The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 136 Fluid Vegetarian Liquid

Chapter 136 Fluid Vegetarian Liquid (Peanut Flavor)

"How old is this year?"

"19." Lu Qing lied without blushing.

Anyway, no one in this team knows her real age, so of course I have to say I am younger~
"19 years old? I thought you weren't an adult yet?" The strong man said with an incredulous expression.


"It's careless, it should be a little smaller." Lu Qing said speechlessly in her heart.

Glancing at Lu Qing with some headaches, the strong man scratched his head, and then said to the search team on the side: "Let her in, without a gun, it's not a threat."


Looking a little embarrassed, he glanced at his captain, and the search team looked at Lu Qing, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"Relax, she's just a little girl, she probably hasn't even killed anyone, so there's nothing to be afraid of." The strong man patted the search team member on the shoulder and whispered.

Except for the children, everyone in the convoy had guns on their bodies. It would be too naive to want to kill someone with just a cold weapon.

Even those old men in the convoy whose physical fitness is not as good as before have rich combat experience, so there is basically nothing to worry about safety issues.

The reason why weapons are confiscated is just to be wary of strangers, but usually guns are confiscated. How can anyone carry cold weapons on their body in this day and age.

"Come with me." The strong man said to Lu Qing.

"Thank you for your kindness." Lu Qing followed behind the strong man.

"You're welcome, in the wilderness you can only survive if you have many friends." said the strong man walking in front.

"What's your name?" the strong man asked.

"My name is." After a pause, Lu Qing said: "Lu Yi, Xiao Lu's Lu, Yi next to me alone."

"What's next to the single person?" The strong man asked curiously.


Lu Qing froze for a moment, then quickly reacted and said: "Don't worry, it's not something important."

Because this dream is an artificial dream, the language used in the dream is the lingua franca of the real world. Lu Qing just casually said the word solitary, but obviously, there is no such thing as solitary in this world. A kind of Chinese character radical.

"Then if I want to remember some secrets of my own in the future, can I write them in Chinese characters?" Lu Qing thought a little out of the blue.

Seeing that Lu Qing didn't want to talk, the strong man didn't continue to ask, but said:

"My name is Victor, the person in charge of this team, if you have anything to do in the team, you can come to me."

"Now, you follow up first, I will take you to register."

In the middle of speaking, Victor stopped and saw Lu Qing staring at a food delivery truck not far away.

A large number of people lined up in front of the food delivery truck to take boxes of boxed meals from the aunt who served them.


The stomach that had not eaten or drank for four days protested, Lu Qing stretched out her small tongue and licked her chapped lips, feeling even hungrier.

"Would you like to have a meal first?" Victor said beside Lu Qing.


Nodding softly, Lu Qing followed the strong man to the front of the food delivery truck. Seeing this, the aunt in charge of cooking hurriedly said hello, "It's Victor, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Glancing at the sign hanging on the food truck, Victor thought for a while and said, "French fries, a medium glass of Coke, two sausages, a piece of steak, and a bowl of wontons."

"Okay, I'll write it down." The aunt nodded, and then her face changed suddenly, and she said:
"Go to the back and queue up. Next time you don't queue up, come and order. Be careful I'll hit you on the head with a spoon!"


Victor laughed dryly, looked at Lu Qing and explained: "Her name is Lu Yi, I actually came here for her, she hasn't eaten for many days."

"I can line up." Lu Qing felt that the people nearby seemed to be looking at her, so she said hastily.

The aunt glanced at Lu Qing, then looked at Victor and asked, "Is she the outsider the guards are talking about?"

"Well, after checking that there is no problem, I let it in." Victor nodded.

"Hmph, what's wrong with such a small child." The aunt snorted softly.

"Haha, that's what you said."

Victor obviously didn't want to explain too much to his aunt Misandra. After all, the entire team knew that Aunt Misandra liked children very much, and she would just scold her if she retorted at this time.

Misandra obviously knew that Victor was perfunctory her, but she didn't say anything. She glanced at Lu Qing, her face softened a lot, and said, "Little girl, come here."

Lu Qing obediently stepped forward and came to Missandra.

"Well, let me see."

Misandra touched Lu Qing's abdomen with her left hand, and the mechanical surface on the palm began to work, and Lu Qing had no other thoughts except embarrassment at this time.

After a while, Misandra withdrew her hand. Looking at the data displayed on her retina, she frowned and said:
"This is too bad, boy, your willpower is amazing."

The feeling of an empty stomach will definitely not be good. Coupled with such a long period of hunger, many organs in Lu Qing’s body have become a little weak. Misandra relied on the prosthetic device installed in her left hand to easily move the These all checked out.

Of course, this examination actually has another purpose, which is to check whether there are any modified organs in Lu Qing's body, and judging from the current examination results, all the organs in Lu Qing's body are original .

"We can start the next step." Misandra stretched out her left hand and said, "Come, hold my hand."

Without any hesitation, Lu Qing grasped Misandra's palm.

Subconsciously frowned, Lu Qing felt as if something had pricked her palm.

But after the palm was released, there was no wound at all.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just checking your blood." Misandra smiled softly.

"Ahem, Miss Lu Yi probably won't follow the convoy in the future, Missandra, you don't need to have your blood checked." Victor said at this time.

"Oh, if you didn't say it earlier, what a fart you are after I'm done." Misandra glared at Victor angrily and said.

While speaking, Misandra bent down, took out a clean white packaging bag, and skillfully tore open the outer packaging.

"You can't eat this kind of rough food if you've been hungry for too long, but I haven't prepared it in advance, so you can only eat this, little girl."

Saying that, Misandra took out the contents of the packing bag and handed it to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing took what Misandra sent, and found that it was still a prop with attributes.

[Prop Name: Fluid Instant Food Liquid (Peanut Flavor)]

 Thanks to the following friends who supported the subscription on the first day, Buming and Luqing will remember everyone!

  Capstone Apprenticeship with Aboriginal Gods
  pet master

  Reborn Infinite Dragon

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  Luo Qianxi

  War Fort 9

  Star Taoist
  half moon v
  Book Friends 141230175702107
  Taishang Wangqing Moral Heavenly Venerable
  Helpless! !

  frosty night
(End of this chapter)

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