The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 141 One knife seals the throat!

Chapter 141 Sealing the Throat with a Knife!

Victor looked at those hairy monsters in shock. Although he was mentally prepared after being reminded by Lu Qing, he never expected that the legendary werewolves who attacked them turned out to be.

"damn it!"

With a curse in his mouth, Victor quickly connected to the news channels of all the guards.

"Everyone stood up to me. Ordinary team members can't stop these monsters. Those who are still coming here can see if they can bring flamethrowers and RPGs!"

Judging from the current situation, ordinary gun bullets can do very little damage to these werewolves, and if you use grenades, it doesn't matter if you can blow up these agile monsters. In such a close situation, it's not bad if you don't blow yourself up up.

As for the flamethrower, Victor actually only asked him to bring it with the attitude of trying it out.

Mainly still depends on RPG.

Don't think that the flight speed of RPG is very slow. Although compared with bullets, the speed of RPG rockets is indeed much slower, but it is not something that people can avoid.

As for whether these werewolves can escape, Victor is not sure, but you always have to try everything, how do you know if you haven't tried it?
As for whether it will blow up the convoy, there is nothing to worry about. As long as you stand in the direction of the convoy and launch towards the werewolf, even if you are dodged, you will not be blown into the convoy's camp.

What, you said there is a possibility of falling into a small town?
Hehe, these townspeople obviously knew there was something wrong at night, but they didn't give them any warning. They deserved to be bombed.

What's more, it may not necessarily explode.

Putting the team and the town together, Victor obviously cared more about the team.

Looking at the raging monsters with a headache, Victor picked up his weapon and rushed up together.

Being able to become the leader of the convoy and the leader of all the guards, Victor's combat effectiveness is naturally not low.

The power-enhancing prosthesis has enhanced his strength, and the eye prosthesis allows him to see enemies clearly in the dark, and uses infrared light for scanning and tracking.

What's more, he can also use the computer to calculate the trajectory of the bullet, so as to control the direction of the bullet's ejection.

But these, in the face of these werewolves who are physically strong and not afraid of guns at all, they seem too weak.

But there is no way, they can only hold on until the support troops behind arrive.

Because behind them are ordinary team members, their family members!
"Fuck me to death!"

Victor held a giant shotgun and shot wildly at the head of the werewolf in front of him.

The deafening gunshots almost shattered people's eardrums, and the large-caliber shotgun bullets bombarded the werewolf's face like shells.

It wasn't until Victor emptied all the bullets in the magazine that the corpse of the werewolf in front of him slowly knelt down, and his entire face was smashed to pieces by the large-caliber shotgun bullets.


Seeing this, Victor finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his confidence in RPG was even stronger.

However, not everyone has Victor's unique custom-made giant shotgun. When Victor killed a werewolf, many guards had already lost their fighting ability.

"Damn it, damn it, don't come here!"

At this time, a guard was holding a machine gun and was attacking the monster in front of him with a terrified face. However, no matter how he shot, the monster in front of him would not die and ran towards him quickly.


The sudden sound from the machine gun froze the guard's face, followed by deep despair.

The bullet in the magazine was empty, and in such a short time, it was almost impossible to reload.

"Hastily, so hastily!"

The guards reloaded the ammunition full of curses, but because of fear, the clips in their hands fell to the ground. At the same time, the werewolf had already rushed in front of him.

At this moment, the guards could already smell the stench from the opponent's mouth, and the huge white teeth seemed to bite off his neck in the next moment.

And at this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and a bright silver throwing knife was thrust into the werewolf's eye socket.


The werewolf's charging movement stopped immediately, and the opponent roared in pain. At this moment, Lu Qing, who had already arrived at the scene, rushed out from behind the guards with a mithril dagger in his hand, and slashed the werewolf's neck open!

A large amount of black and red blood gushed out and splashed onto Lu Qing's palm and chin.

As for the blood that fell on the cloak, it just slid down and didn't stick to the cloak.


The huge body of the werewolf landed on the ground, Lu Qing bent down and pulled out the throwing knife from the opponent's eye socket, turned to look at the guard behind him, unexpectedly found that it was the one who blocked her before.

"Are you OK."

At this time, the other party looked at her as if she was stupid, which made Lu Qing feel a little worried, maybe the child was scared stupid.

"Ah, no, it's fine."

At this moment, the guard almost came to his senses. He first glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then at Lu Qing, his heart was full of complexities.

He never thought that in this desperate time, the person who saved him would be Lu Qing.

While being surprised by Lu Qing's strength, thinking of how he made things difficult for the opponent before, the guards couldn't tell what it was like in their hearts.

Although he was only doing things according to his own duties, it is a fact that Lu Qing saved him, no matter what, thanks are still needed.

But before he could thank him, Lu Qing's figure had already disappeared from before him.


He opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything. The guard looked at the magazine clip that fell on the ground, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Picking up the clip again, the guard stood up and inserted the clip into the butt.

The werewolf hasn't been wiped out yet, his comrades are still fighting, and it's not time for him to rest yet!
At the same time, in the live broadcast room, after Lu Qing killed the werewolf cleanly.

[Fuck, isn't this the girl from the beginning? 】

【handsome! 】

[Seal your throat with a knife, what a dick! 】

[A werewolf who can't be killed by guns can be killed in seconds with a single blow, it's too strong. 】

[I bet, this girl must be very beautiful, if not, I will broadcast it live! 】

[Not so not so. 】

[Good guy, I call him good guy! 】

[Within 10 minutes, I want all the information about this woman [doge]]

Li Mu looked at the barrage, then at Lu Qing's back on the screen in the live broadcast room, and squinted his eyes.

When he saw Lu Qing again in the live broadcast room, he was even more convinced that he had definitely seen him somewhere.

But now it's just this feeling. Before the other party took off the cloak, no matter what Li Mu thought, he couldn't think of it.

As for Lu Qing, who was running towards the next werewolf at this time, she naturally knew nothing about what happened in the live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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