The dream of this world has big problems

Chapter 142 Silver Moon Wolf King

Chapter 142 Silver Moon Wolf King

Lu Qing turned the dagger that stabbed into the werewolf's back with a blank expression, and pulled the dagger out of the werewolf's body after seeing that the other party had completely stopped moving.

This werewolf was dealt with by her quietly groping behind her. She pierced the heart with a knife, and was killed by her without any reaction.

These werewolves seem to be counted among the evil creatures, and the Mithril Dagger has a pretty good effect on destroying evil.

Ignoring the guards with guns at the side, Lu Qing looked around and picked the next target.

There are more than 30 of these werewolves. Although the damage caused by ordinary firearms is quite limited, they can still cause damage.

And because the bodies of the guards on the scene have undergone some modifications, coupled with the weapons in their hands, there is no problem in persisting for a period of time.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing quietly hid in the darkness, and groped towards another werewolf.

Let's deal with these scattered werewolves first, and then deal with those who are gathered together until the end.

After all, she only has a dagger and some throwing knives in her hand, and Lu Qing doesn't know how much she can do, so it's better to be cautious when doing things.

But things were destined not to go as smoothly as she thought, just when Lu Qing wanted to sneak attack and finish off the third werewolf, she was alerted by the other party in the middle of approaching.

"Is it the smell of blood on my body?" Lu Qing thought as she looked at the werewolf in front of her who was on guard against her.

Relying on the concealment skills attached to the cards, it was almost impossible for these werewolves to find themselves, but the two werewolves killed before made her hands and body inevitably stained with some blood.

Although the smell of blood in the air could help Lu Qing cover up her own smell, when she got close, she was inevitably discovered by the other party.

"Since it has been discovered, there is nothing to do."

Skillfully turning the saber flower in her hand, Lu Qing quickly rushed towards the werewolf.


An angry howl sounded, and three wolf fingers with sharp claws fell to the ground.

In order to avoid the screams from attracting other nearby werewolves to get in the way, Lu Qing clenched her dagger tightly, preparing to kill the werewolf in front of her as soon as possible.

Taking a big step forward, Lu Qing came in front of the werewolf and slashed at the werewolf's neck!
It can be predicted that if she hits this knife, the werewolf in front of her will definitely die instantly.

And in this life-and-death crisis, the werewolf in front of him also reacted quickly. Its eyes were filled with blood-red bloodshot eyes, and it didn't retreat at all. Sunny bit over.


Lu Qing never expected that the other party would launch a counterattack against her in such a way, and she had no time to think about the next countermeasures.

In desperation, before the opponent bit her, Lu Qing imitated the werewolf's way of dodging her own attack, tilting her neck to avoid the opponent's bite!

Without time to think, Lu Qing swung the mithril dagger in her hand and slashed open the werewolf's neck.


The corpse knelt down on the ground weakly, and then fell on Lu Qing's body.


With her heart beating non-stop, Lu Qing took two deep breaths and pushed the opponent's body off her body.

"The feeling just now, is it body manipulation?"

Lu Qing recalled the twisted angle when she avoided the opponent's attack just now, and felt a dull pain in her neck.

"It's still careless." Lu Qing reflected.

The two werewolves she had killed before made her a little flustered. She felt that werewolves were nothing more than that, but she almost overturned the car.

But now that I think about it, I could actually use the shield blessed by the ice elves to block the attack just now.

But because she was too nervous just now, she forgot
Standing up again, Lu Qing looked at the werewolf's body, and then at herself. Except for the place covered by the dexterous cloak, the rest of the place was stained with dark red blood.

"I must take a shower afterwards." Lu Qing thought as she looked at her dirty body.


In the distance, a wolf howl suddenly sounded, and immediately after that, every werewolf started to growl towards the sky.

Just when Lu Qing wondered what these werewolves were doing, a pure white full moon emerged from the dark clouds.


Lu Qing was slightly taken aback, and the broken memories in her mind began to reorganize.

"Werewolf, Moon"

Muttering such words in her mouth, Lu Qing's face suddenly changed.

"Oh no!"

Werewolves become stronger when illuminated by the moon's light, especially when the moon is full!
Lu Qing came to the place where the battle was most intense, and Victor was here at this time, and they were fighting with a dozen werewolves at this time.

I saw that under the moonlight, the size of these werewolves became much larger than before.

The bullets from the rifles hit these werewolves, and they were actually stuck in the muscles, and then fell to the ground one after another.

And those small wounds are recovering quickly with the moonlight.

At this moment, the place was about to be overwhelmed, and just when Victor was thinking of retreating, the guards behind finally arrived with flamethrowers and bazookas.

"It's finally fucking here!" Seeing this, Victor's expression suddenly became agitated.

"All cover the members holding RPGs!" Victor shouted in the channel.


A werewolf was hit head-on by an RPG missile, and the violent explosion produced a crimson fireball that soared up.


There was a growl, and the wounded werewolf crawled out of the flames.

His gray-black hair had been burned clean, and blood was flowing all over his body, but before he could continue walking forward, another rocket was fed into the werewolf's mouth.

Fortunately, this time, the other party stopped completely, and the corpse lay on the ground exuding a burnt smell.

Such a result excited everyone at the scene. Under the cover of flamethrowers, rockets hit these werewolves one after another.

"It seems that I don't need me anymore." Seeing this, Lu Qing, who was hiding aside, thought slightly relieved.

However, at this moment, a high-pitched wolf howl sounded from a distance, and a sturdy werewolf exuding an inexplicable sacred aura walked over from a distance.

The opponent was noticed by the guards almost as soon as he appeared, and a rocket hit him directly.


One paw exploded the rocket, and when the smoke dissipated, the opponent's intact body was revealed.

The ferocious vertical pupil glanced at the member who fired the rocket, and the opponent's body exploded with terrifying speed and strength, knocking all the members who blocked the way into the air, and then grabbed that member in half with one claw!
After shaking off the blood in his hand, the silver-white werewolf raised his head and roared again at the moon in the sky.



Seeing this, the werewolves around all showed a gesture of surrender, raised their heads and roared. Obviously, the silver-white giant wolf bathed in the moonlight is the wolf king among these werewolves right now!
(End of this chapter)

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