducted.

[Low-level training has started, training content: basic dagger]

[Please select the strength of the wooden man:]

[0.5: A wooden man with [-]% of the player's physical fitness. 】

[0.8: A wooden man with [-]% of the player's physical fitness. 】

[1: A wooden man with the same physical fitness as the player. 】


(End of this chapter)

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