The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 139 The Uninvited Guest at Night

Chapter 139 The Uninvited Guest at Night

What is Cyberpunk?

Lu Qing couldn't think clearly for a while.

She just felt that she seemed to have a deep impression on this vocabulary.

At the same time, it seems that the things in front of me can indeed be described as cyberpunk.

Shaking her head, throwing away all the thoughts and thoughts in her mind, Lu Qing looked at her roommate?

Well, those who live in the same dormitory are called roommates, and those who live in the same tent are called Pengyou.

Keke, no kidding.

The other party is a white lady, I don't know if it's American or what, but she looks quite white anyway.

Lu Qing had a conversation with her, and finally found that the two of them really had nothing in common.

There is no way, after all, they are not from the same world, and the values ​​and things they know are too far apart, so it is difficult to have anything to talk about together.

But despite this, the Caucasian lady's attitude towards Lu Qing was still very friendly.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Lu Qing always feels that the other party seems to be observing her intentionally or unconsciously.

Although Lu Qing felt a little awkward about this, she didn't know how to speak, so she could only let the other party watch.

Anyway, you won't lose a piece of meat when you are watched, so just watch it.

Thinking of this, after the night fell, Lu Qing curled up in her sleeping bag and fell into a deep sleep.

After walking in the wilderness for four full days without eating or drinking, she was really exhausted. At this time, she was lying in the warm tent, but she lost consciousness after a while.

Time flies pretty fast, three days have passed since Lu Qing joined the team.

For Lu Qing, nothing important happened in these three days.

It's nothing more than eating, drinking, and sleeping on the road.

I don't know many people in the convoy, and Lu Qing doesn't plan to communicate with too many people. After all, she will leave the convoy after she arrives in the capital of the night.

And now, according to Victor, the whole convoy is only half a day away from the Night Capital.

But before entering the night capital, they need to go to the small town outside the night capital to rest for a night, and then enter the night capital.

Lu Qing has no objection to this. Anyway, there is still plenty of time before the main goal of the first stage is completed.

But there is one thing she actually cares about, that is, she is a little curious whether she will meet other players in the town.

After all, everyone is going to enter the night capital, and there may be other players staying in the small town outside the night capital.

However, Lu Qing is not very sure about this. After all, not all players have to follow a whole convoy to settle down in a small town outside the capital of the night.

Maybe they entered the capital of night directly.

Thinking of this, some buildings gradually appeared on the horizon in the distance. If you look with eagle eyes, you can see the words written on the sign erected in the small town.

"Welcome to Hank Town!"

The convoy of more than 3000 people was still very conspicuous, and a large number of people gathered in front of the town soon.

However, Victor had obviously greeted the mayor of the town long ago. After a while, the people gathered in front of the town were dispersed by the police station in the town.

The convoy stopped next to the town, preparing to spend the night.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, Lu Qing always feels that there seems to be something weird about the town, but she can't tell.

Staring at the direction of the town, after observing carefully for a while, Lu Qing finally noticed something was wrong.

Too quiet.

Even if it was almost night, the town shouldn't be so quiet.

There are almost no people on the street, and even the residents of these small towns don't turn on the lights after it gets dark!

And at this time, the notice board in her brain suddenly vibrated.

[You have noticed that something is wrong with the town. If you think about it carefully, you will find that the townspeople during the day, when the convoy arrived, had a sense of fear hidden in their eyes. A threat that can be eliminated by a convoy of outsiders. 】

[Trigger the secondary target! 】

[Eliminate the uninvited guests at night! 】

[Residents in the small town are very afraid of the night recently, because in the past month, every time it is night, there will be a terrifying howling sound. In the first few days, there was no problem, and everyone thought it was A bastard’s prank, until several victims appeared in the next few days. They were disembowelled and their faces were full of horror, as if they had seen something horrible before they died.]

"It actually triggered the secondary target?"

Lu Qing looked at the notice board in surprise, but she didn't expect the secondary target to be triggered just like that.

It seems that the system seems to want each player to have a different secondary goal, so this kind of pattern that needs to be triggered has been made.

"It's not so easy to handle." Lu Qing frowned and thought.

Since the system has already said that there will be an unexpected guest at night, then the other party will definitely come, but the problem is, Lu Qing has no idea what this unexpected guest is, whether it is serious or not.

Anyway, she felt she had to inform Victor.

Avoid when these uninvited guests come, the team can not make any response.

As for how to talk to Victor about this matter, Lu Qing felt that she needed to think carefully about it.

It's not difficult to find Victor, you just need to find the guard of the convoy and say something.

After Lu Qing greeted the guard, she asked the guard to call Victor, saying that there was something important.

And because Victor had told the guards under him not to refuse if Lu Qing wanted to find him, the guards simply notified Victor.

But even so, when Lu Qing saw Victor, 10 minutes had passed.

"I heard from the guard that you have something important to tell me?" Victor said straight to the point.

"En." Lu Qing nodded and said:
"There's something wrong with this town."

"What's the problem?" Victor asked suspiciously.

He originally thought that Lu Qing called him to change his mind, but he didn't expect that Lu Qing would tell him that there was a problem in this town.

"When the townspeople came before, I found that they looked at us as if they were looking at the dead. In addition, I also found some blood, traces of something being dragged, and some The place where the soil was dug up and then buried." Lu Qing said.

These are of course lies. Although there was indeed a period of time before when she was able to move freely around the town, Lu Qing did not conduct such a careful investigation around the town at that time.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, Victor also became serious. He thought about it carefully and found that everyone in the town, including the police, seemed to be fully armed with weapons on their bodies. Now, the town No one turned on the lights inside.

Combined with what Lu Qing said, the more Victor thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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