Chapter 151 M500
"Pistol, durable, not afraid of metal swords, and a large caliber."

Bucky quickly recorded Lu Qing's request on the paper, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Lu Qing, on the other hand, stood quietly by the side, not intending to disturb the other party.

There must be a reason for choosing a pistol.

That is, the pistol is very easy to carry, and for novices, it is indeed more convenient to use, and it also has a certain degree of concealment.

After all, you can't expect Lu Qing to carry a rifle or sniper rifle on her back.

Not to mention the difficulty of practice and maintenance and other issues, carrying such a large weapon on the body will still affect the action to some extent.

"Do you have any special prosthetic body installed on your body?" At this moment, Bucky who was thinking suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Uh, no." Lu Qing replied.


After thinking for a while, Bucky stood up, rummaged through the counter beside him, and took out a square metal object.

"Put your hand in front of this small hole." Bucky pointed to the small raised hole behind the square metal object.

Lu Qing didn't understand what the other party was going to do for a while, but silently stretched out her hand and placed it in front of the small hole.

A light blue light shone from the small hole, wrapping Lu Qing's entire palm.

Bucky looked at the data on the display and asked without raising his head, "How strong is your strength?"

"I don't know, but it must be better than ordinary people." Lu Qing thought for a while.

Her strength attribute has 11 points. She doesn't know how many ordinary people have, but it is definitely not as high as 11 points.

And the attribute of strength does not mean how much strength a little bit represents. The more you add, the stronger it will naturally be.

In addition, in the game forum, some bigwigs specifically said that in fact, the attribute of the physical body will also affect the attribute of strength to some extent.

The same power attribute, the power that can be exerted by people with different physical attributes is completely different.

Bucky didn't have any special props to test his strength here. After getting Lu Qing's answer, he didn't think too much, just sat in front of the table, stretched out his hand and said:
"Come on, break your wrist with me, and let me see how strong you are."

In this era, anyone who only judges the strength of others by their body shape is an idiot. After all, as long as they are individuals, they can equip themselves with prosthetic bodies that increase their strength.

There are even many people who may have prosthetic bodies all over their bodies under the bionic skin.

But even though it was true to say so, Lu Qing looked at Bucky who was sitting on the chair and ready to wrestle his wrists, and felt a little strange in his heart.

I can't say where exactly, but I feel a little subtle.

"If it's necessary." Lu Qing convinced herself in her heart, and sat opposite Bucky.

She stretched out her right hand and joined Bucky's strong palm.

Compared with Bucky's hand, Lu Qing's palm is very small. If there are bystanders here, they may subconsciously think that this is a crushed game.

However, the fact is that after Bucky said the beginning, the two men's arms trembled at each other and they froze together.

Although she was already prepared in her heart, when Lu Qing found that she could not overwhelm the strong man in front of her with all her strength, she was still a little surprised.

She still knows how strong her own power is. Logically speaking, normal human beings should not be able to compete with her power.

Unless the strong man in front of him is equipped with a prosthetic body that can increase his strength.

However, although the opponent's strength is great, Lu Qing is not a vegetarian, and her physique as high as 17 points provides her with sufficient confidence.

But at this moment, Bucky's heart was somewhat uneasy.

You know, as a ruthless character who can make firearms privately and sell them, the prosthetic bodies on Bucky are quite powerful, and they are all the latest top-notch products on the market.

With such a powerful prosthetic body, he couldn't overwhelm the girl in the first place?
After looking at the muscle strength analyzed on the implant information, Bucky was ready to stop the test.

After all, he just wanted to have a clear understanding of the girl's power.

However, at this moment, the force from Lu Qing's arm suddenly increased a lot, and Bucky was almost knocked down in shock.

Surprised, Bucky quickly unleashed all the power of the prosthetic body, forgetting to stop the test for a while.

On Lu Qing's side, after using the Florentine Eagle card, all the attributes of the body have been improved. Even if Bucky exploded with all the remaining strength, he could not stop Lu Qing's momentum to bring down the opponent.

That's right!

She used the card, and the clothes on her body automatically changed into Ezio's clothes, but under the cover of the system, Bucky didn't notice anything.

As for why use cards
It was a little hard to say it, and Lu Qing got angry.

Well, that's about it.

Because of the stalemate with the opponent, the competitive spirit in her heart caused Lu Qing to decisively use the power of the card after thinking for less than half a second.

Well, anyway, it can be used every day. If it is used today, it will be fine tomorrow. It is not for nothing.

Lu Qing convinced herself so.

However, there is one thing that Lu Qing doesn't know, that is, she is currently being broadcast live.
Because at this point in time, there happened to be nothing worth broadcasting, the system selected a few that were still watchable and played them.

Among them, the scene where Lu Qing and Bucky wrestled their arms was also played.

In the live broadcast room at this time, after Lu Qing used the card, the barrage instantly increased a lot.

【Are you angry? It feels so cute! 】

[Hmph, I will win whatever I say today! 】

【It's so cute, hurry up and let mom hug you. 】

[Male mothers are prohibited. 】

[Is this the cuteness of contrast?Love love love. 】


The back of Bucky's hand collided with the metal table, and he withdrew his palm in surprise. Bucky didn't expect that he would lose like this.

What's going on, wasn't it evenly matched before, why did they suddenly lose?
After thinking about this question in his mind for a while, Bucky came back to his senses, looking at the girl's pride that was still revealed under the cover of the hood, he was inexplicably speechless.

Forget it, don’t care, anyway, the specific value has been tested almost
"With this kind of strength, basically any gun can be used, so consider that it should be easy to carry."

Bucky thought about it in his heart, and quickly wrote a name on the drawing.

"Just learn from this old pistol," Bucky thought to himself.

The gel pen in her hand fell quickly, and Lu Qing looked over curiously, and found that the other party wrote a name on the paper that looked familiar.

M500 revolver pistol.

(End of this chapter)

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