Chapter 138 Cyberpunk

Of course there was a reason for Lu Qing's refusal.

Although the conditions given by Victor are very attractive, Lu Qing has her own things to do, so she definitely cannot follow the opponent's team.

After all, for her, completing the main goal of the dream is the most important thing.

And there are still six days left before the main goal of the first stage, and she needs to go to the night capital as soon as possible within these six days.

As for the implant problem, although Lu Qing hasn't thought of a solution yet, it doesn't matter, anyway, other players are like her, everyone is on the same starting line, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Anyway, headaches in the future will be a matter of the future, as long as she doesn't have headaches now.

And Victor, after Lu Qing refused, was also silent for a while, and said:
"You may not understand the current situation at all. It is very difficult for you to survive in this world. If you join our team, there is no pressure to survive."

Listening to Victor's persuasion, Lu Qing could only shake her head and said:
"I have something to do and I can't stay in your convoy."

"Can I ask what you're going to do?" Victor asked tentatively.

Nodding her head, Lu Qing had no intention of hiding anything, and said, "I'm going to the Capital of the Night."


After hearing Lu Qing's words, the expression on Victor's face suddenly became a little strange. After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"The destination of our convoy this time is the capital of the night."


Lu Qing looked at Victor in surprise, never expecting things to turn out like this.

"The nearest and most developed city is the Night City. Where else could our destination be?" Victor said with a smile, looking at Lu Qing who was full of surprise.

After hearing Victor's words, Lu Qing thought about it, and then said:
"But even if this is the case, I can't join your team, because you will definitely leave the night capital in the future."

"This is true."

Victor nodded, and then asked a little unwillingly: "Is what you are going to do important?"

"It's very important, even if you die, you will never regret it." Lu Qing said seriously.

After all, if you don't get the first place, you must die in this dream.

At that time, it will depend on her own ranking. If she is not in the top [-], she will be punished by the system.

But this time the system punishment will not be too heavy, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Well, it does seem to be a very important matter." Victor looked at Lu Qing helplessly and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he returned to his normal expression and said:
"In this case, I can only wish you good luck, but our team can give you a ride."

"Thank you, I will reward you." Lu Qing nodded.

"Is it the gold you mentioned before?" Victor asked curiously.


Nodding her head, thinking about it, Lu Qing didn't have anything to hide, and opened the wallet at her waist a little, revealing the golden gold coins inside.

Seeing this, Victor just nodded slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he said:

"We are just giving you a ride. If you add the meal fee, you only need to give a little gold, but"

Just when Lu Qing thought that Victor was going to increase the price, she heard the other party say:
"If you sell gold, you can't enter a formal place without an implant. You can't always pay others gold in the future, right?"

"But if you go to less formal stores, the prices are usually very low, and you may be attacked."

"If you trust me, we can help you sell the gold."

"is that so."

Lu Qing rubbed her chin. She really didn't want to use gold for payment in the future. After all, there is still a difference between gold and money.

Thinking about it this way, giving the gold to Victor for sale seems to be the right choice.


"What price do I need to pay?" Lu Qing asked.

Regardless of whether Victor's intentions are good or not, the payment will always be paid.

Brothers have to settle their accounts clearly, and Lu Qing doesn't intend to owe others favors.

Victor, who was already a little familiar with Lu Qing's character, obviously guessed that Lu Qing would ask such a question, so he quickly replied:

"We will charge a certain handling fee for the gold sold."


Lu Qing nodded, and then asked: "So when will I give you the gold?"

The gold on her body is not much, but it is only a big bag. Although Victor has said that he will charge a handling fee, but in the end it is only Lu Qing who benefits the most.

Therefore, Lu Qing has actually taken advantage of Victor, but there is nothing Lu Qing can do about it. After all, this big bag of gold always has to be disposed of in the end.

Fortunately, she paid a handling fee, so although it took a small advantage, it was not as troublesome as a favor.

Just treat it as a little help from a friend.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing suppressed the feeling of embarrassment in her heart, although, they were just getting acquainted, so they might not be considered friends at all.

As for Victor, he didn't think too much about it, after all, he was aiming at helping Lu Qing from the beginning.

"You can just give it to me when you arrive at the Capital of the Night," Victor said.


After Lu Qing said "um", the conversation between the two ended.

Walking quietly in the camp, Lu Qing followed Victor and drank the peanut-flavored instant food liquid in her hand.

The taste is the same as the notice board said, not very good, but it is indeed first-class in terms of satiety and recovery of physical strength.

After drinking, Lu Qing felt much more refreshed.

But if you want to completely get rid of the weak state, I'm afraid you still need to get a good night's sleep.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing followed Victor to a large mobile vehicle.

After entering the vehicle, Lu Qing was surprised to find that there were many staff inside.

"This is the general command room of the entire team, and the affairs of the entire team are handled here." Victor explained.

He brought Lu Qing to a counter and registered Lu Qing's information.

Well, I said it was a registration, but I didn’t actually register anything, I just uploaded my name and appearance information.

Later, relying on this system, the computer automatically allocated an empty tent to Lu Qing.

In order to prevent Lu Qing from not knowing the way, in the end it was the tent arranged by the system that Victor took Lu Qing to.

And the one who lives in the same tent as Lu Qing is a white lady, whose entire arm has been replaced with a mechanical arm, which looks quite punk.

Combining everything he has seen before, Lu Qing can be sure that the dream dungeon this time should come from a world similar to cyberpunk style.

(End of this chapter)

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