The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 132 The first eliminated player

Chapter 132 No.1 Eliminated Player

[It's started! 】

[Be here! 】

[When you saw me, you were already a thousand people away. 】

In the live broadcast room, with the appearance of the picture, the water friends became excited.

Most of them are not dream callers, but ordinary people, or low-level dream callers, players who have never entered the dream after finding that they are not suitable after entering the dream twice.

In short, everyone is still very concerned about this official newcomer event. In just a short while, the audience in the live broadcast room has reached as many as one million.

And this value is still rising rapidly, I am afraid it will not take much time to reach the tens of millions level.

At this time, Li Mu temporarily put aside the dream he was still designing after the event started, and opened the official live broadcast room of the event.

He is going to watch the live broadcast to find inspiration. After all, it is also a dream of official events. The design will definitely be very novel.

Thinking of this, Li Mu looked at the screen in the live broadcast room.

What I saw was a vast desert, the scorching temperature even distorted the air in sight, scattered cacti became the only green in the entire yellow desert.

A row of lavender square characters emerged from the center of the screen.

[The main goal of the first stage: successfully enter the night capital within ten days]

After occupying the center of the screen for about three seconds, the large characters slowly shrank and finally fixed at the top of the screen.

And in the upper right corner of the screen, a string of numbers is displayed.

The current number of survivors is: 10354.

These two lines of fonts have appeared, and the barrage in the entire live broadcast room suddenly ushered in another peak period.

【Fuck! 】

【? ? ? 】

[Where is the capital of the night? 】

[There are more than 1 people, I am a tortoise, and only the top [-] will be rewarded. 】

[Can't the live camera be controlled? There are more than 1 people, it is impossible to see all of them. 】

[More than 1 people! ? 】

[Night Capital: I'm terrified. 】

Li Mu looked at the barrage on the screen with a smile, and also typed three question marks casually.

He was not surprised at the number of people participating in the event. As long as he knew the popularity of the event before the event started, he would not feel that 1 people were too many.

As for why the main target is displayed, it is mainly to let the audience in the live broadcast room understand what these players are doing.

But more details may not be shown.

Thinking of this, the picture in the live broadcast room gradually changed, and the camera gradually zoomed in, and finally gathered on a figure.

This person is Lu Qing.

The live broadcast of the system must be played from the most exciting place, and most of the players who are randomly in the room or inside the city are currently looking for information related to the night capital because of the location.

This kind of thing is nothing to live broadcast, after all, it has just begun, and it has not yet reached the exciting place.

Among the players who randomly went to the wild, Lu Qing was the first player to discover the traces left by the system intentionally.

Regarding this, if Lu Qing knew about it, she would probably only be able to say that the eagle eye is so useful, and let her find the tires left on the ground after just looking around.

At this time, she was just walking along the marks left by the tires, and it didn't take long.

While walking, Lu Qing was still thinking about her situation.

The tires should have been left for a long time, but not too long, probably only a day or two. This is why the deepest tire has not been buried yet, but the shallower tires have been buried by sand. s reason.

This also made Lu Qing feel a bit of a headache.

The walking speed of a person is definitely not as fast as that of a car, but if she is running, let alone the speed, even the exhaustion of physical strength can exhaust her to death.

It’s hard to find food here. Lu Qing remembers a text in her primary school in her previous life, which seemed to tell the story of a person who got lost in the desert and survived by eating a certain part of a cactus. forget.

"By the way, can the body of a cactus be eaten?" Lu Qing recalled those unreliable memories of her previous life, touched the mithril dagger and thought uncertainly.

If she couldn't find anything to eat in the end, Lu Qing would consider eating cactus.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, as the camera gradually changed, the audience in the live broadcast room finally saw the front of Lu Qing.

Just at this time, the camera in the live broadcast room suddenly became smaller, and then divided into more than a dozen pieces, each with a figure of a player on it.

[Damn, I want to see my sister, why are you getting smaller now! ? 】

[Although I can't see the whole face, I bet my roommate's ten-year lifespan that this girl must be beautiful! 】

[Squeeze, lick, the needle doesn't poke. 】

[Why can't I look at the girl alone, bad review! 】

[What kind of girl do you look at? A real man should be a man. 】

[Quickly fencing with me. 】

"Strange, why does this girl look familiar?"

Li Mu rubbed his chin and stared at Lu Qing's small square, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

However, before he could continue to observe, the screen in the live broadcast room was enlarged again and changed to another place.

This is a very dilapidated street, there are many people standing on the street, and a player is surrounded by these people at this time.

As for why you can recognize who is the player at a glance, there is no way, the people on both sides seem to feel that there is a big difference, so big that you can tell who is who at a glance.

"Brat, hurry up and tell me where the fuck you came from, or we'll smash your skulls right now!"

A young man with dark skin, holding a steel rod and wearing a lavender T-shirt, said to the player fiercely.

"It's just you?"

The surrounded players smiled disdainfully. In his eyes, these street gangsters were simply not enough for him to fight.

"I him!"

"I think you're looking for a beating!"

The player's behavior successfully angered the group of gangsters, and each of them rushed up with a weapon in hand, ready to teach the arrogant kid in front of him a harsh lesson.

"Ha ha."

The player sneered, pulled out the long knife at his waist, and fought with these gangsters.

However, when he collided with the weapon in the hands of the previous gangster, his expression changed dramatically.

"Why is this guy so strong!" the player wondered inwardly.

He has a lot of attribute points, why does a seemingly ordinary street gangster have such a large strength attribute.

But the surprise is the surprise. From the player's point of view, this bastard is still a little bit worse.

Dodging the opponent's straightforward attack with ease, the player slashed at the bastard's chest.

However, what is surprising is that this gangster didn't lose his ability to fight after this stab, but retreated backward with a twitching corner of his mouth, allowing more gangsters to rush up and besiege the player.

Although the gangsters behind are basically stronger than ordinary people in combat, they are still under the control of this player.

The gangster who retreated before took out a capsule and pressed it against his mouth.

A large amount of gas was released, the painful expression on the gangster's face disappeared, and the wound on his body healed quickly.

"Fuck, I'm going to beat him to death!" the gangster said with a painful expression on his face.


Under the surprised expression of the player, the gangster rejoined the battle.

Under the siege of many gangsters, the player's physical strength also began to drop rapidly, and finally the gangster found the opportunity and hit him on the head with a stick.

After his head hurt, the player was knocked to the ground by many gangsters, and then he was beaten to death alive.

As a result, No.1 player was eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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