Chapter 134
That one
The book is on the shelves! ! !

Reader: Oh, I'm going to slip away first, author come on.

Author: No!Brother, don't go!
The reader looked down at the author who was hugging his thigh tightly, sneered, and said, "Give me a reason to stay."

Author: me.
Reader: Humph!The update is so slow, I still want to subscribe, climb!
Whoops, just kidding.

In short, as the title says, this book is on the shelves.

This book already has 26 words, and it is only natural that it is on the shelves. Although the grades are poor, the author still has to make ends meet. I won’t say anything if it sells poorly.

I have very little time for coding, and I don’t have any manuscripts saved. The speed of coding is still very slow. It takes more than an hour to write a chapter, and I definitely can’t do it.

In fact, I was quite unlucky. Before I opened the book, most of the books in the game category were weak. I saw that several books with very poor grades could get three recommendations in a row and even be listed in the category. Zhou strongly pushed.

Then, when I got mixed up to test the waters, the people in the same period were better than each other, and many big shots had new books.

Not surprisingly, I sank the ship.

Hey, it's miserable.

To be fair, my writing might be a bit poor, but isn’t this score too much, worse than my previous two books?

Several authors I know have taken off, but I'm still a fluke.

I was very unbalanced in my heart, the power of code words plummeted, and more than once it rose and cut off the idea of ​​​​opening a new book.

But it's just thinking about it, I will continue to write, because I have always wanted to have a transformation article (or a heroine article?)

Regardless of the grades of this book, I will definitely finish writing it in the end. It doesn’t matter if this book overturns, because my next book is still going to write a metamorphosis essay (there is a great possibility).

I can't help it, I have always liked reading transformation essays, and I really want to read some transformation essays with good grades.

Although the grades of this book are poor, I don't want to give up. I just use it to accumulate experience for the next book on transformation.

There is a sentence in my editorial pointer that I like very much, the following is the original painting:

"I am the protagonist of the novel, in order to avoid being disliked by the readers and being eunuch by the author, I try my best to make my life colorful.

Why do you like to pretend so much?There's no way, my life might end here if I don't pretend to be forceful. "

This is a book I wrote, and I don't want "Lu Qing" to end halfway through his life, so I will finish writing this book, no matter what the grades are.

Well, having said so much, in fact, I just want to trick you into subscribing.

Please, give this author some confidence!

Every recommendation ticket, every comment, and every chapter subscription from you will be my greatest encouragement and support.

Looking at these things every day, my motivation and confidence will continue to rise.

I saw someone send me a "come on" yesterday, and I was so moved that I wanted to go home and go straight to the tenth watch.

Although, after returning home, I tried my best to write two chapters, and wrote until two o'clock in the morning (mainly because of some caving, if there is no caving, it will be almost over at twelve o'clock)
It’s just a little busy now. After two or three months, I will have a lot of time to code words after the holiday, and the update speed will naturally return to normal.

It even explodes from time to time.

It seems that there are too many things to say. In short, at the end, let me thank every reader who is willing to support this book until now.

Thank you for your support, Buming made a promise here, as long as there is one person who reads this book, I will definitely finish writing it, never unfinished, never eunuch! (I'm serious, I've written two million-word novels, and I finished them all with poor grades. The promise is absolutely reliable~)

In addition to thanking the readers, I would also like to thank my editor, Yin Zida, and the editor in charge of the pointer.

Although the grades are a little bit bad, it is better than the strong one who can't even sign the contract. Thanks to the two big bosses for letting me sign the contract.

(If you are working full time, I am afraid that this book is not intended to make Qidian lose money all the time.)

In short, that's about it, let's see you in the next chapter.

(ω) [shy]


(ω) [Expectation]

By the way, has anyone read the testimonials?
(End of this chapter)

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