Chapter 150 The Workshop

PS: This chapter is blocked. When you see it, it is a modified version. I am very sorry for readers who have encountered reading problems.

"What is prosthesis mania?" Lu Qing asked looking at what was happening before her eyes.

On the street, a group of people were frantically shooting at the surrounding objects, whether they were pedestrians or vehicles, all of them were blown up by their weapons.

Hearing Lu Qing's words, the driver controlled the taxi to back up slowly, and said:
"I don't know very well, I just know that this kind of person will attack others crazily and become very nervous."

"I remember this thing was mentioned on TV before. The reason seems to be related to the prosthetic body. For example, if you are infected with a virus, the prosthetic body program on your body is wrong, which leads to the wrong secretion of chemical components in the body."

"In short, these guys are dangerous, you must stay away, someone will come to clean them up after a while."

Just as the driver finished speaking, a fully armed armored hover vehicle flew over from the sky in the distance. It was the special security force of the Night Capital.

"It looks like this matter is about to be resolved." Seeing this, the driver relaxed his body and said.

Lu Qing didn't speak, just quietly watched what happened at the scene.

The appearance of the armored hover vehicle directly aroused the attacks of these prosthetic maniacs, but when the bullet hit it, there was no reaction other than a trace of sparks.

But these people didn't care about it at all, they laughed crazily and pulled the trigger on the hover car.

The result can be imagined
"Okay, it's settled, we're leaving here too." Seeing this, the driver drove the taxi towards another street.

The prosthetic body mania was just a small episode of Lu Qing's journey to the Bucky Armed Forces, and the same thing happened almost every day in this city.

Everyone is used to this kind of life, even Lu Qing, after getting off the taxi, she put this matter behind her.

She can't wait to get her first gun.

You know, in Lu Qing's memory, she has never seen anything related to firearms except for the toy guns she played with when she was a child.

But what Victor said was quite right, guns are really useless to her at the moment.

It's not that Lu Qing has swollen enough to think that the lethality of firearms is not as strong as her own knife, after all, she was dealing with werewolves before.

The reason why firearms are not very useful is entirely because these werewolves are not afraid of ordinary physical damage at all.

And Lu Qing was able to hurt these werewolves, but it was just taking advantage of the weapons.

In fact, if the bullets of the guard's firearms were replaced with silver bullets, I'm afraid Lu Qing would have nothing to do that night.

Um, I can't say that, even with silver warheads, it's probably impossible to deal with that wolf king.

Having said so much, then, why does Lu Qing think that firearms are of no use to her other than deterrence?
Of course it's because of marksmanship.

She has never touched a gun before, and how good her marksmanship can be, after buying it, she may really only hang it on her body to scare people.

However, spending money to buy weapons, but only hanging them on the body to scare people is a bit too wasteful. Lu Qing is prepared to practice marksmanship in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing pushed open the glass door of the shop, and walked into the interior of the shop.

As soon as he walked in, the various weapons hanging on the wall immediately attracted Lu Qing's attention.

Although she can only tell the type of each weapon by its appearance, and the specific parameters are completely unclear, but this does not prevent Lu Qing from admiring them.

"Welcome to come. You can buy weapons or install prosthetic bodies. Not all the goods are hung on the wall. If there is anything you want to find, you can ask me."

Sitting in front of the counter, a middle-aged strong man in a leather jacket, after seeing Lu Qing come in, said while wiping the shotgun in his hand without raising his head.

Hearing what the shop owner said, Lu Qing remembered her purpose of coming here, so she quickly took out the business card that Victor gave her, handed it to the other party and said:
"Well, Victor recommended me to come here. He said that your weapons here are very powerful."

The boss stopped what he was doing, raised his head, and looked at the business card Lu Qing handed him.

After confirming the authenticity of the business card, he put the shotgun back on the counter, stood up, and said:
"You are Lu Yi whom Victor called and told me about. Let's go. The weapons here are only sold to ordinary people."

"oh oh."

Lu Qing nodded, then hurriedly followed the pace of the shop owner, and walked towards the room next to him. Before leaving, she took a few more glances at the guns on the wall.

After entering the room, the lights in the room automatically turned on. Lu Qing looked at the furnishings in the room and felt that it was a bit like an operating room.

"This is the place where prosthetic bodies are installed for customers who buy prosthetic bodies." The store owner explained walking in front of Lu Qing.

After finishing speaking, he continued: "But this is not the place I want to take you to."

The shop owner came to a metal table in front of the wall, stretched out his hand and opened the drawer in the table, and then pressed his thumb on the fingerprint checker above the drawer.

Of course, Lu Qing didn't know this. In her opinion, the store owner just put his hand into the drawer and took it out again after a while.

And at the moment when the store owner took out his finger, the floor under the metal table suddenly knocked open, revealing a dark tunnel.

"Come with me."

The store owner took a look at Lu Qing, and then got into the tunnel. Seeing this, Lu Qing chose to follow after thinking for two seconds.

Climbing all the way down the stairs, Lu Qing opened her eagle eyes, and saw the shop owner groping for something in the dark, and pressed the switch on the wall.

Immediately, all the lights in the basement were illuminated, and a small workshop appeared in front of Lu Qing's eyes.

"This is my workshop, a place where I specialize in the production and manufacture of weapons." The shop owner said.

"Could it be that my weapon is going to be made here?" Lu Qing asked in surprise.

"That's right, the ones outside are for ordinary people or street gangsters, and the ones I want to sell to you are privately made." The shop owner said.

"I see."

Lu Qing nodded, and then asked curiously: "Did you make the whole gun by yourself?"


Nodding, the store owner took out a piece of paper and a pen, and asked Lu Qing, "So, what kind of weapon do you want?"


Lu Qing pondered for a long time, and after carefully considering her needs, said:
"I want a large-caliber pistol, which is very durable and easy to maintain. It will not necessarily break even if it is cut by a sword, and it is easy to carry."

(End of this chapter)

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