The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 137 Refuse the invitation

Chapter 137 Refuse the invitation

[Prop Name: Fluid Instant Food Liquid (Peanut Flavor)]

[prop quality: white]

[Introduction: Fluid instant food liquid, a semi-fluid that tastes more viscous than jelly, is the best nutrient when wandering in the wild, and can quickly restore physical strength. 】

[However, there are very few people who like this thing, because compared with traditional food, the taste of liquid instant food liquid is very ordinary, even adding various flavors will not help. 】

[Skill: Quick Reply]

[Quick Reply: The instant liquid prepared by the experienced blender Misandra herself has a recovery speed 1.5 times that of ordinary instant liquid! 】

[Remarks: Why is it peanut flavor, I prefer tomato! — from a muscular man who did not want to be named. 】

"Thank you." Lu Qing thanked.

Since there is a notice board explaining it, Lu Qing will not ask what it is. In this world, it might be strange if you don't know about instant food liquid.

"Okay, you can go down first, there are still a lot of people waiting in line to eat." Misandra said, looking at the impatient crowd.

"En." Victor nodded, and then said to Misandra: "Then let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left the food delivery car.

Seeing this, Lu Qing hurriedly followed. Although in the previous dream of the opera house, she was watched by many audiences, but that time she only saw the audience below when the opera was over.

Therefore, the tension at that time was actually not much, after all, the lights were quite dark.
But now it's different, she has misunderstood someone else, and then is regarded as the focus, she has long wanted to leave here quickly.

Misandra looked at Victor's leaving figure for a while, then shook her head and said:

"Brat, is work more important than food?"

"Mr. Victor and Ms. Misandra have a very good relationship." Lu Qing followed behind Victor and said with a slightly subtle expression.

"You don't think I'm the person in charge of the team?" Victor said with a smile.

"Well, almost." Lu Qing nodded and said.

Logically speaking, as a leader or something, one must maintain dignity in front of his subordinates.

But just now, let alone majesty, Victor was like a junior in front of Misandra.

"I do that to everyone in our team," said Victor:

"They see me as the leader of the team, but at the same time, I'm their family."

Turning his head, Victor had a proud smile on his face, and said:
"We are a family!"


Lu Qing chose to shut up at this time, and after a moment of silence, she asked Victor:

"How do I open this thing?"

She has been looking for this metal can for a long time, but she has not found a place that can be opened. The only strange place she found is a joint under the can.

"It's impossible to plug in some kind of interface to open it." Lu Qing's mouth twitched slightly as she thought.

To be honest, she thought she might have guessed right, otherwise she really couldn't figure out what this interface was for.

"Just plug it in with your implant port."

Sure enough, Victor's words confirmed Lu Qing's thoughts, and she could only say helplessly:
"I don't have an implant."

Well, not only nothing, she didn't even know what an implant was, but she just roughly guessed some from the name.

"You don't have an implant?" Victor paused in front of him, then turned around and stretched out his hand:
"Then let me open it for you."


Lu Qing stretched out her hand to hand over the instant food liquid, and seeing the other party stretch out her left hand, she then pulled out a data cable from under the palm of her left hand and inserted it under the instant food liquid jar.

With some gas visible to the naked eye, the stopper in the center of the jar loosened upwards.

"Here." Victor handed over the instant food liquid.

After receiving the instant food liquid from Victor, Lu Qing looked at Victor curiously, wondering why the other party didn't ask her about the implant.

She originally thought that the other party would ask, could it be that she was wrong in her judgment?
She thought it would be a very strange thing in this world without implants.

After all, even a can of instant liquid needs an implant to open. It is hard to imagine how troublesome life in the city will be without the implant.

And just when Lu Qing thought so, Victor who was walking in front suddenly said:

"Implants are items that every normal citizen will implant after birth, but the free ones are the lowest level."

"As long as parents with some money will implant higher-level implants for their children."

"In addition, the implants can be upgraded. If you have money in the future, you can upgrade higher-level implants."

Victor didn't speak fast, but every word he said made Lu Qing's mood worse.

It seems that in this world, the implant is like an ID card. Without the implant, it would be very difficult for her to act in the future.

"So, most of the people without implants are black households, right?" Lu Qing couldn't help asking.

"That's right, once you are found out, you will be taken away for investigation, and for black households, there is no human rights. It will not be illegal for others to kill you. At the same time, when the police are handling the case, they are allowed to kill you directly."

"So what do you want to tell me?" Lu Qing asked.

"What I want to say is that you can join us, we can install implants for you, and besides that, we can also forge identification." Victor said his purpose.

"Would it do you any good to help me?" Lu Qing asked.

"Well, one more new family member." Victor touched his chin and said:
"Besides, we're not going to let you live and eat here for free. You also need to participate in the work of the team."

When Victor was speaking, he quietly paid attention to Lu Qing's expression.

In his opinion, it is almost impossible for the other party to refuse such an excellent condition.

As for why he wanted to help Lu Qing, on the one hand, of course, the more people in the team, the better. Victor, as the team leader, is still very concerned about the population of the team.

On the other hand, Victor really wanted to help the little girl in front of him.

He could imagine what it would be like for a little girl without a gun in this world, because he had seen it more than once.

What will happen to the people of the old era who wake up from the hibernation chamber?
However, for Victor's invitation, Lu Qing resolutely chose to decline after thinking for a while.

"Sorry, I have no intention of joining the team," she said.

PS: You may not believe me, my computer is broken, and the system disk has been destroyed. It took me a whole day to figure it out. In the next two months, I’m afraid I’ll have to use a notebook to code. . .

(End of this chapter)

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