The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 133 The Aura of Life

Chapter 133 The Aura of Life
"Heh bah!"

Spit to the side, the gangster in a purple T-shirt kicked the corpse away on the ground, and signaled to the companion next to him:

"See if there's anything of value on this bastard."


When a gangster at the side heard his boss's words, he immediately squatted down diligently and searched the player's body.

"Report to the boss, apart from this knife, there is nothing valuable, and this poor man doesn't even have an implant."

After searching for a while, the gangster stood up with a strange expression on his face, picked up the long knife from the dead player and said.

"Grass, it looks so white and clean, but it's so poor?"

Hearing what his subordinates said, the gangster looked at the corpse on the ground in disbelief, and said, "Really?"

"Report to the boss, it's true."

After staring at the corpse on the ground, after confirming that there was really nothing valuable on the other person, the gangster could only curse himself for being unlucky and left here.

"A poor man who can't even afford implants deserves to be beaten to death." Before leaving, the gangster leader said.

【Ah this.】

[It's okay to be beaten to death by gangsters. 】

[You dare to participate in the event even if you are so weak. 】

【Poor Ghost 23333.】

[These equipment items are worthless in the eyes of NPCs. 】

[In a sense, this player has indeed become famous overnight. 】

[Is no one paying attention to what the implant is? 】

The screen in the live broadcast room has shifted from the perspective of the player just now, but the discussion about the player just now has not stopped.

At this time, Lu Qing was no longer on the screen in the live broadcast room. After all, she was just on her way at this time, and there was nothing to see.

Of course, the system does not know the attractiveness of female players to male audiences, the more beautiful the more attractive.

"The tire marks are becoming more and more obvious." Lu Qing observed the tire marks beside her with eagle eyes.

The sweltering desert didn't make her feel so uncomfortable. Lu Qing, who was wearing the ice elf blessing necklace, was still very refreshed walking in the desert.

Lu Qing took out the mithril dagger, skillfully cut a small wound on the index finger of her left hand, and summoned Wein over.

"You follow this line of marks and tell me what you see."

After summoning Wein, Lu Qing immediately commanded.

"Gah, it's too hot here." Wein said after feeling the air around him.

"Won't you use the knowledge in your head to cool yourself down?"

"My energies are not wasted on such trifles!" Wein retorted.

"Then just bear with it." Lu Qing said in a serious tone.


Wein stared at Lu Qing twice, then reluctantly flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

"It will call birds."

Complaining in his mouth, Wein's figure gradually disappeared into the air.

And after Wein's figure disappeared, Lu Qing continued to walk forward along the tire marks, vaguely speeding up her walking.

Although she won't feel the heat, the problem of food and water has not been solved. She has to find a solution to food and water before she can't hold on.

And the best way, of course, is to catch up with the team in front.

The other party was moving with a whole convoy, and Lu Qing was alone, which meant that she still had a certain probability of catching up with the convoy.

And since this convoy is arranged systematically, events with a certain probability will become [-]%.

Although, Lu Qing didn't know how long it would take her to catch up with the convoy ahead.

But I think this time should not be too short, at least three or four days will still be there, Lu Qing is already ready to suffer in the next few days.

Pulling the hood, Lu Qing walked quietly in the desert.

Walking in the desert is easier than Lu Qing imagined, because whether it is the scorching sun during the day or the freezing temperature at night, they will be blocked by the ice fairy necklace on her body, so Lu Qing has not experienced the duality of ice and fire. The sourness of the day.

The only uncomfortable thing is the occasional gust of wind.

Although it is not very large, it can lift up yellow sand and increase the difficulty of Lu Qing's walking.

And perhaps because of physical attributes, the consequences of not eating or drinking for a few days are not as serious as Lu Qing imagined. Although the impact is still there, it is not fatal.

And now, she has been walking in this desert for four days, and there are still six days before the main goal of the first stage.

Lu Qing was not in a hurry, because she felt that she was about to catch up with the convoy ahead.

These days, she spent most of her time on the road. She only went to sleep when she was very sleepy, and continued on the road after waking up.

It can be said that it is day and night, which also makes the distance between her and the team closer and closer.

The marks left by the tires became more and more obvious, and the number changed from one to many. In addition, Lu Qing also discovered the marks left by human walking.

Sometimes, she could still come across piles of ashes left by the other party during camping, which seemed to be the ashes left after something had been burnt and left on the desert by the other party.

After another 10 minutes of walking, a black spot gradually appeared in the distant sky.

You don't need to look to know it's Wein. These days, Wein has been flying in front of Lu Qing, and will only fly back at night.

This guy has been eating some poisonous insects in the desert recently, but he hasn't been hungry.

Lu Qing, on the other hand, was afraid that she would have problems after eating these foods, so she didn't dare to eat them.

But even though he wasn't hungry, Vin's condition wasn't very good either. According to this guy, those poisonous insects were not tasty. If it wasn't for this desert, there would be nothing but those damned insects. , it is impossible for him to go down.

But eating it is not a psychological burden. After all, he used to eat this kind of food when he was an ordinary crow, but now he just returned to his old job.

"Did you see the convoy ahead?" Lu Qing asked immediately after Wein flew back.

"I saw Ga. The scale is very large. Judging from the vitality field, there are about 2000 people." Wein said.

"What is the aura of life?" Lu Qing frowned and asked.

"Gah, it's the aura emitted by life. The stronger the aura, the stronger the aura. Where there is a lot of life, there will be a lot of life aura." Wein explained roughly.

"How did you see this kind of thing, can I see it too?" Lu Qing asked curiously.

"Gah, when the strength reaches a certain level, you can feel it naturally. As for why I can see it, of course it is because I am great."

Rolling her eyes, knowing that she couldn't see it now, Lu Qing directly ignored what Wein said later, and hurried forward.

(End of this chapter)

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