The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 135 The Phantom of the Old Times

Chapter 135 Phantom of the Old Times (please subscribe!)
"People over there, stop for me!"

When Lu Qing caught up with the convoy, the entire convoy was resting, and huge trucks were parked here.

They should have just arrived here. Lu Qing could see many people who were setting up tents. In addition, there were many guards with guns patrolling around the camp.

It was these guards with guns who stopped Lu Qing. They became vigilant after seeing Lu Qing approaching from a distance.

They raised their weapons and watched her with fierce expressions.

"Don't shoot, I didn't mean anything malicious." Seeing this, Lu Qing said quickly.

While speaking, she stopped cooperatively.

Although after two dreams, Lu Qing's attributes have far exceeded the level of normal human beings, but at the moment when the gun was pointed at, a strong sense of crisis still made her feel uncomfortable.

[Your body is locked by many guns, and an unprecedented sense of crisis makes you feel uncomfortable, because you know that whether it is a dexterous cloak or an ice elf blessing necklace, although they can resist the damage of guns, if they are attacked by hundreds of guns at the same time If you shoot, you will absolutely not be able to resist. 】

"Raise your hand!"

A guard came up, and he looked at Lu Qing vigilantly, the rifle in his hand was ready to fire immediately at any time.

Looking at the other party's finger that was gradually reaching for the trigger as it approached, Lu Qing was a little worried that this person would suddenly attack her.

There is not much fear, after all, with the dexterous cloak and the blessing of the ice elf on her body, even if she is shot by guns for a while, Lu Qing will be fine.

At least if you want to escape, there is no difficulty.

Raising his hand, the guard came to Lu Qing's side, and his eyes quickly scanned her.

The prosthetic eye with the metal scanning function quickly scanned Lu Qing's hidden weapons.

"Not a single gun?"

Looking at Lu Qing suspiciously, the guard said, "Throw down all the weapons on your body."

Frowning, Lu Qing became a little angry, and said, "Sir, throwing away the weapon will make me feel insecure!"

It's impossible to throw away the weapon. The ghost knows whether these people will do anything after throwing down the weapon.

When Lu Qing said these words, she was already ready to escape.

In the worst case, sneak in while they are sleeping at night, and find someone to ask for information about the capital of the night.

Oh yes, we still need to find food.

"I said, put down the weapon!" The guard with the rifle pushed the muzzle forward and said with emphasis.

Seeing this, Lu Qing took a step back, shook her head and said:
"That's absolutely not okay, I can't trust you guys."

"what happened?"

"Is it a scavenger?"

What happened here attracted a lot of people, and all kinds of figures of men, women and children gathered together and looked towards her, eyes full of vigilance and vigilance.

"There are still old people and children in the convoy?" Lu Qing glanced at the situation over there, and asked with some doubts in her heart.

And just as Lu Qing and the guards were in a stalemate, a burly man walked over from the crowd.

"What are you all doing here, all of you like to watch the excitement so much?"

The brawny man obviously had a high reputation in the convoy. After he finished speaking, the crowd gathered here quickly dispersed on their own.

After dealing with the crowd, the strong man came to Lu Qing's side and asked the guards, "What's going on?"

"Report to the captain, this person does not cooperate with our inspection!" The guard said to the strong man.

"I can't throw away the weapon in my hand. With so many people here, are you still afraid of me making trouble?" Lu Qing said loudly.

When the guards heard Lu Qing's words, they immediately turned around and retorted: "This is the rule!"

"Okay, then I'll do it another way."

Lu Qing looked at the strong man and said, "I just want to get some food and a map. I can exchange what I have on my body."

After all, there is something to ask for, so Lu Qing's tone softened, and she said: "I have some gold on me, I think I can exchange them for what I want."

Of course, the gold was obtained in the last dream. Before the dream ended, Shanara gave Lu Qing a large amount of gold coins, thinking that it would be useless if the dream ended anyway.

Of course, these gold coins are only limited to the level of stuffing Lu Qing's wallet.

"Hey lady, now that we've seen you, do you think it's possible for us to let you go?" said the guard.

"What do you mean?" Lu Qing looked at the guards and asked.

She really didn't know what the other party meant by this sentence. Originally, according to her idea, if it was just in exchange for some food, there should be no problem.

"Could it be that this team is doing something shady? Or are they eyeing the gold coins on me?"

Lu Qing's brain was thinking quickly, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Okay, calm down."

The strong man spoke at this time, he looked at Lu Qing, and said: "Madam, for some reason, when you saw us, it was impossible for us to let you go, I'm sorry about that. "

"But please rest assured that we will not hurt you. If we really want to do this, we will have killed you as soon as we saw you, so we also hope that you can cooperate with us and hand over your weapons for the time being Keep it with us."

"As for the food and water you mentioned, as long as you are willing to hand over your weapons, we will provide them for you. We will even send you to where you are going after we confirm that you have no problems."


To be honest, the sincerity of the other party is actually very great. If Lu Qing is really a traveler who got lost in the desert, he might have handed over all the weapons on his body by this time.

But for Lu Qing, the weapons on her body are very precious, if it is not necessary, she really does not want to hand over the weapons.

After thinking for a while, Lu Qing finally thought of the reason for her refusal.

"Well, although what you said is indeed true, sometimes, for a person, especially a woman, it's hard for me to trust strangers in the wild. Can you understand me when I say that?"

While Lu Qing was speaking, she also put down the hood on her head, revealing her long silver hair and immature face.

The nearby guards and strong men were taken aback when they saw Lu Qing's appearance. Why, because Lu Qing's appearance, in their eyes, was just like those in textbooks, old photos from the old era of female students in general.

The strong man had fantasized about the peaceful era recorded in history and textbooks more than once, until the moment he saw Lu Qing, he seemed to have traveled to that era for a moment.

It was an era of order, everyone lived a peaceful life, just as beautiful as recorded in the books.

(End of this chapter)

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